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Penn History

Selected Class Histories College Class of 1865 University Faculties 1861 – 1865

This exhibit was created by Mary D. McConaghy, with the assistance of Jennifer Reiss C '07, a University Archives Research Fellow during the summer of 2005.

From 1861 to 1865 the University of Pennsylvania consisted of these four faculties, whose professors are listed below:

  • Department of Arts (College)
    consisted of ten professors in the subjects of intellectual, moral and natural philosophy; the languages of French and German as well as Greek and Latin; English literature; chemistry; mathematics; and military drill. Three positions in American history, Italian, and chemistry (as applied to the arts) were unfilled.
  • Medical Department
    consisted of twelve professors in the subjects of anatomy, chemistry, materia medica, obstetrics, pharmacy, surgery, and the theory and practice of medicine. Three of these professors were emeritus.
  • Law Department
    consisted of three professors covering the subjects of constitutional, commercial, civil, and international law; of real estate, equity, and such practical matters as pleading and evidence.
  • College of Agriculture, Mines, Arts, and Mechanic Arts
    consisted of three professors in the subjects of civil engineering, mining, and geology, mineralogy and palaeontology. Chemistry, mathematics, natural philosophy, English literature and language, and fine arts were taught by professors with joint appointments in the College. Begun in 1852 with the first appointment of a Professor of Civil and Mining Engineering, this was still a new division of the University; six positions in architecture, botany, mechanics, metallurgy, practical and scientific agriculture had not yet been filled.

Department of Arts (College)

Rev. Daniel Raynes Goodwin, D.D.
Provost of the University; Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy

John Fries Frazer, LL.D.
Vice-Provost; Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry*

George Allen, A.M.
Professor of the Greek Language and Literature

Henry Coppée, A.M.
Professor of Belles Lettres and of the English Language and Literature, and of Military Tactics, with Instruction in Military Drill*

Desiré Guillemet
Professor of the French Language and Literature

Francis Aristide Jackson, A.M.
Professor of the Latin Language and Literature

E. Otis (Ezra Otis) Kendall, A.M.
Professor of Mathematics*

James R. Lambdin
Professor of the Fine Arts*

Rev. Charles Christian Schaeffer
Professor of the German Language

Henry Vethake, LL.D.
Emeritus Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy

*Joint appointment in the College of Agriculture, Mines, Arts, and Mechanic Arts


Unfilled Professorships in 1865:

  • Chemistry, as applied to Arts
  • American History
  • Italian Language and Literature

Medical Department

D. Hayes (David Hayes) Agnew, M.D.
Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Assistant Lecturer on Clinical Surgery

Joseph Carson, M.D.
Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy

William Gibson, M.D.
Emeritus Professor of Surgery

Hugh L. (Hugh Lenox) Hodge, M.D.
Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and of the Diseases of Women and Children

Samuel Jackson, M.D.
Emeritus Professor of the Institutes of Medicine

Joseph Leidy, M.D.
Professor of Anatomy

Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, M.D.
Professor of Obstetrics and of the Diseases of Women and Children

Robert E. Rogers, M.D.
Professor of Chemistry

Francis Gurney Smith, M.D.
Professor of the Institutes of Medicine

Henry Hollingsworth Smith, M.D.
Professor of Surgery

Alfred Stillé, M.D.
Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine

George Bacon Wood, M.D., LL.D.
Emeritus Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine

Law Department

E. Spencer (Elihu Spencer) Miller, A.M.
Professor of the Law of Real Estate and Conveyancing, and Equity Jurisprudence

P. Pemberton Morris, A.M.
Professor of Practice, Pleading and Evidence at Law and in Equity

George Sharswood, LL.D.
Professor of the Institutes of Law, including, inter alia, International, Constitutional, Commercial and Civil Law

College of Agriculture, Mines, Arts, and Mechanic Arts

J. Peter Lesley
Professor of Mining

Fairman Rogers, A.M.
Professor of Civil Engineering and Surveying

Charles B. Trego
Professor of Geology, Mineralogy and Palaeontology

Unfilled Professorships in 1865:

  • Agricultural Chemistry and Scientific Agriculture
  • Technical Chemistry and Metallurgy
  • Botany
  • Architecture and Practical Building
  • Theoretical and Practical Mechanics
  • Practical Agriculture