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Penn History

This list is also available arranged chronologically by year of appointment and alphabetically by last name.

The information below was gathered from Biographical Catalogue of the Matriculates of the College, 1749-1893, published by the Society of the Alumni in 1894, for the years 1749 through 1893. Information on faculty appointments between 1893 and 1900 was obtained from the Provost Report for each respective year.

Several faculty members appear multiple times in the table below. In cases where a member of the faculty was reappointed due to either a change in title or a change/addition to subjects taught, there is a separate row in the table for each appointment year.

Note: For the time period covered by this list, the College offered all subjects other than those in the Schools of Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine.

Subject Year Last Name First Name Title
Accounting 1892 Warrington James Instructor
Accounting and Statistics 1889 Falkner Roland Post Instructor
Administration 1897 Young James T. Instructor
American Archaeology and Linguistics 1886 Brinton Daniel Garrison Professor
American Constitutional History 1891 Thorpe Francis Newton Professor
American History 1850 Reed William Bradford Non. Fac. Professor
  1883 McMaster John Bach Professor
  1888 Thorpe Francis Newton Lecturer
  1897 Ames Herman V. Instructor
Analytical and Applied Chemistry 1872 Chatard Thomas M. Professor’s Assistant
Analytical and Applied Chemistry and Mineralogy 1872 Genth Frederick Augustus Professor
  1872 Koenig George Augustus Instructor
Analytical Botany 1889 Harshberger John William Asst. Instructor
Analytical Chemistry 1874 Headden William P.  Professor’s Assistant
  1876 Smith Edgar Fahs Professor’s Assistant
  1882 Genth Frederick Augustus, Jr. Professor’s Assistant
  1883 Keller Harry Frederick Professor’s Assistant
  1887 Harper D. Neil Professor’s Assistant
  1888 Frankel Lee Kaufer Professor’s Assistant
  1888 Smith Edgar Fahs Professor
  1889 Frankel Lee Kaüfer Instructor
Anatomy 1886 Kelley Edwin Alanson Professor’s Assistant
Anatomy and Physiology of Plants 1886 Wilson William Powell Professor
Arabic and Rabbinical Literature 1886 Jastrow Morris, Jr. Professor
Architecture 1889 Ferree Barr Lecturer
  1890 Chandler Theophilus P., Jr.  Lecturer
  1890 Day Frank Miles Lecturer
  1890 Eyre Wilson, Jr.  Lecturer
  1890 Furness Frank Lecturer
  1890 Hutton Addison Lecturer
  1890 Stewardson John Lecturer
  1890 Wilson Joseph Miller Lecturer
  1891 Cope Walter Lecturer
  1891 Laird Warren Powers Professor
  1891 Millard Julian Instructor
  1892 Boyden Amos J. Lecturer
  1897 Pilcher Lewis Frederick Instructor
  1897 Williams Arthur Ebbs Asst. Instructor
  1898 Elliott Huger Instructor
  1898 Mann Frederick Maynard Instructor
  1899 Nolan Thomas Instructor
Art 1890 Dana Charles E. Professor
Assyrian 1886 Hilprecht Hermann Vollrat Professor
Assyriology 1895 Clay Albert Tobias Asst. to Instructor
Astronomy 1892 Kendall Ezra Otis Professor
  1895 Evans Henry Brown Instructor
  1897 Doolittle Eric Instructor
Bacteriology 1895 Nassau Charles Francis Lecturer
Belles Lettres, English Language and Literature 1866 Stillé Charles Janeway Professor
Belles-Lettres and English Literature 1855 Coppée Henry Professor
Biology 1883 Jayne Horace Instructor
  1885 Dolley Charles Sumner Instructor
  1887 Greenman Milton W. Instructor
  1888 Dolley Charles Sumner Professor
  1888 Greenman Milton Jay Professor’s Assistant
  1891 Dougherty Thomas Harvey Asst. Instructor
