Summary Information
- Prepared by
- Kaiyi Chen
- Preparation date
- 1997
- Date [inclusive]
- 1912-1997
- Extent
- 257.0 Cubic feet
Transferred from the Office of University Relations in 1984, 1994, 1995 and 1998.
Prior to 1985, multiple deposits of news clippings, papers, and photographs from the News Bureau were divided among three existing collections– the Information Files (UPF 8.5I), the Alumni Records Collection (UPF 1.9AR), and the photographic collection (UPX 12).
The entire collection has been organized into three series: I. Subject Files (163 cubic feet); II. Biographical Files (85.8 linear feet); III. Photographs and Audio-video Records (8.25 linear feet). All the three series have been arranged alphabetically. Each series has a unique collection call number.
In 1919 Edward Bushnell was appointed publicity agent for the University of Pennsylvania. In 1925 he was joined by Henry L. Herbert, who assumed the position of Manager of the Bureau of Publicity. Herbert served as manager until 1947 when the office underwent administrative restructuring and the Department of Public Relations absorbed the Bureau of Publicity. Herbert’s title changed to Manager of General Publicity. When the Bureau was re-named the News Bureau in 1950, Herbert was appointed as its director. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 1962.
Coinciding with Herbert’s tenure was that of Florence Bell. She started as a secretary in the Bureau of Publicity and later as Office Manager of the News Bureau. Her principal duty was creating and maintaining the history files, which served as a point of reference for the entire department. These files included draft and final news releases, internal memoranda contributing to the news releases, newspaper clippings (many of which were provided by Burrell’s Clipping Service), biographical materials, subject-specific material, and photographs.
In 1954 the Department of Public Relations expanded its work to include two new units, Motion Picture Services and the Office of Radio and Television. From 1954 to 1975, Donald T. Sheehan served as the Director of the Department of Public Relations. During his tenure, Margaret E. (Betty) Gamble assumed responsibility for the administration of the history files. In 1975 Sheehan was appointed the Secretary of the University, but his new duties incorporated administrative oversight of the department. After his retirement in 1976, Jack H. Hamilton, the new Assistant Vice-President and Director of Communications, took charge of the News Bureau, Radio-TV Office, Motion Picture Services, and Almanac. Hamilton reported to the newly appointed Secretary, John C. Hunt.
For a brief time, things continued as before. In February of 1978, however, President Martin Meyerson’s chief of staff, D. Bruce Johnstone, announced “a unique opportunity to integrate the University’s communications services into a single comprehensive unit.” Units under Hamilton’s charge were combined with those of the Department of Publications Office and renamed the Department of Communications Services. Curtis L. Barnes, Jr., Director of Publications since 1973, was named Director of the merged department. Barnes, charged with streamlining the operation in keeping with the cost-conscious demands of the central administration of the University, conducted broad administrative changes. Within two years Barnes phased out the Motion Picture Service and the Radio-TV Office.
Among the changes initiated by Barnes was the appointment of Edward J. McFall as the director of the News Bureau in 1979. Under McFall’s leadership, the department developed the “News Digest,” a monthly review of the University in the news. The role of the “News Digest” gradually eclipsed that of the reference files. Maintenance of the reference files continued for a while, but space problems, which were magnified by frequent office relocations, and the advancing state of technology, ultimately led to an ebbing of contributions to these files.
In 1984 the University reorganized the Department of Communications Services, renaming it the Department of University Relations. Ann Duffield, Deputy Director of Communications and former Director of Publications, was appointed as its Director; Ed McFall, former Director of the News Bureau was appointed Associate Director; and Virgil N. Renzulli, Jr., McFall’s successor, was appointed Associate Director for the News Bureau. The new, and present, department of University Relations, oversees the News Bureau (renamed News and Public Affairs in 1990) and the campus newspaper
The collection documents all aspects of the University of Pennsylvania for over half a century from the 1910s to late 1990s.
The Subject Files comprise some 4,500 folders on about two thousand subjects. The series consists of material of three types: administrative papers including correspondence, miscellaneous documents, forms, notes, and photographs; News Releases produced by the News Bureau on subjects involving public interest; and clippings gathered from all major national newspapers and other publications concerning the University.
This series provides a panorama of the life on campus during the period. Within its comprehensive scope are files concerning the University’s major administrative functions such as faculty appointments; student admission, enrollment, and financial aid; operations of all schools, centers, departments, including various academic support offices and teaching and research-related hospitals; academic programs and conferences sponsored by the University; financial reports of the University; human resources development and equal opportunity employment; and the activities of the University Trustees.
Another important part of this series are files recording such major activities on campus as commencement exercises (1925-1986), dedication of new or renovated University buildings, various athletic programs, social functions of dozens of fraternities and sororities, publishing work of numerous University magazines and journals including the Daily Pennsylvania (1932-1985), women and minority activities, and miscellaneous events such as student riots, demonstrations and protests, union strikes, war-time Army-Navy training program, special projects as ENIAC, the University City project, and University-sponsored Industrial Research and Chemical/Biological Warfare Research. In addition, there are large files recording such routine but vital aspects of University life as student residences, scholarships and fellowships, etc.
An important aspect of the University administration is its relationship with outside organizations and its alumni scattered all over the country. External organizations associated with the University include hundreds of national, international and local institutions, as well as relevant Pennsylvania State and Federal agencies. Files of alumni record alumni reunions (from Class of 1862 to Class of 1986) and activities held by University alumni in all major cities and states for fund-raising or other purposes.
The Biographical Files comprise over 5,000 folders on about 3,500 individuals. The material in this series is mainly of four types: personal resumes and other biographical and bibliographical data; news releases and newspaper clippings focusing on individuals; portraits; and correspondence.
The persons selected are mainly University Trustees, faculty, students, and alumni who were active on campus in the past decades, including Mark W. Allam, Walter H. Annenberg, Baruch S. Blumberg, Britton Chance, Robert E. Davies, Loren C. Eiseley, Thomas S. Gates, Sheldon Hackney, Gaylard P. Harnwell, Louis I. Kahn, Lawrence R. Klein, Martin Meyerson, Donald T. Regan, Jonathan E. Rhoads, J. Robert Schrieffer, Louis B. Schwartz, Harold E. Stassen and Marvon E. Wolfgang. This series, however, also contain material of well-known figures outside the University that were invited to University activities on various occasions or were historically or intellectually related to the University interest. Among persons in this category are Franklin Benjamin, Sir Edmund P. Hillary, Richard M. Nixon, Kwame Nkrumah, I. M. Pei, Pope John Paul II, Rockefeller family (David and Nelson), Dean Rusk, Arthus M. Schlesinger, Jr., Shah of Iran, U Thant, Arnold J. Toynbee, George Wallace, Walt Whitman, and George Washington.
The Photographs and Audio-visual series comprises hundreds of photographs, 50 videotapes, and 6 sound tapes. Campus scenes and University architecture predominate this series. The latter includes buildings, libraries, museum, arboretum, sculptures and statues. The videotapes feature TV channel interviews with faculty members, Penn football 1984, the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP), animal treatments at the Veterinary School and other University highlights for promotional purposes.
I. Subject Files (UPF 8.5S) |
Box |
Folder |
A-3 Assembly, 1972-2004 |
1S |
1 |
Abacus, 1972 |
1S |
2 |
Abbott Laboratories, 1966 |
1S |
3 |
“About Pennsylvania”, 1963-1966 |
1S |
4 |
About Pennsylvania (publication name), 1964-1967 |
1S |
4a |
Abrahamson Award, 1964 |
1S |
5 |
Abrams Memorial Award for Distinguished Teaching, Ira, 1983 |
1S |
6 |
Acacia Fraternity, 1956 |
1S |
7 |
Academic Alliances, [1984?] |
1S |
8 |
Academic appointments and promotions |
I, 1970-1971 |
1S |
9 |
II, 1972-1973 |
1S |
10 |
III, 1973-1974 |
1S |
11 |
IV, 1977-1978 |
1S |
12 |
V, 1978-1979 |
2S |
1 |
VI, 1979-1981 |
2S |
2 |
VII, 1981-1983 |
2S |
3 |
VIII, 1983 Mar.-Apr. |
2S |
4 |
Academic Cooperative Program, 1972-1973 |
2S |
5 |
Academic Deans Conference, 1979 |
2S |
6 |
Academic freedom, 1954-1973 |
2S |
7 |
Academic Governance, 1977 |
2S |
8 |
Academic Integrity, Code of, 1972-1982 |
2S |
9 |
Academic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee, 1981-1982 |
2S |
10 |
Academic Planning Committee, 1969-1982 |
2S |
11 |
Academy of American Poets, 1969-1978 |
2S |
12 |
Academy Bell, 1960-1967 |
2S |
13 |
Academy of Certified Social Workers, 1961 |
2S |
14 |
Academy of Management, 1969 |
2S |
15 |
Academy of Natural Sciences, 1937-1982 |
2S |
16 |
Accidents (to U of P employees and students), 1937-1980 |
2S |
17 |
Accounting (Forum, Department, etc.), 1952-1976 |
2S |
18 |
Accreditation, 1971-1979 |
3S |
1 |
Activism (conference on), 1969 |
3S |
2 |
Acupuncture, 1972 |
3S |
3 |
Administration (non-academic), 1956-1975 |
3S |
4 |
Administrative appointments and changes |
I, 1953-1954 |
3S |
5 |
II, 1939-1960 |
3S |
6 |
III, 1953-1961 |
3S |
7 |
IV, 1961-1965 |
3S |
8 |
V, 1965-1967 |
3S |
9 |
VI, 1968-1969 |
3S |
10 |
VII, 1969-1971 |
3S |
11 |
VIII, 1971-1978 |
4S |
1 |
IX, 1974-1979 |
4S |
2 |
X, 1980-1983 |
4S |
3 |
Admissions (and Financial Aid), Office of |
I, 1926-1971 |
4S |
12 |
Ia, 1954-1971 |
4S |
13 |
II, 1962-1975 |
5S |
1 |
III, 1968-1983 |
5S |
2 |
IV, 1970-1981 |
5S |
3 |
V, 1973-1978 |
5S |
4 |
VI, 1981-1989 |
5S |
5 |
Early decision plan, 1973-1976 |
5S |
6 |
Clippings and releases, 1976-1979 |
6S |
1 |
International, 1980-1982 |
6S |
2 |
Privileges and practices, 1976-1986 |
6S |
3 |
Recruiting Team, I, 1979 |
6S |
4 |
Recruiting Team, II, 1979 |
6S |
5 |
Recruiting Team, III, 1979 |
6S |
6 |
Undergraduate schools, 1984-1985 |
6S |
7 |
Adult Education Survey, 1938-1981 |
6S |
8 |
Advanced Placement Program, 1961-1982 |
6S |
9 |
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 1962-1973 |
6S |
10 |
Advanced Technology Center |
1983 |
6S |
11 |
I, 1933-1941 |
6S |
12 |
II, 1942-1946 |
7S |
1 |
III, 1949-1961 |
7S |
2 |
