Penn students along with others from Temple, Swarthmore, Villanova, Bryn Mawr, and Drexel protest against the University City Science Center on February 18, 1969. Published in Daily Pennsylvanian (2/19/1969)

Sociology lecturer Phillip Pochoda (left) and student leader Ira Harkavy (right)

Caption in Daily Pennsylvanian (2/19/1969): "Joe Mikuliak (left), leader of the College Hall sit in, tells President Harnwell to 'cut his jive and tell us straight, yes or no to our demands.'"

Published in Daily Pennsylvanian (2/19/1969)

Caption in Daily Pennsylvanian (2/20/1969): "Students distribute white arm bands which identify supporters of the demonstration."

Caption in Daily Pennsylvanian (2/20/1969): "The Rev. Edward Sims thanks demonstrators for their support."

Caption in Daily Pennsylvanian (2/21/1969): "Students Caucus at meeting with trustees."

Caption in Daily Pennsylvanian (2/21/1969: "A weary campus guard mans his post. Guards have been stationed in College Hall on a 24 hour basis since the demonstration began to maintain security and protect records."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "Halls filled at plenary recesses."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "Speakers won a thoughtful hearing."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "Studying had to be done."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "Clean-up time came regularly."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "A session with vice provost Russell."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "A session with vice provost Russell."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "Dr. Davies explained research policy."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "Dr. Ghandi defended moderate stance."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "Ira Harkavy addresses a plenary."

Feature in The Record, 1969

Feature in The Record, 1969

Feature in The Record, 1969

Feature in The Record, 1969

Feature in The Record, 1969

Feature in The Record, 1969

Feature in The Record, 1969

Feature in The Record, 1969

Caption in Daily Pennsylvanian (2/24/1969): "Jubilant students proclaim their victory as they accept the trustees' six proposals."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "Demonstrators cheer in College Hall 200 as the agreement with the Trustees is announced."

Caption in Pennsylvania Gazette (Mar 1969): "The happy demonstrators leave College Hall on a snowy night."