  1898 Watson Cassius H. Class Demonstrator
Bookkeeping 1886 Gilpin Charles, Jr. Instructor
  1888 Falkner Roland Post Instructor
Botany 1816 Barton William Paul Crillon Professor
  1881 Rothrock Joseph Trimble Professor
  1888 Fetterolf George Professor’s Assistant
  1888 Greenman Jesse More Professor’s Assistant
  1888 Kiersted Henry S. Professor’s Assistant
  1888 Maison Robert Stephen Professor’s Assistant
  1891 Rothrock Henry Abraham Professor’s Assistant
  1897 Porter Hobart Charles Instructor
Botany, Zoology, and General Biology 1897 Harshberger John William Instructor
Building Construction 1897 Boyden Amos J. Lecturer
Business Law 1898 White Thomas R. Lecturer
Business Law and Practice 1892 Wintersteen Abram Heebner Lecturer
Business Practice 1892 Johnson Joseph French Assoc. Professor
Chemistry 1869 Morton Henry Professor
  1870 Frazer Persifor, Jr. Instructor
  1872 Frazer Persifor, Jr. Professor
  1874 Koenig George Augustus Asst. Professor
  1874 Sadtler Samuel Philip Asst. Professor
  1878 Rowland William Lee Professor’s Assistant
  1883 Genth Frederick Augustus, Jr. Asst. Professor
  1886 Wasmuth Henry A. Instructor
  1891 Ohly Julius Instructor
  1893 Fleck Hermann Instructor
  1893 Moyer J. Bird Instructor
  1893 Shinn Owen L. Instructor
  1896 Taggart Walter S. Instructor
  1897 Wallace Daniel L. Instructor
  1899 Gillinder James, Jr. Instructor
Chemistry and Mineralogy 1874 Genth Frederick Augustus Professor
Chemistry Applied to the Arts 1851 Booth James Curtis Non. Fac. Professor
Child Psychology 1897 Cornman Oliver P. Lecturer
Civil and Mechanical Engineering 1854 Alexander John Henry Non. Fac. Professor
  1872 Franck Leonard George Professor
Civil Engineering 1856 Rogers Fairman Non. Fac. Professor
  1873 Haupt Lewis Muhlenberg Asst. Professor
  1875 Haupt Lewis Muhlenberg Professor
  1883 Crawley Edwin Schofield Instructor
  1884 Elliott John Stuart Professor’s Assistant
  1887 Evans Samuel Sebastian Instructor
  1887 Franklin Benjamin Instructor
  1887 Haupt Charles Herman Instructor
  1891 Irwin James Clark Instructor
  1892 Marburg Edgar Acting Professor
  1892 Webb Walter Loring Instructor
  1892 Worthington Charles  Instructor
  1893 Marburg Edgar Professor
  1893 Webb Walter Loring Asst. Professor
  1895 Easby William, Jr. Instructor
  1895 Witmer Francis P. Instructor
  1897 Rommel George, Jr. Instructor
  1898 Williams Jacob Paul Jones Instructor
Civil Government 1889 Thorpe Francis Newton Lecturer
Classical Archaeology 1879 Hoskins Leighton Lecturer
Classical Philology 1893 Gudeman Alfred Asst. Professor
Comparative Anatomy 1816 Hewson Thomas Tickell Professor
Comparative Anatomy and Zoology 1880 Parker Andrew Jackson Professor
Comparative Embryology 1886 Ryder John Adam Professor
Comparative Philology 1869 Haldeman Samuel Stehman Non. Fac. Professor
  1883 Easton Morton William Professor
Design 1894 Seeler Edgar V. Asst. Professor
  1897 Mann Frederick Maynard Instructor
  1898 Perkins Frank Edison Asst. Professor
Drawing 1869 Richards Thomas Webb Instructor
  1889 Clarke Jacob Orie Instructor
  1892 Everett Herbert E. Instructor
  1895 Dawson George Walter Instructor
Drawing and Architecture 1874 Richards Thomas Webb Professor
Dynamical Engineering 1876 Marks William Dennis Instructor
  1877 Marks William Dennis Professor
  1881 Hering Carl Otto Instructor
  1882 Spangler Henry Wilson Asst. Professor
  1888 Earle Edgar Pardee Instructor
  1890 Spangler Henry Wilson Professor
Electrical Engineering 1887 Hering Carl Otto Instructor
  1888 Peterson Charles A. Instructor
  1890 Pike Clayton W. Instructor
  1892 Schramm Adolph Wilhelm Instructor