Aerospace Industries Association of American, Inc., Conference, 1963 |
7S |
3 |
Aetna Life and Casualty, Grants, 1969 |
7S |
4 |
Affiliated Investments Fund, 1977 |
7S |
5 |
Affirmative Action Plan, 1972-1982 |
7S |
6 |
Afghanistan, 1980-1982 |
7S |
7 |
African Student, Orientation, 1961 |
7S |
8 |
African Student, Wharton Conference on African Business, etc., 1961-1983 |
7S |
9 |
Afro-American Students, Society of, 1968-1970 |
7S |
10 |
Afro-American Studies, 1969-1972 |
7S |
11 |
African Studies, 1983 |
8S |
1 |
Afro-American Studies, I, 1979-1984 |
8S |
2 |
Afro-American Studies, II, 1943-1986 |
8S |
3 |
Aga Kahn Award, 1979 |
8S |
4 |
Aging |
8S |
5 |
Aging, Center for, 1979-1985 |
8S |
6 |
Aging research, 1988-1989 |
8S |
7 |
“Agnew Clinic”, 1937-1979 |
8S |
8 |
Aid to Education Program, 1972-1973 |
8S |
9 |
AIESEC, 1960-1980 |
8S |
10 |
Air conditioning, solar, etc., 1948-1978 |
8S |
11 |
Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 1963-1971 |
8S |
12 |
Air raid instructions, precautions, etc., 1941-1942 |
8S |
13 |
Air transportation, 1976-1981 |
8S |
14 |
Albrecht Fund, Emil Poole and Florence Craig, 1957-1970 |
8S |
15 |
Albright College, 1953 |
8S |
16 |
Alcohol policy, 1964-1979 |
8S |
17 |
Alcoholism, 1980-1985 |
8S |
18 |
Alessandroni Memorial, Walter E., 1967 |
9S |
1 |
Alexander Senior Honors Awards, Raymond Pace, 1975 |
9S |
2 |
Allam Professorship, Mark Whittier and Lila Griswold, 1981 |
9S |
3 |
Allen Memorial Professorship of Greek, 1959 |
9S |
4 |
Almanac, 1954-1977, (I) |
9S |
5 |
Almanac, 1954-1977, (II) |
9S |
6 |
Almanac, (I), 1954-1970 |
9S |
7 |
Almanac, (II), 1970-1971 |
9S |
8 |
Almanac, (III), 1971-1973 |
9S |
9 |
Almanac, Advisory Committee, 1954-1970 |
9S |
10 |
Alpha Chi Rho, 1979 |
9S |
11 |
Alpha Chi Sigma, 1929, 1981 |
9S |
12 |
Alpha Epsilon Pi, Clippings, 1949-1981 |
9S |
13 |
Alpha Kappa Psi, 1961 |
9S |
14 |
Alpha Omega Alpha, 1933-1977 |
9S |
15 |
Alpha Phi Alpha, 1982 |
9S |
16 |
Alpha Phi Omega, 1953-1982 |
9S |
17 |
Alpha Sigma Chi, 1957, 1980 |
9S |
18 |
Alpha Sigma Phi, 1980 |
9S |
19 |
Alpha Tau Omega, 1950-1984 |
9S |
20 |
Alpha Xi Delta, 1955, 1965 |
10S |
1 |
Alternative school projects, 1971-1972 |
10S |
2 |
Altrusa Club of Philadelphia, 1968 |
10S |
3 |
Alumnae, Washington, NY, NJ, 1929-1982 |
10S |
4 |
Alumnae, Association of, 1937-1982 |
10S |
5 |
Alumnae Awards, Association of, 1965 |
10S |
6 |
Alumnae Society, College for Women, I, 1964-1969 |
10S |
7 |
Alumnae Society, College for Women, II, 1972-1980 |
10S |
8 |
Alumnae Club of Philadelphia and Award, U of P, 1958-1982 |
10S |
9 |
Alumnae–Wharton Women, 1979-1982 |
10S |
10 |
Alumni |
“Alumni Fun”–an intercollegiate contest, 1962-1966 |
10S |
11 |
General, 1982-1986 |
10S |
12 |
Alabama, [1980?] |
10S |
13 |
Amateur Photography Contest, 1972-1976 |
10S |
14 |
Architectural, 1933-1961 |
10S |
15 |
Arizona, 1962 |
10S |
16 |
Atlanta, 1925-1985 |
10S |
17 |
Awards, I, 1936-1963 |
10S |
18 |
Awards, II, 1979-1981 |
11S |
1 |
Awards, III, 1964-1978 |
11S |
2 |
Awards of merit, IV, 1982-1983 |
11S |
3 |
Awards of merit, Dental School, 1983 |
11S |
4 |
Awards of merit, Evening School, 1961 |
11S |
5 |
Baltimore, MD, 1962-1973 |
11S |
6 |
Berks County, PA, 1926-1942 |
11S |
7 |
Binghamton, NY, 1925-1964 |
11S |
8 |
Black Alumni, 1959-1983 |
11S |
9 |
Boston, 1928-1982 |
11S |
10 |
Brazil (U of P Alumni Association of), 1960 |
11S |
11 |
Buffalo, 1925-1967 |
11S |
12 |
California Alumni Association, Northern, 1941-1971 |
11S |
13 |
Camden, NJ, 1940, 1968 |
11S |
14 |
Campus Alumni Council, 1955-1961 |
11S |
14a |
Canadian Alumni Fund, 1965-1967 |
11S |
15 |
Centers, Alumni, 1925 |
11S |
16 |
Chicago Alumni, 1927-1972 |
11S |
17 |
Children, 1951 |
11S |
18 |
Cincinnati, OH, 1925-1962 |
11S |
19 |
Cleveland, 1925-1985 |
11S |
20 |
Clubs Council, 1965-1971 |
12S |
1 |
College, Alumni, 1971-1977 |
12S |
2 |
Communications fields, 1961 |
12S |
3 |
College of Arts and Sciences, 1936-1980 |
12S |
4 |
Connecticut, 1929-1962 |
12S |
5 |
Contributions (other schools in the area), 1960 |
12S |
6 |
Cookbook, 1979 |
12S |
7 |
Council, Alumni (University), 1934-1941 |
12S |
8 |
Dallas, 1962-1972 |
12S |
9 |
Day, Alumni, I, 1941-1963 |
12S |
10 |
Day, Alumni, II, 1964-1965 |
12S |
11 |
Day, Alumni (photographs), 1946 |
12S |
12 |
Day and Weekend, Alumni, I, 1970-1975 |
12S |
13 |
Day and Weekend, Alumni, II, 1976-1979 |
12S |
14 |
Day and Weekend, Alumni, III, 1980-1984 |
12S |
15 |
Dayton, OH, 1925 |
12S |
16 |
Delaware, 1970-1982 |
12S |
17 |
Delaware County, 1939 |
12S |
18 |
Dental, 1938-1980 |
13S |
1 |
Denver, 1939-1982 |
13S |
2 |
Des Moines, 1925-1926 |
13S |
3 |
Detroit, 1937-1985 |
13S |
4 |
Directory, 1932 |
13S |
5 |
Eastern Montgomery County, 1965-1976 |
13S |
6 |
Engineering Alumni, I, 1930-1961 |
13S |
7 |
Engineering Alumni, II, 1973-1986 |
13S |
8 |
Engineering Teaching Award, 1955-1956 |
13S |
9 |
Erie, PA, 1926-1964 |
13S |
10 |
Evening and Extension Schools, 1952-1971 |
13S |
11 |
Fairfield County, 1969-1978 |
13S |
12 |
Field staff meeting, 1967 |
13S |
13 |
Florida, 1967-1983 |
13S |
14 |
Foreign, undated |
13S |
15 |
“Fun, Alumni”, 1965-1966 |
13S |
16 |
Funds, Alumni, 1965 |
13S |
17 |
General, 1964-1985 |
14S |
1 |
General Alumni Society |
I, 1920-1964 |
14S |
2 |
II, 1940-1960 |
14S |
3 |
III, 1960-1969 |
14S |
4 |
IV, 1970-1982 |
14S |
5 |
Correspondence, 1955-1970 |
14S |
6 |
Gifts, Alumni, 1968-1983 |
14S |
7 |
Glee Club, 1966 |
14S |
8 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 1946 |
14S |
9 |
Graduate School of Education, 1940-1971 |
14S |
10 |
Graduate School of Education, Award of Distinction, 1969-1984 |
14S |
11 |
Graduate School of Fine Arts, 1967 |
14S |
12 |
Harrisburg, PA, 1926-1983 |
15S |
1 |
Hartford, 1925-1976 |
15S |
2 |
Hoboken, NJ, undated |
15S |
3 |
Homecoming Weekend, Day, etc., 1965-1981 |
15S |
4 |
Houston, 1962-1981 |
15S |
5 |
Indiana, 1960-1962 |
15S |
6 |
Indianapolis, 1925-1973 |
15S |
7 |
Jacksonville, FL, 1966-1967 |
15S |
8 |
Japanese, 1968 |
15S |
9 |
Johnston, PA, 1927-1928 |
15S |
10 |
Kansas City, Missouri, 1925-1974 |
15S |
11 |
Key Alumni Week End, 1958, 1961 |
15S |
12 |
Keynotes, Report of Alumni Annual Giving, 1966 |
15S |
13 |
Lancaster, PA, 1941-1962 |
15S |
14 |
Law Alumni Day, I, 1958-1968 |
15S |
15 |
Law Alumni Day, II, 1970-1984 |
15S |
16 |
Law Alumni Society (Distinguished Service Award), 1967-1981 |
15S |
17 |
Law School Alumni (Class of 1920 and 1927), 1965 |
15S |
18 |
Law School Alumni Society, I, 1929-1960 |
15S |
19 |
Law School Alumni Society, II, 1963-1975 |
15S |
20 |
Law School Alumni Society, III, 1973-1985 |
15S |
21 |
Law School Association, 1964 |
16S |
1 |
Leadership Conference, 1979 |
16S |
2 |
Lehigh Valley, 1938-1974 |
16S |
3 |
Long Island, 1961-1982 |
16S |
4 |
Los Angeles, 1964-1985 |
16S |
5 |
Luzerne County, 1937-1980 |
16S |
6 |
Maryland, 1962 |
16S |
7 |
Medical, 1936-1965 |
16S |
8 |
Monmouth County, NJ, 1972-1973 |
16S |
9 |
New Haven, 1925-1974 |
16S |
10 |
New Jersey, Northeastern, 1926-1976 |
16S |
11 |
New Jersey, Suburban, 1958-1970 |
16S |
12 |
New Orleans, [1939?], 1969 |
16S |
13 |
New York (Metropolitan district), 1925-1984 |
16S |
14 |
New York State, 1962-1975 |
16S |
15 |
New York, Western, 1947-1967 |
16S |
16 |
Notable, 1954-1994 |
16S |
17 |
Nursing school, 1961-1966 |
16S |
18 |
Oldest, 1926-1975 |
16S |
19 |
Phoenix, 1983 |
16S |
20 |
Pittsburgh, 1928-1982 |
16S |
21 |
Postgraduate courses, 1973-1979 |
17S |
1 |
Prominent, 1933-1981 |
17S |
2 |
Prominent, 1970-1974 |
17S |
3 |
Prominent, clippings, 1956-1982 |
17S |
4 |
Publications, 1959-1969 |
17S |
5 |
Puerto Rico, 1965-1983 |
17S |
6 |
Reading, PA, 1925-1962 |
17S |
7 |
Relations Office (Records Office), Alumni, 1927-1985 |
17S |
8 |
Relations (Other colleges), 1971-1979 |
17S |
9 |
Relationships, University, 1957 |
17S |
10 |
Richmond Club, 1976-1984 |
17S |
11 |
Rhode Island, 1962 |
17S |
12 |
Rochester, NY, 1926-1962 |
17S |
13 |
San Diego, 1972-1983 |
17S |
14 |
San Francisco, 1925-1985 |
17S |
15 |
Seattle, 1983-1985 |
17S |
16 |
Social Work, School of, 1955-1973 |
17S |
17 |
Syracuse, NY |
17S |
18 |
Tampa Bay, 1985 |
18S |
1 |
Telethon, 1977 |
18S |
2 |
Trenton, NJ, 1962 |
18S |
3 |
Veterinary, 1968-1980 |
18S |
4 |
Washington, D.C., 1959-1982 |
18S |
5 |
Westchester County, 1966-1975 |
18S |
6 |
Wharton Alumni Society, General, 1936-1982 |
18S |
7 |
Wharton Alumni Society (Gold Medal of Merit Award) |
1960 |
18S |
8 |
1965 |
18S |
9 |
1966 |
18S |
10 |
1967 |
18S |
11 |
1968 |
18S |
12 |
1969-1970 |
18S |
13 |
1970 |
19S |
1 |
1971 |
19S |
2 |
1972 |
19S |
3 |
Wharton Graduate School Alumni Association, I, 1953-1975 |
19S |
4 |
Wharton Graduate School Alumni Association, II, 1970-1981 |
19S |
5 |
Wharton Graduate School Alumni Association, Newsletter, 1971 |
19S |
6 |
Wharton Graduate Business School Club of Washington, D. C., 1971-1979 |
19S |
7 |
Wharton Health Care Alumni Association, 1982 |
19S |
8 |
Wharton Man of the Year Award, 1983 |
19S |
9 |
Wheeling, WV, 1926 |
19S |
10 |
Weightman Society, 1982 |
19S |
11 |
Wilkes-Barre, 1982 |
19S |
12 |
Wilmington, DE, 1925-1962 |
19S |
13 |
Worcester, MA, 1925-1972 |
19S |
14 |
Amendment #8, 1933 |
19S |
15 |
American Academy of Achievement, 1971 |
19S |
16 |
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, I, 1959-1982 |
19S |
17 |
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, II, 1971-1984 |
20S |
1 |
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1930-1975 |
20S |
2 |
American Accounting Association, 1955 |
20S |
3 |
American Alumni Council, 1958-1974 |
20S |
4 |
American Animal Hospital Association, 1979 |
20S |
5 |
American Anthropological Association, 1952-1982 |
20S |
6 |
American Antiquarian Society, 1980 |
20S |
7 |
American Arbitration Association, 1929-1969 |
20S |
8 |
American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), 1980-1981 |
20S |
9 |
American Association for the Advancement of Science |
I (Constitutions, Bylaws, etc.), 1921-1926 |
20S |
10 |
II, 1926-1957 |
20S |
11 |
III, 1962 |
20S |
12 |
IV, 1962-1965 |
20S |
13 |
V, 1982-1986 |
20S |
14 |
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1980 |
21S |
1 |
American Association of College News Bureaus, 1927 |
21S |
2 |
American Association for Higher Education, 1968-1971 |
21S |
3 |
American Association of School Administrators, 1972 |
21S |
4 |
American Association of University Professors, 1966-1982 |
21S |
5 |
American Association of University Students, 1982-1984 |
21S |
6 |
American Association of University Women, 1954-1984 |
21S |
7 |
American Bar Association, 1940-1971 |
21S |
8 |
American Cancer Society, Inc., 1955-1974 |
21S |
9 |
American Chemical Society, 1926-1982 |
21S |
10 |
American Civil Liberties Union, Clippings, 1969 |
21S |
11 |
American Civilization, Department of |
1938-1973 |
21S |
12 |
I, 1948-1950 |
21S |
13 |
II, 1951-1970 |
21S |
14 |
III (National Honors Competition), 1966 |
21S |
15 |
American College Testing Program, 1966-1974 |
21S |
16 |
American Council on Education, 1966-1981 |
21S |
17 |
American Council of Learned Societies, 1963-1979 |
21S |
18 |
American Education Week, 1956 |
21S |
19 |
American Engineering Societies, 1954-1980 |
21S |
20 |
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1976-1977 |
22S |
1 |
American Folklore Society, 1958-1988 |
22S |
2 |
American Friends of the Middle East, Inc., 1964 |
22S |
3 |
American Heart Association, 1964-1970 |
22S |
4 |
American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc., 1966 |
22S |
5 |
American Historical Association, 1937, 1970 |
22S |
