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University Records Center

Human Resources Records

Office of Audit & Compliance, Office of the General Counsel, and the University Archives and Records Center (Effective January 2, 2001)

Formally Adopted by the President’s Advisory Committee on the University Archives and Records Center (April 11, 2002)

Formally Adopted by Resolution of the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania (June 17, 2011)

Employment Records
Records relating to taking of leave under Family Medical Leave Act 3 years
EEOC reports 5 years
EEO-1 7 years
Personnel files 7 years from termination
Polygraph test records 3 years
Training records 4 years
In-Service records 4 years
Educational programs 4 years
Records of workers employed under special certificates 3 years
Wage-hour administrator certificates and notices 5 years
Immigration records 3 years after hire or 1 year after termination, whichever is later
Attendance records 3 years
Other employment records 3 years
Occupational Safety and Health Records
Medical tests and screening required by law 30 years after employee termination
Records of personal or environmental monitoring of exposure to hazardous substances 30 years after employee termination
Employee records of significant adverse effect to health or environmental hazards 30 years after employee termination
Employee records of allegations concerning exposure to environmental hazards against employer 30 years after employee termination
Other employee health records 7 years after employee termination
Benefits; Pension Plans
Description of benefit plans, seniority or merit pay systems 1 year after term of plan
Pension plan descriptions and ERISA benefits 6 years
Union Organizing Records
Collective bargaining agreements 7 years from conclusion of contract
Reports of activities including payment, loans, promises to or agreements with union orgainizing activities 7 years from conclusion of contract
Records of activities related to union organization 7 years from conclusion of contract