Elocution 1868 Cleveland Samuel M. Instructor
  1879 Shoemaker John W. Instructor
Embryology 1888 Bancroft Edward Professor’s Assistant
English 1885 Syle Louis DuPont Instructor
  1887 Schelling Felix Emmanuel Instructor
  1889 Shumway Daniel Bussier Instructor
  1891 Boughton Willis Lecturer
  1892 Penniman Josiah Harmar Instructor
  1892 Smith Homer Professor’s Assistant
  1892 Smith Homer Instructor
  1895 Quinn Arthur Hobson Instructor
  1897 Child Clarence G. Instructor
  1897 Miller Charlton D. Instructor
  1897 Weygandt Cornelius Instructor
  1898 Alden Raymond MacDonald Instructor
English and Comparative Philology 1892 Easton Morton William Professor
English Literature 1750 Dove David James Professor
  1888 Schelling Felix Emmanuel Asst. Professor
Entomology 1889 Horn George Henry Professor
Ethics 1755 Smith William Professor
  1758 Ewing John Professor
European  History 1891 Robinson James Harvey Lecturer
  1895 Whitcomb Merrick Instructor
  1897 Cheyney Edward Potts Professor
  1899 Lingelbach William E. Instructor
Experimental Psychology 1892 Witmer Lightner Lecturer
Finance 1891 Sherwood Sidney Instructor
  1892 Hill Joseph Adman Lecturer
  1892 Hill Joseph Adman Instructor
  1899 Cleveland Frederick A. Instructor
Finance and Administration 1883 James Edmund Janes Professor
Finance and Economy 1891 Stein L.K. Professor’s Assistant
Fine Arts 1861 Lambdin James Reid Non. Fac. Professor
French 1823 Grillet F. Joseph Instructor
  1829 de Valville Augustus Instructor
  1846 Picot Charles Non. Fac. Professor
  1856 Deloutte Joseph Alexander Non. Fac. Professor
  1857 Matile G.A. Non. Fac. Professor
  1861 Guillemet Désiré Non. Fac. Professor
  1867 Bérault Charles Instructor
  1867 Sue Jean B. Instructor
  1869 Brégy François Amédée Instructor
  1869 Smith Richard Somers Instructor
  1878 Miel Rev. Charles François Bonaventure Instructor
  1893 Lorenz Theodore Instructor
  1897 Page Frederick M. Instructor
  1899 Vurpillot Rev. Florian J. C. Instructor
French and Elocution 1880 Easton Morton William Instructor
French and German 1885 Rennert Hugo Albert Instructor
French and German Languages 1754 Creamer William Professor
French and Spanish Languages 1766 Fooks Paul Professor
French Language and Literature 1852 Drouin Félix Non. Fac. Professor
  1872 Brégy François Amédée Professor
General Biology 1889 Coulson Jessie Asst. Instructor
  1892 Macfarlane John Professor
General Chemistry 1889 Hecht Joseph Lazarus Asst. Instructor
  1890 Keith Walter J. Instructor
General Literature 1818 Walsh Robert, Jr. Professor
Geology 1883 Wasmuth Henry A. Professor’s Assistant
Geology and Mineralogy 1835 Rogers Henry Darwin Professor
  1895 Brown Amos Peaslee Asst. Professor
  1897 Ehrenfeld Frederick Instructor
Geology and Mining 1872 Lesley J. Peter Professor
Geology and Mining Engineering 1874 Harden John Henry Professor’s Assistant
  1879 Towne Linwood O. Professor’s Assistant
  1882 Dickerson Winchester Professor’s Assistant
  1882 Keller Hermann Augustus Professor’s Assistant
Geology and Paleontology 1889 Cope Edward Drinker Professor
Geology, Mineralogy, and Paleontology 1855 Trego Charles B. Non. Fac. Professor
German 1823 Varin Rev. Francis Instructor
  1829 Bokum Hermann Instructor
  1857 Schaeffer Charles C. Non. Fac. Professor
  1892 Wesselhoeft Edward Instructor
  1898 Richter George Martin Assistant Instructor
  1899 Parry Ellwood C. Asst. Instructor
German and Hebrew 1780 Kunze John Christopher Professor
German Language 1784 Helmuth Justus Henry Christian Professor
German Language and Literature 1867 Seidensticker Oswald Professor