6 |
American Historical Association, Chair–Nichols, Roy F. and Jeannette, 1984 |
22S |
7 |
American Hospital Association, 1934-1944 |
22S |
8 |
American Institute of Architects (and American Institute of Architects Foundation) 1945-1980 |
22S |
9 |
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1975 |
22S |
10 |
American Institute of Chemists, 1971-1972 |
22S |
11 |
American Institute of Indian Studies, 1966-1969 |
22S |
12 |
American Institute of Physics, 1965-1967 |
22S |
13 |
American Jewish Congress (Committee), 1957-1958 |
22S |
14 |
American Law Societies, 1966-1971 |
22S |
15 |
American Library Association, 1926-1964 |
22S |
16 |
American Marketing Association, 1958, 1977 |
22S |
17 |
American Medical Association, 1931-1978 |
22S |
18 |
American Medical History Museum, 1977 |
22S |
19 |
American Medical Writers Association, 1964 |
22S |
20 |
American Medicine Conference, 1976 |
22S |
21 |
American Oil Foundation, Grants, 1963-1965 |
22S |
22 |
American Oriental Society, 1926-1967 |
22S |
23 |
American Physiological Society, 1976 |
22S |
24 |
American Philosophical Society, 1954-1976 |
22S |
25 |
American Professors for Peace in the Middle East, Clippings, 1970 |
23S |
1 |
American Psychological Association, 1926-1967 |
23S |
2 |
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, 1952-1981 |
23S |
3 |
American Society for Engineering Education, 1954-1979 |
23S |
4 |
American Society for Insurance, 1955-1960 |
23S |
5 |
American Society of Public Administration, 1963-1964 |
23S |
6 |
American Society for Quality Control, Conference, 1968 |
23S |
7 |
American Society for Testing and Materials, 1964 |
23S |
8 |
American Sociological Association, 1967 |
23S |
9 |
American Statistical Association, 1965 |
23S |
10 |
American Student Health Association, 1948 |
23S |
11 |
American Studies, 1962, 1983 |
23S |
12 |
American Studies Association, 1954-1978 |
23S |
13 |
American Veterinary Medical Association, 1980-1981 |
23S |
14 |
Americans for the Competitive Enterprise System (ACES), 1956-1967 |
23S |
15 |
Amherst College, 1971, 1979 |
23S |
16 |
Amnesty International, Clipping, 1981 |
23S |
17 |
Amtrak, 1986 |
23S |
18 |
Analysis Center for Evaluation of Energy Modeling and Statistics, 1979 |
23S |
19 |
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, “The Assembly on University Goals and Governance, 1971 Jan. |
23S |
20 |
Animal resources facility, 1966-1968 |
23S |
21 |
Annenberg Arts Center |
1977 May 17 |
23S |
22 |
1: 1966 Sept. – Dec. |
23S |
23 |
2: 1968 Apr. – June |
23S |
24 |
3: 1970 Jul. – 1979 Dec. |
24S |
1 |
Arts and Sciences, 1981-1983 |
24S |
2 |
Clippings, [1970-1980] |
24S |
3 |
Dedication, 1971 Apr. 8 |
24S |
4 |
Division of Performing Arts, 1969-1979 |
24S |
5 |
Grace Kelly Gala, 1982 |
24S |
6 |
Harold Prince Theater, 1968 May – 1980 Nov. |
24S |
7 |
Photographs and Booklets, 1966-1975 |
25S |
1 |
Releases and Clippings, 1968 Feb. – 1984 May |
25S |
2 |
Workshop Theater, 1968-1978 |
25S |
3 |
Zellerbach Theater, New Phoenix Repertory Company, 1968-1982 |
25S |
4 |
Zellerbach Theater, New Phoenix Repertory Company, 1972 Oct. |
25S |
5 |
Zellerbach Theater, New Phoenix Repertory Company, Clippings, [1970s] |
25S |
6 |
Annenberg Children’s Festival, first, 1985 June |
25S |
7 |
Annenberg Foundation, M. L., 1958-1965 |
25S |
8 |
Annenberg Fund, Inc., 1958-1970 |
25S |
9 |
Annenberg Professor of the Humanities, 1978 Oct. |
25S |
10 |
Annenberg Professorship of Social Sciences, 1978 Jan. |
25S |
11 |
Annenberg School, site, 1959 |
25S |
12 |
Annenberg School of Communications |
I, 1958-1964 |
26S |
1 |
II, 1964-1984 |
26S |
2 |
III 1984-1985 |
26S |
3 |
IV, 1983-1986 |
26S |
4 |
Bicentennial Convocation and Colloquium in Communications, 1976 Oct. |
26S |
4a |
Child Abuse Conference, 1978 Oct. – 1978 Nov. |
26S |
5 |
Colloquia, I, 1974-1983 |
26S |
6 |
Colloquia, II, 1976-1977 |
26S |
7 |
Colloquia, Lecture Series, I, 1966-1983 |
26S |
8 |
Colloquia, Lecture Series, II, 1979-1980 |
27S |
1 |
Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, 1963 Oct. – 1980 May |
27S |
2 |
Convocation, Honorary, 1976 Oct. 15 |
27S |
3 |
Curriculum, 1959 Apr. – 1982 Apr. |
27S |
4 |
Dedication and General Releases, Clippings, and Correspondence, 1962 Nov. – 1978 Dec. |
27S |
5 |
Doctor, Lawyer Conference, 1979 June – Oct. |
27S |
6 |
Documentary Film Laboratory, 1: Documentary Film Series, Women’s Film Series, 1968-1972 |
27S |
7 |
Documentary Film Laboratory, 2: Films, Women’s Film Series, Cinematheque, Exploratory Cinema, 1973 Sept. – 1980 Jan. |
27S |
8 |
Documentary film lab, etc., 3: 1980-1982 |
27S |
9 |
Electronic church |
28S |
1 |
Exploratory Cinema, 1973 Jan. – 1979 Apr. |
28S |
2 |
Faculty Appointments and Activities, 1959 Apr. – 1981 Sept. |
28S |
3 |
History, 1960 Feb. |
28S |
4 |
Journal of Communications, 1984 |
28S |
5 |
Miscellaneous, 1977 Feb. – 1980 April |
28S |
6 |
Photographs, 1958 Dec.- 1962 Nov., 1976 |
28S |
7 |
Publications, 1976 Jan. – 1981 Mar. |
28S |
8 |
Television– religion, 1983-1984 |
28S |
9 |
Television Research, Cultural Indications, 1974-1984 |
28S |
10 |
Washington program, 1983 |
29S |
1 |
Anniversary Celebrations, 1963-1964 |
29S |
2 |
Annual Giving |
1969 |
29S |
3 |
1970 |
29S |
4 |
1971 |
29S |
5 |
1972 |
29S |
6 |
1973 |
29S |
7 |
1974 – 1977 |
29S |
8 |
1978 – 1982 |
29S |
9 |
Annual Report, Public Relations, 1954-55, 1964-65, 1971-72 |
29S |
10 |
Annual Report, U of P, 1985 |
29S |
11 |
Annual Secondary School Choral Seminar, 1969 |
29S |
12 |
Anspach Institute for Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, 1967-1979 |
29S |
13 |
Anspach Professorship, Visiting, 1968-1969 |
29S |
14 |
Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, International Congress of, 1956 |
29S |
15 |
Anthropology, Department of, 1928-1929, 1940, 1969, 1974-1977 |
29S |
16 |
Antipoverty Program, 1965-1966 |
29S |
17 |
Antiques Show, University Hospital |
1: 1962 – 1967 |
30S |
1 |
2: 1968-1971 |
30S |
2 |
3: 1972-1974 |
30S |
3 |
4: 1974-1975 |
30S |
4 |
5: 1976 – 1978 |
30S |
5 |
6: 1978-1983 |
30S |
6 |
Anti-War Demonstrations (Strikes and Examination Postponement), 1967-1972; see also Vietnam (U.S. Policy) |
30S |
7 |
Apollo Club, University of Pennsylvania, 1966 |
30S |
8 |
Appel, Kenneth E., Professorship in Psychiatry, 1968 |
31S |
1 |
Appleman Foundation, 1968 |
31S |
2 |
Appropriate Technology, 1985 |
31S |
3 |
Appropriations, State, 1989-1990 |
31S |
4 |
Aquanauts, 1969 |
31S |
5 |
Aquanauts, 1968-1970 |
31S |
5a |
Arabic Language, Students, Studies, etc., 1928, 1954, 1974-1980 |
31S |
6 |
Archaeological Institute of America, 1979 |
31S |
7 |
Archaeological Symposium, 1: 1977 |
31S |
8 |
Archaeological Symposium, 2: 1975-1977 |
31S |
9 |
Archaeological Thefts, 1973-1980 |
31S |
10 |
Archaeology, 1935-1976 |
31S |
11 |
Archaeology Department, 1987 |
31S |
12 |
Architectural Historian, 1981 |
31S |
13 |
Architecture, Department of, 1985-1986 |
31S |
14 |
Argentine Educators and Visitors, 1929, 1941 |
31S |
15 |
Argentine Industrial Society, 1959 |
31S |
16 |
Armenian Culture and Club, 1979-1981 |
31S |
17 |
Arms Control Symposium, 1: Third International, 1966 |
31S |
18 |
Arms Control Symposium, 2: Fourth International, 1969 |
31S |
19 |
Armstrong Cork Company, Grants and Sponsored studies, 1961-1966 |
31S |
20 |
Army-Navy Plan |
1943-1944 |
31S |
21 |
Clippings and “History” of Naval Training Units, 1942-44 |
32S |
1 |
Flight Training at Penn and Army Specialized Training Program, 1943-1945 |
32S |
2 |
Publicity, 1943-1945 |
32S |
3 |
V-07 Academic Refresher Program, 1944 |
32S |
4 |
V-12 Officer Training Program, 1943-1945 |
32S |
5 |
V-12 Officer Training Program, 1943-1944 |
32S |
6 |
Women’s Army Corps, 1944, 1954 |
32S |
7 |
Army recruiting, 1983 |
32S |
8 |
Arnold, William E., Award, 1971 |
32S |
9 |
Ars Antiqua de Paris, 1970 |
32S |
10 |
Art Collection Committee, 1982 |
32S |
11 |
Art Exhibits |
Faculty, 1978-1983 |
32S |
12 |
Non-Students/Faculty, 1975-1979 |
33S |
1 |
Non-Students/Faculty, 1979-1983 |
33S |
2 |
Students, 1936-1969 |
33S |
3 |
Students, 1970-1983 |
33S |
4 |
Art gallery, U of P, 1982-1986 |
33S |
5 |
Art History, Department of |
33S |
6 |
Art programs and Artist-in-residence program, 1925, 1965, 1975-1981 |
33S |
7 |
Arthur Ross Gallery, 1983-1992 |
33S |
8 |
Arthur Ross Gallery, Piranesi’s Exhibition, 1988-1989 |
33S |
9 |
Arts and Sciences, School of |
I, 1973-1980 |
33S |
10 |
II, 1981-1984 |
33S |
11 |
III, 1985-1986 |
33S |
12 |
Newsletters, 1978-1983 |
34S |
1 |
Arts Week, 1972 |
34S |
2 |
Associated Investments Fund, 1959-1982 |
34S |
3 |
Associated Press, 1928-1969 |
34S |
4 |
Associated Universities, Inc. See also: Brookhaven National Laboratories, 1950-1968 |
34S |
5 |
Association of American Colleges, 1957-1966 |
34S |
6 |
Association of American Collegiate Schools of Business, 1956 |
34S |
7 |
Association of American Geographers, 1954 |
34S |
8 |
Association of American Law Schools, 1957, 1969. 1982 |
34S |
9 |
Association of American Publishers, 1973 |
34S |
10 |
Association of American Universities, 1944-1968 |
34S |
11 |
Association of American University Presses, 1967 |
34S |
12 |
Association for Asian Studies, 1967 |
34S |
13 |
Association of College Admission Counselors, 1963 |
34S |
14 |
Association of College Presidents of Pennsylvania, 1939 |
34S |
15 |
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1953, 1956 |
34S |
16 |
Association of College Unions, 1940, 1950 |
34S |
17 |
Association for an Educational Community, 1982 |
34S |
18 |
Association for Higher Education, 1957-1958 |
34S |
19 |
Association of Medical Students, 1938 |
34S |
20 |
Association of Philadelphia Scientists, 1947 |
34S |
21 |
Association of Professional Schools of Landscape Architecture, 1934 |
34S |
22 |
Association of School Business Officials, 1957 |
34S |
23 |
Association of School and College Placement, 1940-1941 |
34S |
24 |
Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions, 1967 |
34S |
25 |
Association of Urban Universities, 1958-1968 |
34S |
26 |
Astronauts, 1961, 1964, 1984 |
35S |
1 |
Astronomy, Clippings only, 1940, 1945 |
35S |
2 |
Astronomy (see also: Flower and Cook Observatory, 1931-1974) |
35S |
3 |
Athletic and Physical Education Survey Committee, Report, 1965 |
35S |
4 |
Athletics, 1965-1974 |
35S |
5 |
Athletics |
Athletic Affairs, Office of, 1965, 1969 |
35S |
6 |
Athletic Budget, 1971, 1982 |
35S |
7 |
Athletic Coaches, 1971 |
35S |
8 |
Athletic Council, 1933, 1953, 1965-1969 |
35S |
9 |
Athletic Facilities, 1958 |
35S |
10 |
Athletic and Physical Education Survey, clippings only, 1965 |
35S |
11 |
Athletic and Physical Education Survey, including copy of Survey Committee Report, 1963-1965 |
35S |
12 |
Athletic Policy, 1952-1954, 1973-1982 |
36S |
1 |
Athletic Policies and Practices, 1971-1982 |
36S |
2 |
Athletic Reorganization Program, 1932, 1954 |
36S |
3 |
Athletic Survey, 1932, 1979, 1982 |
36S |
4 |
Athletics and physical education survey, 1961-1965 |
36S |
5 |
Basketball, 1979 |
36S |
6 |
Basketball, 1954, 1979-1982 |
36S |
7 |
Boathouse, University, 1944 |
36S |
8 |
Bower Field, 1979 |
36S |
9 |
Cheerleaders, 1933, 1941, 1970 |
36S |
10 |
Crew, Miscellaneous, 1966-1982 |
36S |
11 |
Department of Intercollegiate, Annual reports, 1961-1962, 1969-1970 |
36S |
12 |
Fencing, 1980 |
36S |
13 |
Football, 1946-1959 |
37S |
1 |
Football, 1961 – 1982 |
37S |
2 |
Football Radio Broadcast, 1950, 1953 |
37S |
3 |
Football Clinic, 1972 |
37S |
4 |
Football Television, 1951-1955 |
37S |
5 |
Franklin Field, construction and use, 1925, 1961 |
37S |
6 |