Germanic Languages 1895 Shumway Daniel Bussier Instructor
Germanic Languages and Literature 1895 Learned Marion D. Professor
Glyptology 1890 Sommerville Maxwell Lecturer
  1894 Sommerville Maxwell Professor
Greek 1887 Easton Morton William Adj. Professor
  1889 Forming Lewis Leaming Instructor
  1892 Burke Robert Bealle Instructor
  1895 Bates William M. Instructor
  1897 Smith Harry DeForest Instructor
Greek and History 1869 McElroy John George Repplier Adj. Professor
Greek and Latin Languages 1749 Martin David Professor
  1752 Alison Francis Professor
  1756 Jackson Paul Professor
  1758 Beveridge John Professor
  1768 Davidson James Professor
  1782 Davidson James Professor
  1802 Thomson James G. Professor
  1844 Hare George Emlen Asst. Professor
  1845 Allen George Professor
  1855 Jackson Francis Aristide Adj. Professor
Greek Language and Literature 1864 Allen George Professor
  1876 Muhlenberg Frederick Augustus Professor
  1888 Lamberton William Alexander Professor
Hebrew 1886 Peters Rev. John Punnett Professor
  1888 Montgomery James Alan Instructor
  1890 Steele James Dallas Instructor
  1892 Clay Albert Tobias Instructor
  1897 Sailer T. H. P. Instructor
Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Languages 1828 Wylie Samuel Brown Professor
Higher Classes and Metaphysics 1756 Alison Francis Professor
History 1882 Mitchell William Egbert Instructor
  1885 Cheyney Edward Potts Instructor
  1885 Kirk John Foster Lecturer
  1890 Cheyney Edward Potts Asst. Professor
  1892 Munro Dana Carleton Instructor
  1892 Robinson James Harvey Assoc. Professor
History and English Literature 1867 Stillé Charles Janeway Professor
  1883 Thompson Rev. Robert Ellis Professor
  1891 Schelling Felix Emmanuel Professor
History of Architecture 1899 Osborne Charles F. Instructor
  1899 Pilcher Lewis Frederick Professor
Industry and Commerce 1899 Meade Edward S. Instructor
Institutional Law 1893 Lewis William Draper Lecturer
Intellectual and Moral Philosophy 1854 Mercer Alexander Gardner Professor
  1855 Vethake Henry Professor
  1860 Goodwin Daniel Raynes Professor
  1868 Krauth Charles Porterfield Professor
  1883 Fullerton Rev. George Stuart Instructor
  1885 Fullerton Rev. George Stuart Professor
Interior Architecture 1894 Everett Herbert E. Asst. Professor
Invertebrate Morphology 1884 Sharpe Benjamin Professor
Italian 1830 Da Ponte Lorenzo L. Instructor
  1867 Mazza Giuseppe Instructor
Italian Language and Literature 1851 d’Amarelli Vincent Non. Fac. Professor
Latin 1889 Newbold William Romaine Instructor
Latin and English 1891 Ogden Hugh Walker Instructor
Latin Language and Literature 1864 Jackson Francis Aristide Professor
  1892 Rolfe Henry Winchester Lecturer
Latin Literature 1894 Gibbons Henry Professor
Law 1790 Wilson James Professor
  1817 Hare Charles Willing Professor
  1850 Sharswood George Non. Fac. Professor
Mammalian Anatomy 1887 Kelley Edwin Alanson Instructor
Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture 1881 Spangler Henry Wilson Instructor
Mathematics 1750 Grew Theophilus Professor
  1760 Pratt Thomas Professor
  1761 Williamson Rev. Hugh Professor
  1763 Pratt John Professor
  1766 Dungan Thomas Professor
  1782 Patterson Robert Professor
  1827 Adrain Robert Professor
  1834 Courtenay Edward Henry Professor
  1836 Vethake Henry Professor
  1855 Kendall Ezra Otis Professor
  1865 Vezin Oscar Instructor
  1867 Lamberton William Alexander Instructor
  1868 Thompson Rev. Robert Ellis Instructor
  1871 Thompson Rev. Robert Ellis Asst. Professor
  1874 Clark Joseph C. Instructor
  1875 Kendall Otis Howard Instructor