Franklin Field, artificial turf, Eagles Lease, etc., 1930-1983 |
37S |
7 |
Franklin Field March, 1932 |
37S |
8 |
Gates Plan, 1931-1933 |
37S |
9 |
General (clippings), 1932-1952 |
37S |
10 |
General, 1956-1982 |
38S |
1 |
Gymnastics, women, 1981 |
38S |
2 |
Historical Information, including booklet entitled “The Tradition of Athletics [at Penn]”, 1953 |
38S |
3 |
Hockey, 1978 |
38S |
4 |
Intercollegiate, 1950-1971 |
38S |
5 |
Intercollegiate, Centennial, 1963-1965 |
38S |
6 |
Intercollegiate, NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), 1969-1970 |
38S |
7 |
Intercollegiate athletic policy, 1963, 1979 |
38S |
7a |
Intercollegiate Athletics, Department of |
Annual Reports, 1962/1963 – 1965/1966 |
38S |
8 |
Annual Reports, 1966/1967 – 1967/1968 |
38S |
9 |
Clippings and news releases, 1967-1980 |
38S |
10 |
Intercollegiate Centennial, 1964-1965 |
38S |
11 |
Intercollegiate Centennial, Photographs, 1965 |
38S |
12 |
Ivy League Championship, 1983 |
39S |
1 |
National Collegiate Athletic Association, 1966-1984 |
39S |
2 |
Olympics, Crew, 1980 |
39S |
3 |
Palestra, 1927-1979 |
39S |
4 |
Pennguinettes, 1958-1975 |
39S |
5 |
Penn sports, 1967-1983 |
39S |
6 |
Physical Education, (See also Student Health)1933-1969 |
39S |
7 |
Recreation and Athletics, Division of, 1970-1982 |
39S |
8 |
Ringe Squash Courts, A Development Fund project, 1958-1965 |
39S |
9 |
River Field, Day Camp, 1968 |
39S |
10 |
River Fields, dedication, 1964 |
39S |
11 |
Sports releases, 1967-1968 |
39S |
12 |
Tennis champions, international, 1963-1976 |
39S |
13 |
Track, all weather, 1966-1967 |
39S |
14 |
Weightman Hall Gymnasium, 1951, 1974-1976 |
40S |
1 |
Women’s Athletic Association, 1953-1980 |
40S |
2 |
Atlantic Richfield Foundation, 1980-1981 |
40S |
3 |
Atom smasher, correspondence, photos and clippings, 1939-1957 |
40S |
4 |
Atomic energy, 1945-1947, 1966-1973 |
40S |
5 |
Atomic structure, 1926 |
40S |
6 |
Atoms for Peace Awards, inc., Prof. Niels Bohr, 1957 recipient, 1956-1957 |
40S |
7 |
Audio-visual aids, 1955-1956, 1972 |
40S |
8 |
Audio-visual Center (Formerly Language Laboratory, now Multi-media and Educational Technology Services), 1959-1976 |
40S |
9 |
Automation and Technological Change Seminar (Wharton School), I, 1964 |
40S |
10 |
Automation and Technological Change Seminar (Wharton School), II, 1964 |
40S |
11 |
Avalon Foundation of New York, 1966-1974 |
40S |
12 |
Aviation, 1936, 1942, 1952 |
40S |
13 |
Avionics, PPAAR (Princeton, Pennsylvania, Army Avionics Research, 1966-1968 |
40S |
14 |
Awards and prizes by U of P, Miscellaneous, 1923-1946, 1968-1979 |
40S |
15 |
Baby babbling study, news clippings, 1991 |
41S |
1 |
Baby contest, clippings, 1947 |
41S |
2 |
Baccalaureate and collation, I, 1925-1934, 1961-1965 |
41S |
3 |
Baccalaureate and collation, II, 1966-1984 |
41S |
4 |
Baccalaureate Faculties, Council of the, 1957-1962 |
41S |
5 |
Bache and Co., 1971 |
41S |
6 |
Bacon, Francis, 400th anniversary, 1960-1961 |
41S |
7 |
Bacteriology, Department of, 1936. 1938 |
41S |
8 |
Bag Fight, memorandum, photos, clippings, 1930 |
41S |
9 |
Bail Bond Fund, 1970-1971 |
41S |
10 |
Bakke Case, 1977-1979 |
41S |
11 |
Band, news releases, photos, clippings, 1925-1982 |
41S |
12 |
Banking Club of U of P, 1932-1972 |
41S |
13 |
Banking, Professorship of Commercial, 1969 |
41S |
14 |
Baptist Orphanage, 1963 |
41S |
15 |
Barnard College, 1939, 1963-1964 |
41S |
16 |
Barnes Collection, 1940 |
41S |
17 |
Barnes Foundation Professorship of Philosophy and Annual Lamru L. Lecture, 1946, 1972-1975 |
41S |
18 |
Barra Foundation, 1971 |
41S |
19 |
Barry, Jack, Media Research Center, 1985 |
41S |
20 |
BART: Bay Area Rapid Transit, 1973 |
41S |
21 |
Barter system, 1933 |
41S |
22 |
Barton, John Rhea, Professorship, 1972 |
42S |
1 |
Bartram, John, Associates, professorship and high school, 1974 |
42S |
2 |
Batteries, 1972, 1981-1982 |
42S |
3 |
Beach Erosion and restoration, 1970 |
42S |
4 |
Beaver College, 1961 |
42S |
5 |
Beckford Papers, 1960 |
42S |
6 |
Behavioral Research Council, 1951 |
42S |
7 |
Belgian National Radio Institute, 1958 |
42S |
8 |
Bell, Academy, college, etc., 1962, 1979 |
42S |
9 |
Bell Telephone Company, checked by Devel Systems and Research, 1929, 1955-1973 |
42S |
10 |
Bellet, Samuel, Professorship in Cardiology, 1972, 1974 |
42S |
11 |
Benjamin Franklin, 1980-1990 |
42S |
12 |
Benjamin Franklin Associates, Brochures, [1956] and 1964 |
42S |
12a |
Bennett Hall, 1925-1966 |
42S |
13 |
Bennett Union (formerly Bennett Club for Women; in 1970, became part of Penn Union Council), 1931-1970 |
42S |
14 |
Bent, Robert D., Professorship, 1978 |
42S |
15 |
Bequests, clippings, 1929-1968 |
42S |
16 |
Bequests, press releases, University publications, etc., 1946-1967 |
42S |
17 |
Bequests, press releases, etc., 1968-1980 |
42S |
18 |
Berg, Moritz and Josephine, Assistant Professor of Religious Thought, 1973 |
42S |
19 |
Berg, Janice and Julian, Professor in the Social Sciences, 1973, 1980, 1982 |
42S |
20 |
Beta Alpha Psi, 1953-1960, 1977 |
42S |
21 |
Beta Eta Sigma, 1975 |
43S |
1 |
Beta Gamma Sigma National Honorary Fraternity of Schools of Business 1936-1973 |
43S |
2 |
Betatron, 1948-1949 |
43S |
3 |
Beveridge, Albert, Memorial Prize, 1970 |
43S |
4 |
Bible, Collection, exhibits, lectures,1946 |
43S |
5 |
Bicentennial, 1975 |
43S |
6 |
Bicentennial, Philadelphia ’76, Inc., Information kit, 1973 |
43S |
6a |
Bicentennial celebration of the United States |
University participation |
(I), 1970-1976 |
43S |
7 |
(II), 1976 |
43S |
8 |
(III), Clippings and photographs, 1975-1977 |
43S |
9 |
University plans |
(I), 1973-1975 |
43S |
10 |
(II), 1976 |
43aS |
1 |
(III), 1974-1976 |
43aS |
2 |
University program announcement, 1975 June 8 |
43aS |
3 |
Bicentennial College, 1975-1976 |
43aS |
4 |
Bicentennial Consortium Exhibition, 1975-1976 |
43aS |
5 |
Biddle, Algernon Sydney, Professor of Law, 1974 |
44S |
1 |
Binswanger, Frank G., Inc., 1960-1963 |
44S |
2 |
Biochemistry, Department of, 1965-1972 |
44S |
3 |
Bioengineering, Department of, 1973-1980 |
44S |
4 |
Biological Sciences and Medicine, History of the (Joint Program), 1967-1970 |
44S |
5 |
Biology department, 1935-1986 |
44S |
6 |
Biomedical engineering, 1961-1985 |
44S |
7 |
Black American Street Life, by Dan Rose, 1987 |
44S |
8 |
Black Centenary, 1980-1981 |
44S |
10 |
Black employees, 1961-1973 |
44S |
11 |
Black Business Symposium, 1969 |
44S |
19 |
Black History, 1964-1983 |
45S |
1 |
Black Presence Task Force report, 1965-1982 |
45S |
2 |
Black protest, 1987 |
45S |
3 |
Black Student League, Clippings, 1972-1981 |
45S |
4 |
Black students, I, 1965-1983 |
45S |
5 |
Black students, II (clippings), 1969-1982 |
45S |
6 |
Blood Donor Club, 1964-1977 |
45S |
7 |
Bloomers, 1979-1980 |
45S |
8 |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield, 1966-1977 |
45S |
9 |
Bobst, Elmer Holmes, Professorship of Pharmacology, 1963 |
45S |
10 |
Bockus Research Institute, 1962-1971 |
45S |
11 |
Book Exhibits, 1956-1979 |
45S |
12 |
Botany Department and botanical garden, news releases, photos, etc., 1925-1982 |
45S |
13 |
Bower, Henry and Corinne R., Chair in Medicine, 1981 |
45S |
14 |
Bowl Award, 1976-1983 |
45S |
15 |
Bowling Green Society, Women’s Honorary Dramatic Organization, 1928-1934 |
45S |
16 |
“Boxiana” Exhibition, 1956 |
45S |
17 |
Boy Scouts of America, 1927-1978 |
46S |
1 |
Braham Exhibition and Celebration (Also Brahms Chorus), 1933 |
46S |
2 |
Brazilian education, 1930 |
46S |
3 |
British Association for American Students, 1960, 1976 |
46S |
4 |
British Commonwealth, Association of Universities of, 1958 |
46S |
5 |
Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1947-1962 |
46S |
6 |
Brown, Amos P., Fund, 1970 |
46S |
7 |
Brownlee, Jean, Award, 1978-1983 |
46S |
8 |
Bruges (Belgium) Conference, 1957 |
46S |
9 |
Bruton Committee, Report, 1967 |
46S |
10 |
Bryn Mawr College, 1951-1975 |
46S |
11 |
Buckley Amendment, 1977 |
46S |
12 |
Buckley, Oliver E., Solid State Physics Prize, 1968 |
46S |
13 |
Budd Scientific Library, 1955-1957 |
46S |
14 |
Buder Memorial Fund, 1965 |
46S |
15 |
Buildings, description, 1925-1973 |
46S |
16 |
Buildings (old), 1960-1972 |
46S |
17 |
Bulletin |
Almanac, 1940-1967 |
46S |
18 |
Contributionship of the Philadelphia Bulletin, 1965-1966 |
46S |
19 |
Forum, 1950-1961 |
46S |
20 |
University of Pennsylvania series, 1951 |
46S |
21 |
Burkhart, William H., Fund for Faculty and Departmental research, 1964 |
46S |
22 |
Burroughs, John, Association, Medal Award, 1961 |
46S |
23 |
Business Executives Research Group, 1955 |
46S |
24 |
Business Statistics, 1953 |
46S |
25 |
Butcher, Howard, III, Professorship of Financial Management, 1959-1969 |
46S |
26 |
Button, Campus Act, 1980-1981 |
46S |
27 |
Cairo Geniza documents, 1971 |
46S |
28 |
Calendar and Chronicle, 1964 |
46S |
29 |
Calendar and chronicle mailings, 1964-1971 |
46S |
30 |
Calendar of Events, 1948-1964 |
47S |
1 |
Calendar, University, 1946-1977 |
47S |
2 |
Calendar, University, 1982 |
47S |
3 |
Calendar, U of P, Pictorial, 1961, 1966 |
47S |
4 |
Cambodia Strike, 1970 |
47S |
5 |
Cambridge Research Laboratories, 1972 |
47S |
6 |
Camouflage, industrial, 1942 |
47S |
7 |
Campbell Soup Fund, 1955-1965 |
47S |
8 |
Campus Calendar, 1979 Jan. – Jul. |
47S |
9 |
Campus Chest, 1951-1980 |
47S |
10 |
Campus crime, 1986-1991 |
47S |
11 |
Campus Crusade for Christ, Clippings, 1974-1975 |
47S |
12 |
Campus Development Plans, 1948-1958 |
48S |
1 |
Campus events, Notice of , 1978-1980 |
48S |
2 |
Campus Forum, 1971 |
48S |
3 |
Campus Forum, 1971 |
48S |
4 |
Campus Guide, 1958-1966 |
48S |
5 |
Campus Guide Committee (Women’s Student Government Association), 1965 |
48S |
6 |
Campus guide map, 1968-1973 |
48S |
7 |
Campus model, 1962 |
48S |
8 |
Campus moods and style, 1972-1974 |
48S |
9 |
Campus Pharmacy, 1968 |
48S |
10 |
Campus Performance Society, 1971-1976 |
48S |
11 |
Campus signs, 1960 |
48S |
12 |
Campus Then and Now, clippings, [1958]-1979 |
48S |
13 |
Campus unrest, Clipping, 1974 |
48S |
14 |
Campus unrest in the 60s (not U. of P.), 1967-1968 |
48S |
15 |
Campus vendors, 1974, 1981 |
48S |
16 |
Campus violence and crimes, 1990-1991 |
49S |
1 |
Campus violence, conference, 1988 |
49S |
2 |
Cancer, Research laboratory, chemotherapy, 1971-1982 |
49S |
3 |
Cancer Center, Fox Chase, 1974-1984 |
49S |
4 |
Cane Award, 1976-1983 |
49S |
5 |
Capital campaign, Talks of University administrators at the Trustees’ 93 million fund-raising campaign announcement luncheon, 1964 November 29 |
49S |
5a |
Capital campaign–1975 (Program for the Eighties) |
Promotion and information kit, 1975-1980 (I) |
49aS |
1 |
Promotion and information kit, 1975-1980 (II) |
49aS |
2 |
Promotion and information kit, 1975-1980 (III) |
49aS |
3 |
(I), 1975-1976 |
49S |
6 |
(II), 1975-1976 |
49S |
7 |
(III), 1977-1980 |
49S |
8 |
Clippings, 1975-1976 |
49S |
9 |
Carbon-14, 1969-1973 |
50S |
1 |
Cardiovascular Clinical Research Center, 1964, 1984 |
50S |
2 |
Career conference (opportunities, Day, changes), 1974-1981 |
50S |
3 |
Career Planning Office, 1969-1982 |
50S |
4 |
Carey, William Polk, Prize in Economics, 1970-1982 |
50S |
5 |
Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1947-1969 |
50S |
6 |
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1929-1971 |
50S |
7 |
Carr, Fred, Chair in Financial Institutions (Law School), 1970 |
50S |
8 |
Carter, William T., Foundation (child helping), 1930-1972 |
50S |
9 |
Case Institute of Technology, 1958, 1964 |
50S |
10 |
Caster Building (School of Social Work), 1973 |
50S |
11 |
Castle (a fraternity house), 1990 |