  1877 Kendall Otis Howard Asst. Professor
  1887 Wylie Samuel Brown Instructor
  1889 Crawley Edwin Schofield Asst. Professor
  1889 Fisher George Egbert Asst. Professor
  1893 Schwatt Isaac J. Instructor
  1895 Doolittle Charles L. Professor
  1895 Hallett George Hervey Instructor
  1898 Crawler Edwin Schofield Professor
Mathematics and Engineering 1872 Haupt Lewis Muhlenberg Instructor
Mechanical Engineering 1884 Bull Goold Hoyt Instructor
  1889 Ferguson Henry Wilson Asst. Instructor
  1889 Griffith David R. Asst. Instructor
  1889 Kidwell Edgar Instructor
  1890 Keller Edwin Robert Instructor
  1890 Morris John Jay Asst. Instructor
  1892 Huffington Howard Williams Instructor
  1892 Picolet Lucien Emile Instructor
  1893 Child Edward (Edwin?) T. Instructor
  1893 McConnell Hugh W. Asst. Instructor
  1893 Scribner Charles W. Instructor
  1893 Willis C. Anderson Instructor
  1894 McMorris Benjamin K. Instructor
  1894 Waldo Edward H. Instructor
  1895 Greene Arthur M., Jr. Instructor
  1895 Schramm Adolph Wilhelm Instructor
  1897 McConnell Hugh W. Instructor
  1897 Smith Merrill (Merritt?) Instructor
  1897 Stewart Clinton R. Instructor
  1898 Greenwood Charles Herbert Instructor
  1898 Tiemann H. Donald Instructor
  1899 Marshall Stewart M. Instructor
Medieval Literature 1891 Skaife Wilbur F. Lecturer
Mercantile Law and Banking 1891 Bolles Albert Sydney Lecturer
Mercantile Law and Practice 1883 Bolles Albert Sydney Professor
Metallurgy and Mining 1888 Pugh Marshall Fox Professor’s Assistant
  1889 Pugh Marshall Fox Instructor
Mineralogy and Chemistry 1816 Cooper Thomas Professor
  1822 Keating William Hypolitus Professor
Mineralogy and Metallurgy 1886 Koenig George Augustus Professor
Mining 1854 Trego Charles B.  Non. Fac. Professor
  1859 Lesley J. Peter Non. Fac. Professor
  1887 Wasmuth Henry A. Instructor
Mining and Metallurgy 1889 Brown Amos Peaslee Instructor
Modeling 1891 Stewardson Edmund Austin Instructor
  1892 Plasschaert Henry Instructor
Modern Literature 1891 James George Francis Lecturer
Moral and Intellectual Philosophy 1883 Fullerton George Stuart Professor’s Assistant
Moral Philosophy 1782 Magaw Samuel Professor
  1789 Andrews John Professor
  1813 Beasley Frederick Professor
  1828 de Lancey William Heathcote Professor
  1828 Rutledge Rev. Edward Asst. Professor
  1831 Reed Henry Asst. Professor
  1834 Ludlow John Asst. Professor
Music (choir) 1892 Neilson Frederick Brooke Instructor
Natural History 1816 Caldwell Charles Professor
  1822 Say Thomas Professor
Natural Philosophy 1762 Ewing John Professor
  1806 McDowell John Professor
Natural Philosophy and Chemistry 1828 Bache Alexander Dallas Professor
  1836 Park Roswell Professor
  1843 Bache Alexander Dallas Professor
  1844 Frazer John Fries Professor
  1867 Morton Henry Professor
  1871 Frazer Persifor, Jr. Asst. Professor
Natural Philosophy and Mathematics 1810 Patterson Robert Maskell Professor
  1814 Patterson Robert Maskell Professor
Oratory 1759 Duché Jacob Professor
Oratory and English Literature 1753 Kinnersley Ebenezer Professor
  1789 Rogers William Professor
Organic and Industrial Chemistry 1887 Sadtler Samuel Philip Professor
Organic Chemistry 1888 Keller Harry Frederick Instructor
  1898 Lorenz H. W. F. Instructor
Pathology 1898 Witmer Albert Ferree Lecturer
Pedagogy 1893 Brumbaugh Martin Grove Professor
  1899 Hockenberry John C. Lecturer
Pen and Ink Drawing 1892 Eyre Wilson, Jr.  Instructor
  1897 Hays Frank Alison Instructor
Philosophy 1889 Newbold William Romaine Lecturer
  1894 Newbold William Romaine Asst. Professor