50S |
12 |
CBS Foundation, Inc., 1969 |
50S |
13 |
Celtic languages, 1977 |
50S |
14 |
Censorship, Code of, 1942 |
50S |
15 |
Center City Residents’ Association, 1958-1959 |
50S |
16 |
Center for Advanced Studies in Legal History, 1980 |
50S |
17 |
Center, Alice Paul Research, 1984 |
50S |
18 |
Center for Ancient History, 1968-1970 |
50S |
19 |
Center for Ancient Study, 1974 |
50S |
20 |
Center for the Blind, 1972 |
50S |
21 |
Center for Community Partnership |
Brochures, etc. 1994 |
50S |
22 |
Council and committee memberships, n.d. |
50S |
23 |
Glenn Bryan, 1990-1992 |
50S |
24 |
Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1996 |
50S |
25 |
Homelessness, 1993 |
50S |
26 |
Ira Harkavy, 1989-1997 |
50S |
27 |
News clippings, 1992-1996 |
50S |
28 |
Reports, 1993-1994 |
50S |
29 |
Center for Disease Control, 1981 |
51S |
1 |
Center for Ecological Research, 1969-1979 |
51S |
2 |
Center for Environmental Design and Planning, 1982-1984 |
51S |
3 |
Center for History of Chemistry, 1986 |
51S |
4 |
Center for Research on the Acts of Man, 1969-1980 |
51S |
5 |
Center for Research on Media and Children, 1978, 1981 |
51S |
6 |
Center for Philadelphia Studies, 1978-1981 |
51S |
7 |
Center for Studies in Criminology and Criminal Law, 1969-1980 |
51S |
8 |
Center for the Study of Adult Development, 1980-1982 |
51S |
9 |
Center for the Study of Art and Symbolic Behavior, 1979 |
51S |
10 |
Center for the Study of Financial Institutions, 1970-1981 |
51S |
11 |
Center for the Study of Organizational Innovation , 1976, 1981 |
51S |
12 |
Center for Urban Research and Experiment (CURE), 1968-1981 |
51S |
13 |
Center of Behavioral Medicine, 1974 |
51S |
14 |
Central Intelligence Agency, 1966-1980 |
52S |
1 |
Central High School, 1936-1966 |
52S |
2 |
Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation of Canada, 1968 |
52S |
3 |
Central Penn National Bank, 1969 |
52S |
4 |
Centrifuge, 1962 |
52S |
5 |
Certification programs, 1976 |
52S |
6 |
Ceylon workshop, 1967 |
52S |
7 |
Chamber of Commerce of Greater Philadelphia, 1929-1974 |
52S |
8 |
Chance, Edwin M., Professorship of Biochemistry, 1977 |
52S |
9 |
Chancellor Street House, 1952 |
52S |
10 |
Chaplain (Office of University), 1931-1982 |
52S |
11 |
Chaplain’s Religious Council, 1935 |
52S |
12 |
Chaplain’s Report, 1933-1939 |
52S |
13 |
Chase Manhattan Bank, Foundation, 1959-1971 |
52S |
14 |
Chateau de La Napoule, 1974-1980 |
52S |
15 |
Cheating, 1951-1980 |
52S |
16 |
Cheesai Fund, 1968 |
52S |
17 |
Chemical/Biological Warfare (not U of P), Clippings, 1966-1970 |
52S |
18 |
Chemical engineering, 1991-1992 |
52S |
19 |
Chemistry, 1978, 1981 |
53S |
1 |
Chemistry Building (new), 1941-1974 |
53S |
2 |
Chess Club, 1950-1978 |
53S |
3 |
Chestnut Street Opera House, 1940 |
53S |
4 |
Cheyney State College, 1969 |
53S |
5 |
Child Abuse/Child Welfare, 1978-1981 |
53S |
6 |
Children Center, 1971-1984 |
53S |
7 |
Children’s programs, 1981 |
53S |
8 |
Child Welfare Institute, 1967-1969 |
53S |
9 |
Chilton Publishing Co., 1960 |
53S |
10 |
China, Communist (China, People’s Republic of), Conference, tour, educators 1952-1983 |
53S |
11 |
Chinese Students’ Alliance, 1926-1971 |
53S |
12 |
Chi Omega Award, 1940-1968 |
53S |
13 |
Christian Association, 1932-1985 |
53S |
14 |
Christian Embassy, 1938 |
53S |
15 |
Christmas activities, 1934, 1954 |
53S |
16 |
Church and State (conference), 1965 |
53S |
17 |
Church of the Savior, 1970 |
53S |
18 |
Cincinnati, State Society of the, 1961-1962 |
53S |
19 |
Circolo Italiano, 1950-1961 |
53S |
20 |
Circle K Club, 1967, 1981 |
53S |
21 |
CISPR, 1961 |
53S |
22 |
Cities and Higher Education, conference, 1991 |
54S |
1 |
Citizenship Clearing House, 1955-1960 |
54S |
2 |
City Council, 1968-1971 |
54S |
3 |
City Council Bill (Weapons on city campuses), 1968-1969 |
54S |
3a |
City of Berlin, Prize for Architecture, 1968 |
54S |
4 |
City planning, Work-study program, 1968-1973 |
54S |
4a |
Civil Aeronautics Authority, United States, 1939-1949 |
54S |
5 |
Civil Rights, 1963-1982 |
54S |
6 |
Civil Rights, White House Conference on, 1965-1967 |
54S |
7 |
Civil Works Administration, Clippings, 1933-1934 |
54S |
8 |
Clark Air Compressor, 1962 |
54S |
9 |
Class Awards of Merit, 1959 |
54S |
10 |
Class Hey Day |
1925-1930 |
54S |
11 |
1962-1967 |
54S |
12 |
1968-1972 |
55S |
1 |
1973-1977 |
55S |
2 |
1978-1986 |
55S |
3 |
Class of 1862: 1934 |
55S |
4 |
Class of 1872: 1953 |
55S |
5 |
Class of 1873: 1899, 1925, 1934 |
55S |
6 |
Class of 1877: 1935, 1971 |
55S |
7 |
Class of 1882: 1965 |
55S |
8 |
Class of 1883: 1941 |
55S |
9 |
Class of 1887: 1933-1957 |
55S |
10 |
Class of 1889: 1941-1972 |
55S |
11 |
Class of 1890: 1958 |
55S |
12 |
Class of 1893: 1935, 1958 |
55S |
13 |
Class of 1894: 1937, 1960, 1962 |
55S |
14 |
Class of 1895: 1935, 1945 |
55S |
15 |
Class of 1896: 1936, 1961-1962 |
55S |
16 |
Class of 1897, Thirtieth reunion, 1927 |
55S |
17 |
Class of 1900: 1950 |
55S |
18 |
Class of 1903: 1961 |
55S |
19 |
Class of 1904: 1954, 1964 |
55S |
20 |
Class of 1905: 1940 |
55S |
21 |
Class of 1906: 1936, 1955 |
55S |
22 |
Class of 1907: 1957 |
55S |
23 |
Class of 1908: 1938 |
55S |
24 |
Class of 1909: 1957, 1959, 1969 |
55S |
25 |
Class of 1910: 1960 |
55S |
26 |
Class of 1911: 1963, 1971 |
55S |
27 |
Class of 1912: 1962 |
55S |
28 |
Class of 1913: 1963-1964 |
55S |
29 |
Class of 1914: 1944, 1954, 1964 |
55S |
30 |
Class of 1915: 1935-1980 |
55S |
31 |
Class of 1916: 1957-1966 |
56S |
1 |
Class of 1917: 1962-1972 |
56S |
2 |
Class of 1918: 1936-1968 |
56S |
3 |
Class of 1919: 1960-1975 |
56S |
4 |
Class of 1920: 1968-1977 |
56S |
5 |
Class of 1921: 1946-1971 |
56S |
6 |
Class of 1922: 1963, 1972 |
56S |
7 |
Class of 1923: 1957-1981 |
56S |
8 |
Class of 1924: 1962-1975 |
56S |
9 |
Class of 1925: 1948-1971 |
56S |
10 |
Class of 1926: 1959-1976 |
56S |
11 |
Class of 1927: 1959-1977 |
56S |
12 |
Class of 1928: 1957-1980 |
56S |
13 |
Class of 1929: 1963-1974 |
56S |
14 |
Class of 1930: 1970, 1980 |
56S |
15 |
Class of 1931: 1966-1976 |
56S |
16 |
Class of 1932: 1940-1972 |
56S |
17 |
Class of 1933: 1953-1983 |
56S |
18 |
Class of 1934: 1959-1979 |
56S |
19 |
Class of 1935: 1960-1971 |
56S |
20 |
Class of 1936: 1961-1976 |
56S |
21 |
Class of 1937: 1977 |
56S |
22 |
Class of 1938: 1963-1978 |
56S |
23 |
Class of 1939: 1964-1979 |
56S |
24 |
Class of 1940: 1940-1975 |
56S |
25 |
Class of 1941: 1957-1966 |
56S |
26 |
Class of 1942: 1957-1972 |
56S |
27 |
Class of 1943: 1967-1978 |
56S |
28 |
Class of 1944: 1969-1979 |
56S |
29 |
Class of 1945: 1965-1970 |
56S |
30 |
Class of 1946: 1960-1983 |
57S |
1 |
Class of 1947: 1972 |
57S |
2 |
Class of 1948: 1957-1976 |
57S |
3 |
Class of 1949: 1962-1979 |
57S |
4 |
Class of 1950: 1960-1970 |
57S |
5 |
Class of 1951: 1951-1976 |
57S |
6 |
Class of 1952: 1962-1976 |
57S |
7 |
Class of 1953: 1973, 1978 |
57S |
8 |
Class of 1954: 1969 |
57S |
9 |
Class of 1955: 1970-1980 |
57S |
10 |
Class of 1956: 1971, 1980 |
57S |
11 |
Class of 1957: 1972 |
57S |
12 |
Class of 1958: 1958-1983 |
57S |
13 |
Class of 1959: 1959-1969 |
57S |
14 |
Class of 1960: 1960-1970 |
57S |
15 |
Class of 1961: 1961-1971 |
57S |
16 |
Class of 1962: 1962-1972 |
57S |
17 |
Class of 1963: 1963-1977 |
57S |
18 |
Class of 1964: 1964-1980 |
57S |
19 |
Class of 1965: 1964-1980 |
57S |
20 |
Class of 1966: 1966 |
57S |
21 |
Class of 1967: 1963-1972 |
57S |
22 |
Class of 1968: 1968-1973 |
57S |
23 |
Class of 1969: 1969-1976 |
57S |
24 |
Class of 1970: 1966-1978 |
57S |
25 |
Class of 1971: 1967-1971 |
57S |
26 |
Class of 1972: 1968-1972 |
57S |
27 |
Class of 1973: 1969-1973 |
57S |
28 |
Class of 1974: 1970-1974 |
57S |
29 |
Class of 1975: 1971-1975 |
57S |
30 |
Class of 1976: 1972-1976 |
57S |
31 |
Class of 1977: 1973-1977 |
57S |
32 |
Class of 1978: 1974-1978 |
57S |
33 |
Class of 1979: 1975-1979 |
57S |
34 |
Class of 1980: 1976-1980 |
57S |
35 |
Class of 1981: 1977-1981 |
57S |
36 |
Class of 1982: 1978-1982 |
57S |
37 |
Class of 1983: 1979-1983 |
57S |
38 |
Class of 1984: 1980-1984 |
57S |
39 |
Class of 1986: 1982 |
57S |
40 |
Classroom planning, 1951-1982 |
57S |
41 |
Clear Air Turbulence (CAT), 1970 |
57S |
42 |
“Climatron”, 1963 |
57S |
43 |
Climax Dental Supply Co., 1963 |
57S |
44 |
Clinical Research Center, 1962 |
58S |
1 |
Clock (Council Room), 1965 |
58S |
2 |
Clothier Collections, 1962 |
58S |
3 |
Club of Rome, Clippings, 1976-1975 |
58S |
4 |
Coalition of Blue-Collar Workers, 1970 |
58S |
5 |
Coast Guard, U.S., 1942-1945 |
58S |
6 |
Coat-of-Arms (U. of P.), 1932-1971 |
58S |
7 |
Coffee hour, 1936-1966 |
58S |
8 |
Coleman, George A., Pediatric Oral Health Care Center, 1966-1976 |
58S |
9 |
Collaborative for West Philadelphia Public Schools |
58S |
9a |
College of Arts and Sciences, Releases on Appointments, 1946-1969 |
58S |
10 |
College-Bound Corporation, Clippings, 1965 |
58S |
11 |
College Bowl, 1961-1967 |
58S |
12 |
College Bowl contests, 1959-1969 |
58S |
12a |
College Collateral Courses, 1937-1958 |
58S |
13 |
College Day, 1966-1979 |
58S |
14 |
College Entrance Examination Board, 1926-1977 |
58S |
15 |
College Fair, National, 1975-1985 |
58S |
16 |
College Hall, 1929-1983 |
59S |
1 |
College Hall Sit-in (see also Student protest), 1982 |
59S |
2 |
College House, 1976-1983 |
59S |
3 |
College of General Studies, I, 1981-1982 |
59S |
4 |
College of General Studies, II (clippings), 1987 |
59S |
5 |
College of General Studies, Annual Report, 1991, and brochure celebrating 100th anniversary, 1992 |
59S |
6 |
College of Liberal Arts for Women, 1933-1974 |
59S |
7 |
College of Liberal Arts for Women, Thirtieth Anniversary, 1963-1964 |
59S |
8 |
College of Physicians, 1935-1967 |
59S |
9 |
College of Thematic Studies, 1972-1975 |
59S |
10 |
College and University Personnel Association, 1976 |
59S |
11 |
Colonial Penn Center, 1973 |
60S |
1 |
Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, 1976, 1980 |
60S |
2 |
Color analyzer, 1930-1935 |
60S |
3 |
Color Guard (U of P), Photos, undated |
60S |
4 |
Colors of the University, 1933-1949 |
60S |
5 |
Columbia Broadcasting System Foundation, Inc., 1954-1977 |
60S |
6 |
Columbia University, 1956-1980 |
60S |
7 |
Columns Service series, 1973 |
60S |
8 |
Commencement |
1925 |
60S |
9 |
1970 |
60S |
10 |
1971 |
60S |
11 |
1972 |
61S |
1 |
1973 |
61S |
2 |
1974 |
61S |
3 |
1975, I |
61S |
4 |
1975, II |
61S |
5 |
1975, III (photos, etc.) |
61S |
6 |
1976, I |
62S |
1 |
1976, II |
62S |
2 |
1977 |
62S |
3 |
1978 |
62S |
4 |
1979 |
62S |
5 |
1980, I |
62S |
6 |
1980, II |
63S |
1 |
1981 |
63S |
2 |
1982 |
63S |
3 |
1983 |
63S |
4 |
1984 |
63S |
5 |
1984, Sakharov Honorary Degree (clippings) |
63S |
6 |
1985 |
63S |
7 |
1986 |
63S |
8 |
Commencement addresses, 1991-1993 |
64S |
1 |
Commencement speeches, 1968 |
64S |
2 |
Commencement, 1990 |
64S |
3 |
Commencement, 1991 |
64S |
4 |
Commencement, 1992 |
64S |
5 |
Commencement, 1993 |
64S |
6 |
Commencement, College of General Studies, 1991 |
64S |
7 |
Commencement, honorary degree recipients, 1991 |
64S |
8 |
Commencement, honorary degree recipients, and speakers, 1994-1997 |
64S |
9 |
Commission on Higher Education, 1957-1975 |
65S |
1 |
Commission on Strengthening the Community, press releases and clippings, 1994 |
65S |
2 |
Committee on Corporation Responsibility, 1971-1978 |
65S |
3 |
Committee For Corporate Support of American Universities, 1973-1979 |
65S |
4 |
Committee on Criteria and Procedures for the Selection of a University President, 1969-1981 |
65S |
5 |
Committee on Educational Survey of the University of Pennsylvania, Report, 1924 |
65S |
6 |
Committee on the Goals of Higher Education, 1969-1970 |
65S |
7 |
Committee on the Goals of Higher Educational Opportunities, 1957-1958 |
65S |
8 |
Committee for the Nomination of Candidates for Dean, 1971-1977 |
65S |
9 |
Committee on Open Expression, 1977-1983 |
65S |
10 |
Committee on Student Affairs, 1961-1967 |
65S |
11 |
Committee of a Thousand, 1966-1968 |
65S |
12 |
Committee on Undergraduate Affairs, 1969 |
65S |
13 |
Committee on Urban Affairs, 1970-1971 |
65S |
14 |
Committees (U of P) and reports, 1971-1982 |
65S |
15 |
Commonwealth Fund of New York City, 1971 |
65S |
16 |
Commonwealth of PA Council on the Arts, 1973 |
65S |
17 |
Commonwealth Relations, 1970-1983 |
65S |
18 |
Commonwealth Relations, 1983 |
65S |
19 |
Commonwealth Relations, 1983-1985 |
65S |
20 |
Communication Control Conference, 1974 |
66S |
1 |
Communications and Medical Research, 1963-1965 |
66S |
2 |
Communications Studies, 1971-1972 |
66S |
3 |
Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, 1969-1982 |
66S |
4 |
Communists, 1952-1969 |
66S |
5 |
Community advisors, Panel of, 1971 |
66S |
6 |
Community College in Philadelphia, 1962-1970 |
66S |
7 |
Community Involvement Council, 1966-1973 |
66S |
8 |
Community Medicine, Department of, 1939-1980 |
66S |
9 |
Community of Students (U of P), 1969-1970 |
66S |
10 |
Community Park, 1971-1978 |
66S |
11 |
Community programs (summer), 1971 |
66S |
12 |
Community related programs, 1956-1986 |
66S |
13 |
Community Relations, 1976-1982 |
66S |
14 |
Community relations, 1988-1992 |
66S |
15 |
Community relations, report of the Office of the Vice President for Administration, 1979 |
67S |
1 |
Community relations, University/Community Survey of courses and activities related to community relations, n.d. |
67S |
2 |
Commuity Relations Communications Committee, 1991-1992 |
67S |
3 |
Community Relations Plan, 1992 |
67S |
4 |
Community service, 1992-1994 |
67S |
5 |
Community service, special issue of Compass, 1992 |
67S |
6 |
Community Services information, 1981-1983 |
67S |
7 |
Community service programs, 1991-1994 |
67S |
8 |
Community Union (newsletter of Office of Community Relations), 1994-1995 |
67S |
9 |
Commuting Students (U of P), 1957-1981 |
68S |
1 |
Comptroller’s Office, 1951-1982 |
68S |
2 |
Composers’ Guild, 1984 |
68S |
3 |
Comparative Educational Society, 1967 |
68S |
4 |
Comparative Law, Professorship of, 1957 |
68S |
5 |
Computer |
Original print-outs, etc., 1946-1981 |
68S |
6 |
Future Release, Original, etc. 1946 |
68S |
7 |
Future Release, Extra copy, 1946 |
68S |
8 |
Clippings, 1946 |
68S |
9 |
Telephone conversation between Evening Bulletin and J. Warshaw, 1947 Aug. 28 |
68S |
10 |
Clippings, 1946-1965 |
68S |
11 |
Clippings, 1966-1969 |
68S |
12 |
Clippings, 1970-1979 |
69S |
1 |
Clippings, 1980-1987 |
69S |
2 |
Memo from John G. Brainerd re authorship of the invention, 1966 Nov. 3 |
69S |
3 |
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1945-1983 |
69S |
4 |
Releases, 1946-1986 |
69S |
5 |
Photos and slides |
69S |
6 |
Anniversary, 15th, 1961 |
69S |
7 |
Anniversary, 25th, 1971 |
69S |
8 |
Anniversary, 30th (UNIVAC), 1981 |
69S |
9 |
Anniversary, 40th, 1986 |
69S |
10 |
Center for Computer-oriented Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 1966 Dec.-1968 |
70S |
1 |
Computer and Information Science, 1968-1975 |
70S |
2 |
Computer Career Program, 1969-1970 |
70S |
3 |
Computer center and computer machines, 1957-1965 |
70S |
4 |
Computer center and computer machines, 1965-1971 |
70S |
5 |
Computer Dating Service, 1967-1969 |
70S |
6 |
Computer Fair, 1981-1985 |
70S |
7 |
Computer Museum, 1975 June |
70S |
8 |
Computers in Education, 1969 July – 1984 Feb. |
70S |
9 |
Computer releases, 1970-1980 |
70S |
10 |
Computer releases, etc., 1981-present (1985) |
70S |
11 |
Computer Systems, Inc., 1963 Dec. |
70S |
12 |
Econometric Model (Wharton School), 1968-1981 |
70S |
13 |
EDVAC, 1947 |
70S |
14 |
EDVAC (photos), 1972 Aug. |
71S |
1 |
Extended Data Management Facility (EDMF), 1971 |
71S |
2 |
IBM Venture Fund, 1982 |
71S |
3 |
Mathematics Institute, summer project, 1962-1967 |
71S |
4 |
Photos, 1962-1966 |
71S |
5 |
Univac Division of Sperry Rand Corp., 1957-1973 |
71S |
6 |
Wharton Computational Center, 1974-1982 |
71S |
7 |
Comstock Award, 1968 |
71S |
8 |
Concert, 1967-1984 |
71S |
9 |
Concrete Canoe Race, 1973-1983 |
71S |
10 |
Concrete Tester, 1928-1930 |
71S |
11 |
Conference on Undergraduate Education, 1971 |
71S |
12 |
Conferences, miscellaneous, 1977, 1982 |
71S |
13 |
Conference of Universities, 1932, 1978 |
71S |
14 |
Congressional presentation, 1967 |
71S |
15 |
Confidentiality of Student Records, Policy on, 1969-1980 |
71S |
16 |
Conflict of Interest Policy, 1981-1983 |
71S |
17 |
Connelly Organization, 1962 |
71S |
18 |
“Connaissance” |
1961-1965 |
71S |
19 |
1966-1979 |
71S |
20 |
1971-1983 |
71S |
21 |
1979-1985 |
72S |
1 |
Conscientious objectors, 1970-1971 |
72S |
2 |
Consortium Summer Program on South Asia, 1967 |
72S |
3 |
Consortium of University Research Teams (CURT), 1969-1970 |
72S |
4 |
Constitution and Constitutional Convention, 1936-1962 |
72S |
5 |
Construction, Department of, 1966 |
72S |
6 |
Content Analysis Conference, 1967 |
72S |
7 |
Continuing Education programs, 1970-1982 |
72S |
8 |
Contracts, 1966-1967 |
72S |
9 |
Conventions, 1926-1976 |
72S |
10 |
Convocations, 1972-1976 |
72S |
11 |
Cooperative Food Store (U of P), 1971-1976 |
72S |
12 |
Coordinated Planning Office, Vice-president for, 1966 |
72S |
13 |
Cope, Walter, Memorial Prize Competition, 1930 |
72S |
14 |
COPUS – Coalition of Independent College and University Students, 1978-1980 |
72S |
15 |
Copyright policy, 1973 |
72S |
16 |
Corinthian Editions, Inc., 1971 |
72S |
17 |
Cornell-Dartmouth-Pennsylvania Conference (on Democracy), 1939-1940 |
72S |
18 |
Cornell University, 1954-1982 |
72S |
19 |
Cornerstone, 1952-1976 |
72S |
20 |
Corporation for Christian Work in Educational Institutions of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, 1967 |
72S |
21 |
Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1977-1982 |
72S |
22 |
Correspondence from the College Hall re public relations, 1956-1967 |
72S |
23 |
Cost containment, 1990-1991 |
72S |
24 |
Cost of higher education, news clipping, 1994 |
73S |
1 |
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), 1979, 1982 |
73S |
2 |
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), clippings, 1991-1994 |
73S |
3 |
Council for Financial Aid to Education, 1960, 1963 |
73S |
4 |
Council of High Education (State of PA), 1965 |
73S |
5 |
Council on Higher Education in the American Republics, 1962 |
73S |
6 |
Council for Opportunity in Graduate Management Education, 1970-1974 |
73S |
7 |
Council of Science and Technology, Clippings, 1963 |
73S |
8 |
Council on University-Community Development, 1969-1981 |
73S |
9 |
Counseling Service (University), 1969-1982 |
73S |
10 |
Course of Study, 1976-1986 |
73S |
11 |
Cox, George S., Research Foundation, 1936-1956 |
73S |
12 |
Craiz Memorial Award (Ethel Wallace), 1957-1970 |
73S |
13 |
Crawley, Howard, Memorial Lectures |
I, 1933-1940 |
73S |
14 |
II, 1936-1941 |
73S |
15 |
III, 1942-1964 |
73S |
16 |
IV, 1956-1963 |
73S |
17 |
V, 1969-1972 |
73S |
18 |
Creole Foundation, 1963 |
74S |
1 |
CRET Professorship of Architecture, Paul Phillippe, 1966 |
74S |
2 |
Crime on campus |
I, 1958-1980 |
74S |
3 |
II, 1981-1983 |
74S |
4 |
III (Murder 85), 1985 |
74S |
5 |
Crime news study, 1982 |
74S |
6 |
Criminal justice, 1973, 1975 |
74S |
7 |
Criminology and Law, Center for Studies in, 1966-1985 |
74S |
8 |
Crisis in Education, 1958 |
74S |
9 |
Crown Zellerbach Corporation, 1968 |
74S |
10 |
Cultural Indicators, 1972 |
74S |
11 |
Cults, 1979-1982 |
74S |
12 |
Curtis Organ (Cyrus H. K. Curtis), 1929-1981 |
74S |
13 |
Curtis Organ Restoration Society, 1973-1982 |
74S |
14 |
Cyclotron, 1940, 1966 |
75S |
1 |
CY’s Penn Luncheonette, 1968-1972 |
75S |
2 |
Czechoslovakia Ambassador, 1965 |
75S |
3 |
Daily News, 1956-1974 |
75S |
4 |
Daily Pennsylvanian |
I (Clippings), 1932-1962 |
75S |
5 |
II (Clippings), 1963-1969 |
75S |
6 |
III (Clippings), 1970-1985 |
75S |
7 |
Daily Pennsylvania, Alumni Society, 1960-1969 |
75S |
8 |
News clippings re DP, 1962-1975 |
76S |
1 |
News Releases, etc., 1931-1968 |
76S |
2 |
News Releases, etc., 1970-1985 |
76S |
3 |
Press Institute, 1857-1962 |
76S |
4 |
Seventy-fifth anniversary, 1959-1960 |
76S |
5 |
Dalai Lama, 1990 |
76S |
6 |
Dance grant, 1965 |
76S |
7 |
Dance group (symposium, concerts), 1938-1981 |
76S |
8 |
Danforth Foundation, 1981, 1958-1975 |
76S |
9 |
Daroff Lecture Hall, 1956 |
76S |
10 |
Dartmouth College, 1957-1983 |
76S |
11 |
Data Processing and Research Office (University), 1966-1970 |
76S |
12 |
Date Rape, 1983-1989 |
76S |
13 |
Dating techniques, 1971-1972 |
77S |
1 |
“Davenport Report”, 1965 |
77S |
2 |
Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics |
I, 1967-1976 |
77S |
3 |
II, 1976-1981 |
77S |
4 |
III, 1982-1984 |
77S |
5 |
Davis, Meyer, Jr. Collection of Lord Byron’s Letters, 1966-1967 |
77S |
6 |
“Day of Conscience”, 1969 Mar. 4 |
77S |
7 |
Day Professorship, Charles C. and William L. , 1976 |
77S |
8 |
Dean, election of, 1971-1972 |
77S |
9 |
Dean of Men’s Office, 1959-1969 |
77S |
10 |
Dean of Students, Office of, 1969-1980 |
77S |
11 |
Dean of Women, 1950-1969 |
77S |
12 |
Deans, 1957-1973 |
77S |
13 |
Dean’s Lecture series, 1979 |
77S |
14 |
Debating, I, 1926-1933 |
77S |
15 |
Debating, II, 1934-1974 |
77S |
16 |
De Beauvoir, Simone, Conference, 1983 |
77S |
17 |
Decatur, Stephen, Hall, 1947-1949 |
77S |
18 |
Dechert, Robert, Collection of Americans, 1962 |
77S |
19 |
Declaration of Independence, 1928-1963 |
77S |
20 |
Deep Dive |
1971-1972 |
78S |
1 |
1975, I |
78S |
2 |
1975, II |
78S |
3 |
1975, Clippings, 1975-1977 |
78S |
4 |
Deferred Income Plan , Doctorates, 1941, 1979 |
78S |
5 |
Degrees, Offered at U of P, 1967-1982 |
78S |
6 |
Degrees, 1967-1983 |
78S |
7 |
Delaware River Basin, 1970-1971 |
78S |
8 |
Delaware Valley Faculty Exchange (Formerly Lilly-Pennsylvania Program), 1983-1984 |
78S |
9 |
Delaware Valley Regional Commission, 1969 |
78S |
10 |
Delaware Valley, U.S.A., 1954-1966 |
78S |
11 |
Delinquency Study, 1963-1972 |
78S |
12 |
Delta Delta Delta, 1959-1970 |
78S |
13 |
Delta Kappa Epsilon, Clippings, 1928-1963 |
78S |
14 |
Delta Omicron, 1956-1958 |
78S |
15 |
Delta Phi, 1932-1959 |
78S |
16 |
Delta Phi Epsilon, 1950 |
78S |
17 |
Delta Psi, 1934-1962 |
79S |
1 |
Delta Sigma Delta, 1967-1981 |
79S |
2 |
Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity, 1933-1957 |
79S |
3 |
Delta Sigma Rho, 1952-1953 |
79S |
4 |
Delta Tau Delta, 1967-1968 |
79S |
5 |
Delta Theta, 1933, 1981 |
79S |
6 |
Delta Upsilon, 1954, 1968 |
79S |
7 |
Democratic Coalition (new), 1969 |
79S |
8 |
Democratic Convention, 1979 |
79S |
9 |
Demolition photos, 1965 |
79S |
10 |
Dental Care Center, 1979-1980 |
79S |
11 |
Dental Clinic, 1946-1985 |
79S |
12 |
Dental Congress, Seventh International, 1925-1926 |
79S |
13 |
Dental Research, 1938-1985 |
79S |
14 |
Dental Medicine, School of |
I, 1934-1950 |
79S |
15 |
II, 1956-1985 |
79S |
16 |
Clippings, 1933-1979 |
79S |
17 |
W.D. Miller General Clinical Research Center, 1981 |
79S |
18 |
De Vega, Lope, Collection, 1962 |
79S |
19 |
Development and Public Relations, 1955-1984 |
79S |
20 |
Development Commission, University |
I, 1972-1985 |
79S |
21 |
II, 1975 |
79S |
22 |
Dickinson College, 1953-1973 |
80S |
1 |
Dietrich Foundation, Inc., 1951-1962 |
80S |
2 |
Dietrich Hall, 1948-1981 |
80S |
3 |
Dietrich Hall |
Boston Dinner, 1950 |
80S |
4 |
Chicago Dinner, 1951 |