Physical Education 1884 White J. William Director
  1887 Leuf A.H.P.  Asst. Director
  1888 Leuf A.H.P.  Director
  1890 Faries Randolph Director
  1897 Miller Caspar W. Instructor
Physics 1872 Barker George Frederick Professor
  1874 Dudley Charles B. Professor’s Assistant
  1876 French Thomas Professor’s Assistant
  1878 Taylor Arthur F. Instructor
  1878 Taylor Arthur F. Professor’s Assistant
  1881 Fletcher Lawrence B. Professor’s Assistant
  1882 Hering Carl Otto Professor’s Assistant
  1883 Murdoch Lieutenant Joseph B. Professor’s Assistant
  1885 Goodspeed Arthur Willis Professor’s Assistant
  1887 Goodspeed Arthur Willis Instructor
  1889 Goodspeed Arthur Willis Asst. Professor
  1889 Stradling George Flower Instructor
  1892 Shields William J. Instructor
  1893 Richards Horace Clark Instructor
  1894 Mendenhall Charles E. Instructor
  1897 Newcomb Harvey Instructor
  1897 Switzer John A. Instructor
  1898 Bauder Arthur R. Instructor
  1898 Lloyd Morton Githens Instructor
  1899 Barker George Frederick Emeritus Professor
  1899 McClellan William Instructor
Physiology 1883 Randolph Nathaniel Archer Instructor
  1886 Randolph Nathaniel Archer Professor
  1887 Hare Hobart Amory Instructor
  1892 Greenman Milton Jay Lecturer
  1895 Witmer Albert Ferree Instructor
Political Economy 1888 Patten Simon Nelson Professor
Political Science 1891 Woodford Arthur Burnham Instructor
  1892 Adams John Quincy Instructor
  1894 Adams John Quincy Asst. Professor
Psychology 1889 Cattell James McKeen Professor
  1889 Witmer Lightner Professor’s Assistant
  1894 Witmer Lightner Asst. Professor
  1897 Twitmyer Edwin B. Instructor
Psycho-Physics 1886 Cattell James McKeen Lecturer
Public Law 1898 Allen William H. Instructor
Rhetoric and English Language 1876 McElroy John George Repplier Professor
  1834 Reed Henry Professor
Rhetoric and History 1867 McElroy John George Repplier Asst. Professor
Rhetoric and Oratory 1869 Cleveland Samuel M. Professor
Romance Languages and Literature 1892 Rennert Hugo Albert Professor
Science and Art of Education 1898 Schaeffer Hon. Nathan C. Lecturer
Science of Music 1875 Clark Hugh Archibald Non. Fac. Professor
Social Science 1874 Thompson Rev. Robert Ellis Professor
  1895 Lindsay Samuel McCune Instructor
Sociology 1891 Moore Frederick Wightman Instructor
Spanish 1825 Merino Felix Instructor
  1829 Willis Augustus Instructor
  1867 de la Cova Leon Instructor
Statistics 1891 Falkner Roland Post Assoc. Professor
Technical Chemistry 1892 Boyer Charles Shimer Lecturer
  1892 Jayne Harry Walker Lecturer
  1892 Mátos Louis Joseph Lecturer
  1896 Oberholtzer Vickers Instructor
  1898 Hardin Willett Lepley Instructor
Theoretical Mechanics 1879 Freeland Frank Theordore Instructor
Theory and Practice of Accounting 1883 Farr Chester Nye Instructor
Transportation 1893 Johnson Emory R. Lecturer
Transportation and Commerce 1895 Johnson Emory R. Instructor
  1898 Pratt Harry Sherring Lecturer
USA Military Science 1868 Ruff Brvt. Brig. Gen. Charles F. Professor
Vertebrate Morphology 1884 Jayne Horace Professor
Zoology 1888 Burk Charles Meredith Professor’s Assistant
  1889 Burk Charles Meredith Instructor
  1889 Moore John Percy Asst. Instructor
  1891 Bullock David Jayne Asst. Instructor
  1891 Calvert Philip Powell Professor’s Assistant
  1891 Koenig Augustus Otto Professor’s Assistant
  1892 Calvert Philip Powell Asst. Instructor
  1893 Dougherty Thomas Harvey Asst. Instructor
  1893 Moore John Percy Instructor
  1897 Calvert Philip Powell Instructor
  1898 Montgomery Thomas Harrison, Jr. Lecturer
  1898 Montgomery Thomas Harrison, Jr. Asst. Professor