80S |
5 |
Cleveland Dinner, 1951 |
80S |
6 |
New York Dinner, 1950 |
80S |
7 |
Philadelphia Dinner, 1951 |
80S |
8 |
Pittsburgh Dinner, 1951 |
80S |
9 |
Photographs, 1951-1952 |
80S |
10 |
Differential Analyzer, 1934-1952 |
80S |
11 |
Dining service (U of P), 1970-1986 |
80S |
12 |
Dinks, 1933-1961 |
81S |
1 |
Direct Energy Conversion, Institute of, 1967-1968 |
81S |
2 |
Discipline (Disciplinary Committee, Action, procedures), 1955-1968 |
81S |
3 |
Discrimination against women, 1970-1974 |
81S |
4 |
Discrimination policies, 1956-1978 |
81S |
5 |
Diversity education at Penn, 1990 |
81S |
6 |
Divorce, 1982 |
81S |
7 |
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation, 1962 |
81S |
8 |
Dominos, 1976 |
81S |
9 |
Donner Center for Radiology, William H., 1937-1965 |
81S |
10 |
Donner Chair of Science, 1958-1960 |
81S |
11 |
Donner Fund for Needy Patients, 1943 |
81S |
12 |
Dormitory Council, 1952-1969 |
81S |
13 |
Dorot Foundation of New York, 1981 |
81S |
14 |
DOT Weekends, 1972-1980 |
81S |
15 |
Dow Chemical Company, 1967-1970 |
81S |
16 |
Draft Lottery, 1969 |
81S |
17 |
Draft Sanctuary, 1969-1983 |
81S |
18 |
Drama Guild, 1962-1963 |
81S |
19 |
Drama–“Yorick” and “Yorick’s Love”, 1925 |
81S |
20 |
Dramatic Club, 1925-1939 |
81S |
21 |
Dreiser (Theodore) edition by Thomas Riggio, 1986 |
81S |
22 |
Drepel Medal, Lucy Wharton, 1952-1978 |
81S |
23 |
Drexel University, 1928-1979 |
82S |
1 |
Drinking on campus, 1970-1981 |
82S |
2 |
Dripps, Robert D., Professorship of Anesthesiology, 1965-1972 |
82S |
3 |
Driving test, 1938-1959 |
82S |
4 |
Drug (Use on campus), 1965-1981 |
82S |
5 |
Drug Information Center, 1971 |
82S |
6 |
Drug Tests, 1972-1975 |
82S |
7 |
Dunlop Professorship, Robert G., 1981 |
82S |
8 |
Du Pont Company, 1960-1967 |
82S |
9 |
Dust explosions, 1928 |
82S |
10 |
Dutch Studies programs, 1979-1983 |
82S |
11 |
Earth Day, 1990 |
82S |
12a |
Eagles, The, 1958-1962 |
82S |
12 |
Earth Sciences, Courses, 1937-1967 |
82S |
13 |
Earth Week, Clippings, etc., 1969-1971 |
82S |
14 |
Earth Week, Photographs and negatives, 1970 |
82S |
15 |
East Asia Studies, 1978 |
82S |
16 |
Easter seal campaign, 1973 |
82S |
17 |
Eastern Association of College Auxiliary Service, 1977 |
82S |
18 |
Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, 1949-1950 |
82S |
19 |
Eastern Psychological Association, 1956 |
82S |
20 |
Eastman Kodak Co., 1961-1979 |
82S |
21 |
Eckel Memorial Fund, 1936 |
82S |
22 |
Ecker Chair of Life Insurance, Frederick H., 1958-1959 |
82S |
23 |
Economics, Department of, 1932-1986 |
83S |
1 |
Ecuadorian Ambassador, 1961 |
83S |
2 |
Edinburgh, University of, 1976-1981 |
83S |
3 |
Edison Electric Institute, 1965-1979 |
83S |
4 |
Education, Department of (The Commonwealth), 1967-1971 |
83S |
5 |
Education, Graduate School of, Clippings, 1987 |
83S |
6 |
Education issues, Clippings, 1988-1989 |
83S |
7 |
Education-Philadelphia, 1949 |
83S |
8 |
Education Writers Association, 1960-1972 |
83S |
9 |
Educational Council, 1928-1963 |
83S |
10 |
Education Policy Committee, 1958-1980 |
83S |
11 |
Educational Research Center, 1974-1986 |
83S |
12 |
Educational Service Bureau, 1951-1964 |
83S |
13 |
Educational Studies, 1973-1978 |
83 |
15 |
Educational survey |
(I), 1954-1960 |
83S |
15 |
(II), 1960 (including the Abstract of the Five-Volume Overall Report of The Educational Survey) |
83S |
16 |
(III), 1960 |
83S |
17 |
(IV), Letter from Malcolm G. Preston to Henry Hoenigswald, 1970 March 9 |
83S |
18 |
Educational Survey (U of P), 1954-1961 |
83S |
19 |
Educational Testing Service, 1953-1979 |
84S |
1 |
Educators Day, 1979 |
84S |
2 |
Eichert Jr. Student Award, E. Stuart, 1976-1981 |
84S |
3 |
Eisenlohr Hall and Eisenlohr Annex, 1941-1983 |
84S |
4 |
Einstein theory, 1929, 1981 |
84S |
5 |
Election of Martin Meyerson as University President, News releases, 1970 |
84S |
6a |
Elderly, problems for, 1973 |
84S |
6 |
Electric cars, I, 1967-1970 |
84S |
7 |
Electric cars, II, 1967-1969 |
84S |
8 |
Electric cars, III(photos), 1967 |
84S |
9 |
Electric power allocation, 1973 |
84S |
10 |
Electrochemistry, 1962-1970 |
84S |
11 |
Electromagnetic radiations, 1968 |
84S |
12 |
Electro-medical Laboratory, 1959 |
84S |
13 |
Electronic Symposium, 1961 |
85S |
14 |
Electron Microscope, 1940-1941 |
85S |
15 |
Electronic Census and Electronics-musical, 1960-1971 |
85S |
16 |
Eligibility Committee, 1931 |
85S |
17 |
Ellis Chair of Hebrew and Semitic Languages and Literature, A. M., 1954-1974 |
85S |
18 |
Elwyn Institute, 1980-1981 |
85S |
19 |
Emeritus faculty, 1969-1970 |
85S |
20 |
Emeritus presidents, 1970 |
85S |
21 |
Emeritus professors, I, 1955-1969 |
85S |
22 |
Emeritus professors, II(photos), undated |
85S |
23 |
Emeritus Trustees, 1978 |
85S |
24 |
Endowed professorships and chairs |
I, 1928-1966 |
85S |
1 |
II, 1967-1976 |
85S |
2 |
III, 1977-1982 |
85S |
3 |
Endowments (U of P and other colleges), 1949-1985 |
85S |
4 |
Energy Center (conservation, crises, etc.), 1977-1982 |
85S |
5 |
Energy Conservation and crises, 1973-1982 |
85S |
6 |
Energy Conversion Institute, 1964-1976 |
85S |
7 |
Energy, Department of, 1981 |
85S |
8 |
Engineering, 1954-1974 |
85S |
9 |
Engineering and Applied Sciences, College of |
I, 1973-1978 |
86S |
1 |
II, 1975-1983 |
86S |
2 |
III, 1982-1986 |
86S |
3 |
Artificial Intelligence Research, 1984-1986 |
86S |
4 |
Engineering and physical sciences, 1968 |
86S |
5 |
Engineering, biochemical, 1969-1976 |
86S |
6 |
Engineering, biochemical, Biochemical Center, 1974-1978 |
86S |
7 |
Engineering, Chemical, School, 1954-1980 |
86S |
8 |
Engineering, Civil, Department, 1970-1982 |
86S |
9 |
Engineering College Research Council, 1972 |
86S |
10 |
Engineering education, Graduate, Manpower situation, continuing studies, 1966-1982 |
86S |
11 |
Engineering, electrical, 1936-1984 |
86S |
12 |
Engineering Research, Office of, 1968 |
86S |
13 |
Engineering schools |
pre-organizations, 1935-1954 |
86S |
14 |
1955 |
86S |
15 |
1954-1969 |
86S |
16 |
1969-1983 |
87S |
1 |
Annual reports, 1964-1965 |
87S |
2 |
Annual reports, 1965-1966 |
87S |
3 |
Annual reports, 1966-1967 |
87S |
4 |
Curriculum changes, 1967-1969 |
87S |
5 |
Faculty, 1969-1970 |
87S |
6 |
Photographs, undated |
87S |
7 |
Symposium, 1976 |
87S |
8 |
Engineers Day, 1930-1933 |
87S |
9 |
Engineers Day, 1934-1936 |
87S |
10 |
Engineers Day, 1937-1965 |
87S |
11 |
Engineers Day and Week, 1951-1978 |
87S |
12 |
Fuel engineering, 1927-1969 |
88S |
1 |
Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Department of, 1927-1976 |
88S |
2 |
Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Department of, 1975-1976 |
88S |
3 |
Metallurgy and Materials Science, School of, 1946-1972 |
88S |
4 |
Moore School of Electrical Engineering |
I, 1925-1934 |
88S |
5 |
II, 1932-1949 |
88S |
6 |
III, 1958-1967 |
88S |
7 |
IV, 1969-1976 |
88S |
8 |
Alumni Award of Merit and Alumni Gold Medals, 1972-1973 |
88S |
9 |
Electrical Engineering Research, 1971-1973 |
88S |
10 |
Fiftieth Anniversary, 1973-1980 |
89S |
1 |
Graduate Research Center, 1965-1968 |
89S |
2 |
Harold Pender Laboratory of Electrical Engineering, 1957-1965 |
89S |
3 |
Photographs, 1974 |
89S |
4 |
Solid State Electronics Laboratory, 1968 |
89S |
5 |
Towne School |
I, 1925-1947 |
89S |
6 |
II, 1937-1960 |
89S |
7 |
III, 1960-1973 |
89S |
8 |
English Department, 1938-1986 |
89S |
9 |
English Institute (national), 1939-1969 |
89S |
10 |
English program for foreign students, 1946-1982 |
89S |
11 |
ENIAC, 50th anniversary celebration, 1995 |
89S |
12 |
ENIAC, 50th anniversary, news clippings, 1995-1996 |
90S |
1 |
Ennis Professorship in Electrical Engineering, Alfred G. and Meta A., 1973 |
90S |
2 |
Enrollment |
1953-1962 |
90S |
3 |
1962-1967 |
90S |
4 |
1966-1980 |
90S |
5 |
Graduate student, 1968-1970 |
90S |
6 |
Other colleges and schools, 1932-1980 |
90S |
7 |
Entrance requirements, 1931-1933 |
90S |
8 |
Environment, Problems, research, teach-in, 1967-1976 |
90S |
9 |
Environmental Law Group, 1971-1973 |
90S |
10 |
Enzyme Study, 1971-1976 |
90S |
11 |
Episcopal Church Convention, 1946 |
90S |
12 |
Episcopal Hospital, 1947-1948 |
90S |
13 |
Equal Opportunities Employment Conferences |
I, 1964 |
91S |
1 |
II (addresses by H. C. Baker, etc.), 1964 |
91S |
2 |
III (address by George Schermer, etc.), 1964 |
91S |
3 |
IV, 1973-1982 |
91S |
4 |
Planners for, 1968 |
91S |
5 |
President’s Committee on, 1971-1980 |
91S |
6 |
Equal opportunity, women and minority groups, 1971-1983 |
91S |
7 |
Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S. , 1969, 1972 |
91S |
8 |
Eriksen Plan, 1969 |
91S |
9 |
Eskimo, 1980-1983 |
91S |
10 |
Eta Kappa Nu, 1954-1978 |
91S |
11 |
Ethnic minorities, 1979 |
91S |
12 |
Ettinger, Richard Prentice, Program for Creative Writing, 1963-1964 |
91S |
13 |
Europenn, 1975 |
91S |
14 |
Evans Institute, 1912-1937 |
91S |
15 |
Evans’ Jewel Collection, 1959-1962 |
91S |
16 |
Evening and Extension Schools |
1925-1952 |
92S |
1 |
1953-1972 |
92S |
2 |
I, 1925-1954 |
92S |
3 |
II, 1956-1965 |
92S |
4 |
Fiftieth anniversary, 1954 |
92S |
5 |
Exchange program, I, 1960-1980 |
92S |
6 |
Exchange program, II, 1980-1983 |
92S |
7 |
Exchange Students (programs, faculty and research), 1959-1980 |
92S |
8 |
Exhibits, Miscellaneous, 1954-1986 |
92S |
9 |
Executive Committee, 1945 |
92S |
10 |
Executive Vice President, Office of, 1981 |
92S |
11 |
Expedition (University Museum publication), Top Printing Honors, 1960 |
92S |
12 |
Experimental College, 1970-1971 |
92S |
13 |
Experimental Seminar Program, 1967 |
92S |
14 |
Experts list, 1979-1981 |
93S |
1 |
Exposition Britannia, 1963 |
93S |
2 |
External Affairs, Office of , 1969-1974 |
93S |
3 |
External Affairs, Office of, 1970-1972 |
93S |
4 |
Extra curricular activities, 1939-1978 |
93S |
5 |
Extraterrestrial Life, 1982 |
93S |
6 |
Exxon Academic Development Fund, 1960-1982 |
93S |
7 |
Facility and Development, Office of, 1963-1980 |
93S |
8 |
Fact cards, 1962-1984 |
93S |
9 |
“Facts about the University”, 1960-1984 |
93S |
10 |
Faculty, 1942-1975 |
93S |
11 |
Faculty and Administrative Services, 1959 |
93S |
12 |
Faculty appointment and promotion policies and procedures, 1972-1978 |
93S |
13 |
Faculty Appointments |
I, 1931-1949 |
93S |
14 |
II, 1950-1955 |
93S |
15 |
III, 1956-1961 |
93S |
16 |
IV, 1962-1963 |
93S |
17 |
V, 1964-1965 July |
94S |
1 |
VI, 1965-1967 |
94S |
2 |
VII, 1968-1977 |
94S |
3 |
VIII, 1973-1982 |
94S |
4 |
Faculty Awards, 1959-1960 |
94S |
5 |
Faculty Club, 1958-1983 |
94S |
6 |
Faculty deaths, 1950-1980 |
94S |
7 |
Faculty deaths, 1972-1982 |
94S |
8 |
Faculty, distinguished, 1962-1975 |
94S |
9 |
Faculty economic status, 1972-1982 |
95S |
1 |
Faculty-Freshman Day, 1971-1974 |
95S |
2 |
Faculty Honors, 1948-1973 |
95S |
3 |
Faculty–leaves of absence, 1926-1981 |
95S |
4 |
Faculty protests, 1975-1978 |
95S |
5 |
Faculty publications, 1949-1960 |
95S |
6 |
Faculty–recruiting and retention, 1965 |
95S |
7 |
Faculty reorganization, 1972 |
95S |
8 |
Faculty research activities, 1931-1934 |
95S |
9 |
Faculty resignation, 1959-1980 |
95S |
10 |
Faculty responsibility, 1980 |
95S |
11 |
Faculty study, 1955, 1979 |
95S |
12 |
Faculty Tea Club, 1942-1977 |
95S |
13 |
“Faculty War” (competition for getting best professors) , 1990-1991 |
95S |
14 |
Faculty — women, 1970-1985 |
95S |
15 |
Fall recess, schedule modification for participation in electoral process, 1970 |
95S |
16 |
Family Finance Corporation (Family Finance Chair in Consumer Credit), 1956-1959 |
95S |
17 |
Family Maintenance Organization (FMO), 1980-1982 |
95S |
18 |
Far Eastern Association, 1951-1956 |
95S |
19 |
Farriss, Nancy M., 1972-1986 |
95S |
20 |
Father’s trophy, 1965-1972 |
95S |
21 |
Federal Aid to Education, 1960-1986 |
96S |
1 |
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1968-1978 |
96S |
2 |
Federal Communications Commission, 1960-1977 |
96S |
3 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 1966 |
96S |
4 |
Federal Housing Administration, 1958-1961 |
96S |
5 |
Federal Relations, 1984 |
96S |
6 |
Federal Reserve system, 1962-1968 |
96S |
7 |
Federal Water Quality Administration, 1970 |
96S |
8 |
Federal Work-study program, 1970-1982 |
96S |
9 |
Federal Writers, 1973 |
96S |
10 |
Feinstone Undergraduate Award, Sol, 1974-1981 |
96S |
11 |
Fellowship Information and Study Programs Abroad, Office of, I, 1961-1969 |
96S |
12 |
Fellowship Information and Study Programs Abroad, Office of, II, 1970-1986 |
96S |
13 |
Fels Center of Government (NB: Institute of Local and State Government before 6/14/57; Fels Institute of Local and State Government, 6/14/57 to 3/70) |
I, 1937-1957 |
97S |
1 |
II, 1946-1954 |
97S |
2 |
III, 1954-1956 |
97S |
3 |
IV, 1956-1960 |
97S |
4 |
V, 1956-1963 |
97S |
5 |
VI, 1963-1977 |
97S |
6 |
VII, 1962-1979 |
98S |
1 |
25th anniversary, 1962 |
98S |
2 |
25th anniversary, photographs, 1962 |
98S |
3 |
30th anniversary, I, 1967 |
98S |
4 |
30th anniversary, II, 1967 |
98S |
5 |
Publication: “Special Education and Fiscal Requirements of Urban School Districts in PA”, 1964 |
98S |
6 |
Fels, Samuel S., Fund, 1955-1982 |
98S |
7 |
Fels Professorship of Governmental Administration, Samuel S., 1945 |
98S |
8 |
Fels Walk, 1979 |
98S |
9 |
Fifty Best Books, 1925 |
98S |
10 |
Films/motion pictures, 1927- 1933 |
98S |
11 |
Films/motion pictures, 1934-1965 |
98S |
12 |
Films/motion pictures, Penn and other, 1967-1971 |
99S |
1 |
Film-makers program, 1959-1982 |
99S |
2 |
Film Media Center, 1969, 1973 |
99S |
3 |
Financial aid to education (through industry, corporations, associations, etc.), 1959-1983 |
99S |
4 |
Financial Aid to Education, Inc., Council for, 1956-1981 |
99S |
5 |
Financial Crises (Universities), 1970-1981 |
99S |
6 |
Financial report of the U of P |
I, 1925-1962 |
99S |
7 |
II, 1963-1968 |
99S |
8 |
III, 1970-1976 |
99S |
9 |
Financing (University), 1933-1972 |
99S |
10 |
Fine Arts, Graduate School of, 1985-1989 |
99S |
11 |
Finger printing, 1940 |
100S |
1 |
Fires, 1963-1981 |
100S |
2 |
Firing Line Debate, Political Correctness, 1993 Dec. 2 |
100S |
3 |
First Boston Foundation Trust, 1971 |
100S |
4 |
First National City Bank of New York, 1975 |
100S |
5 |
“Firsts” of the U of P, 1928-1983 |
100S |
6 |
Flag, U of P, 1933-1975 |
100S |
7 |
Flag burning, 1989-1990 |
100S |
8 |
Flag Lowering, 1969-1971 |
100S |
9 |
Flower and Cook Observatory |
1937-1972 |
100S |
10 |
Dedication, 1956 |
100S |
11 |
Photographs, 1956 |
101S |
1 |
Flower Professorship of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Reese W., 1972 |
101S |
2 |
Focus, 1965 |
101S |
3 |
Folklore and folklife, 1962-1985 |
101S |
4 |
Food Center–Greater Philadelphia Movement, 1966, 1982 |
101S |
5 |
Food Fair Stores Foundation, 1965-1966 |
101S |
6 |
Food Fair Stores Foundation, Professorship of Marketing, 1954-1955 |
101S |
7 |
Food trucks, 1986 |
101S |
8 |
Football, 1954-1960 |
101S |
9 |
Ford Foundation |
Clippings, 1963-1974 |
101S |
10 |
1963-1967 |
101S |
11 |
1965-1967 |
101S |
12 |
1967 Apr. – 1967 Dec. |
101S |
13 |
1968-1980 |
101S |
14 |
Ford Motor Company and Fund, 1961-1971 |
102S |
1 |
Ford Research Professorship in City planning, 1958 |
102S |
2 |
Fordham Professorship of Law, Jefferson B., 1974 |
102S |
3 |
Foreign educational program, 1962-1979 |
102S |
4 |
Foreign Language (modern) Spring Conference, 1963-1979 |
102S |
5 |
Foreign Policy Association, 1948 |
102S |
6 |
Foreign Policy Research Institute |
I, 1955-1959 |
102S |
7 |
II, 1960-1964 |
102S |
8 |
III, 1961-1979 |
102S |
9 |
IV, 1967-1980 |
102S |
10 |
“Comments and Reviews of the Research Program and Publications” 1965 |
102S |
11 |
“Proposal for a Conference on Trans-Atlantic Technological Collaboration”[1966] |
102S |
12 |
Foreign professors, scholars, etc. |
I, 1926-1959 |
103S |
1 |
II, 1951-1960 |
103S |
2 |
III, 1958-1965 |
103S |
3 |
IV, 1960-1983 |
103S |
4 |
Foreign Student Booklet, etc., “Study of the Foreign Students at Penn”, 1960 |
103S |
5 |
Foreign students, Photographs, etc., 1960-1984 |
103S |
6 |
Forestry research, 1927-1940 |
103S |
7 |
Foundations, 1952-1985 |
103S |
8 |
Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Inc., 1967, 1970 |
103S |
9 |
Founder’s Day |
1965 |
104S |
1 |
1966 |
104S |
2 |
1967-1968 |
104S |
3 |
1969-1971 |
104S |
4 |
1971 |
104S |
5 |
1972-1975 |
104S |
6 |
1976, 1979-1984 |
104S |
7 |
Alumni Awards of Merit, 1993 |
104S |
8 |
Founder’s Medal and Citation, 1957-1965 |
104S |
9 |
Founding dates, U of P schools, 1963-1964 |
104S |
10 |
Frankford Arsenal, 1967-1974 |
104S |
11 |
Frankford Bicentennial Community project, 1975-1976 |
104S |
12 |
Franklin and Marshall College, 1952-1966 |
104S |
13 |
Franklin, Benjamin, Associates, 1955-1973 |
104S |
14 |
Franklin Asset Management Company, 1972 |
104S |
15 |
Franklin Building, 1965 |
104S |
16 |
Franklin Capital Investors, 1972 |
104S |
17 |
Franklin Court and Square, 1970-1982 |
104S |
18 |
Franklin Field Illustrated, 1959-1961 |
104S |
19 |
Franklin, Benjamin, High School, 1969 |
105S |
1 |
Frankliniana, 1936-1976 |
105S |
2 |
Franklin Institute, 1933-1974 |
105S |
3 |
Franklin, Benjamin, Lectures |
I, 1948-1952 |
105S |
4 |
II, 1953-1960 |
105S |
5 |
III, 1960-1961 |
105S |
6 |
IV, 1961-1962 |
105S |
7 |
Franklin Medal Awards, 1938 |
105S |
8 |
Franklin, Benjamin, Professorships, 1961-1982 |
105S |
9 |
Franklin Society, 1926-1955 |
105S |
10 |
Franklin, Benjamin, Statues, 1938-1979 |
105S |
11 |
Franklin-Piszek (Edward J.) Communication Fund, 1975 |
105S |
12 |
Franklin’s 279th birthday celebration, 1985 |
105S |
13 |
Franklin Tree, 1941 |
105S |
14 |
Fraternities |
I, 1929-1985 |
105S |
15 |
II, 1960-1983 |
106S |
1 |
III, 1990-1992 |
106S |
2 |
Clippings, 1927-1983 |
106S |
3 |
Hometown releases, I, 1935-1964 |
106S |
4 |
Hometown releases, II, 1965 |
106S |
5 |
Hometown releases, III, 1966-1980 |
106S |
6 |
Photographs, 1925-[1933] |
106S |
7 |
Women, 1940-1969 |
106S |
8 |
Frazier, Charles Harrison, Professorship in Neurosurgery, 1963-1968 |
106S |
9 |
Free Library of Philadelphia, 1940-1964 |
106S |
10 |
Free School, 1972-1973 |
106S |
11 |
Free University, 1966-1977 |
106S |
12 |
Free Women’s School, 1974-1977 |
106S |
13 |
Freedom of Speech, I, 1965-1969 |
106S |
14 |
Freedom of Speech, II, 1967 |
107S |
1 |
Freedom of Speech, III, 1968-1969 |
107S |
2 |
Freedom’s Foundation, 1959-1969 |
107S |
3 |
Freight pipeline technology, 1976-1982 |
107S |
4 |
French Club, 1930-1970 |
107S |
5 |
French visitors, students, etc., 1933-1979 |
107S |
6 |
Freshman Class, I, 1969 |
107S |
7 |
Freshman Class, II, 1970-1974 |
107S |
8 |
Freshman Class, III, 1974-1981 |
107S |
9 |
Freshman move-in, 1984-1985 |
107S |
10 |
Freshman Seminar Program, 1992-1996 |
107S |
11 |
Freshman Week and Class and letters to parents |
1958-1966 |
107S |
12 |
1967 |
107S |
13 |
Photographs, 1967 |
107S |
14 |
1968, 1980 |
107S |
15 |
Freshman Seminar program, 1972-1974 |
107S |
16 |
Freshman Year Study, 1969 |
107S |
17 |
Friar Senior Society, 1940-1981 |
107S |
18 |
Friedheim Award, 1979 |
108S |
1 |
Friends of Pennsylvania Rowing, 1966 |
108S |
2 |
Friends, Religious Society of Clippings, 1970 |
108S |
3 |
From College Hall (publication for student parents), 1957-1967 |
108S |
4 |
Fromm Foundation, 1969 |
108S |
5 |
Fulbright Eastern Regional Conference, 1964 |
108S |
6 |
Fund, Development |
General, I, 1946-1956 |
108S |
7 |
General, II, 1957-1960 |
108S |
8 |
General, III, 1961-1980 |
108S |
9 |
Gifts, 1949-1969 |
108S |
10 |
Report, 1946-1951 |
108S |
11 |
Fund for the Advancement of Education, 1954, 1970 |
109S |
1 |
Fund–Integrated Development Plan |
Academic Administrative and Faculty Campaign, 1966-1969 |
109S |
2 |
General, I, 1961-1972 |
109S |
3 |
General, II, 1969 |
109S |
4 |
Gifts, 1965-1970 |
109S |
5 |
Greater Pennsylvania, Committee for a |
General, 1964-1967 |
109S |
6 |
Atlanta meeting, 1966 |
109S |
7 |
Atlantic City meeting, 1964 |
109S |
8 |
Baltimore meeting, 1964 |
109S |
9 |
Buffalo meeting, 1966 |
109S |
10 |
Chicago meeting, 1965 |
109S |
11 |
Cincinnati meeting, 1965 |
109S |
12 |
Cleveland meeting, 1965 |
109S |
13 |
Cresskill meeting, 1966 |
109S |
14 |
Dallas meeting, 1965 |
109S |
15 |
Denver meeting, 1965 |
109S |
16 |
Detroit meeting, 1965 |
110S |
1 |
Harrisburg meeting, 1965 |
110S |
2 |
Hartford meeting, 1964 |
110S |
3 |
Houston meeting, 1965 |
110S |
4 |
Kansas City meeting, 1965 |
110S |
5 |
Lancaster meeting, 1965 |
110S |
6 |
Long Island meeting, 1966 |
110S |
7 |
Los Angeles meeting, 1965-1967 |
110S |
8 |
Miami meeting, 1967 |
110S |
9 |
Milwaukee meeting, 1965 |
110S |
10 |
New Haven meeting, 1964 |
110S |
11 |
Newark meeting, 1966 |
110S |
12 |
New York City meeting, 1967 |
110S |
13 |
Northeastern Pennsylvania meeting, 1965 |
110S |
14 |
Pittsburgh meeting, 1964 |
110S |
15 |
Providence meeting, 1964 |
110S |
16 |
Richmond meeting, 1965 |
110S |
17 |
Rochester meeting, 1966 |
110S |
18 |
St. Louis meeting, 1965 |
110S |
19 |
San Diego meeting, 1965 |
110S |
20 |
San Francisco meeting, 1965 |
110S |
21 |
Seattle meeting, 1965 |
110S |
22 |
Syracuse meeting, 1965 |
110S |
23 |
Tampa meeting, 1965 |
110S |
24 |
Trenton meeting, 1965 |
111S |
1 |
Washington, D.C. meeting, 1965 |
111S |
2 |
West Chester County (New York) meeting, 1966 |
111S |
3 |
Wilmington meeting, 1965 |
111S |
4 |
Progress Report |
First, I, 1965 |
111S |
5 |
First, II, 1965 |
111S |
6 |
Second, I (for regions A-M), 1965 |
111S |
7 |
Second, II (for regions N-Y), 1965 |
111S |
8 |
Second, III, 1965 |
111S |
9 |
Second, Photographs, 1965 |
111S |
10 |
Third, I (for regions A-G), 1966 |
111S |
11 |
Third, II(for regions M-N), 1966 |
111S |
12 |
Third, III(for regions P) , 1966 |
111S |
13 |
Third, IV (for regions S-W), 1966 |
111S |
14 |
Fourth, 1966 Oct. 21 |
111S |
15 |
Fifth, I, 1967 Jan. 23 |
112S |
1 |
Fifth, II, 1967 Jan. 23 |
112S |
2 |
Fifth, III, 1967 Jan. 23 |
112S |
3 |
Trustees’ Press Announcement |
I, 1964 Nov. |
112S |
4 |
II, 1964 Nov. |
112S |
5 |
III, 1964 Nov. |
112S |
6 |
National Council, I, 1963 May |
112S |
7 |
National Council, II, 1963-1967 |
112S |
8 |
Fund–Kade Center for German Studies, 1963-1964 |
112S |
9 |
Fund–Medical, Gifts, grants and bequests, 1949-1966 |
112S |
10 |
Fund–Medical, Medical Center general, 1948-1968 |
112S |
11 |
Fund–Medical, Medical statement, 1964 |
113S |
1 |
Fund–Medical, Veterinary campaign projects, 1962-1964 |
113S |
2 |
Fund–New York and Suburban Area Development Committee and Office, 1968 |
113S |
3 |
Fund–Regional Science Center, 1966-1969 |
113S |
4 |
Fund for the Republic, Inc., 1956 |
113S |
5 |
Fungus research, 1944-1946 |
113S |
6 |
Furness Building, 1963-1985 |
113S |
7 |
Furness Building, 1991-1992 |
113S |
7a |
Gabel, Samuel Landis, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1980 |
113S |
8 |
Gaines Dog Research Center, 1966 |
113S |
9 |
Galo Plaza, 1973 |
113S |
10 |
Garbage and other waste disposal, I, 1968-1971 |
113S |
11 |
Garbage and other waste disposal, II, 1968-1980 |
113S |
12 |
Gargoyles, 1967-1981 |
113S |
13 |
Gas course, 1943 |
113S |
14 |
Gasohol, 1979-1981 |
113S |
15 |
Gates Memorial Pavilion, Thomas S., 1948-1954 |
113S |
16 |
Gates Professorship in the Arts and Sciences, 1976-1981 |
113S |
17 |
Gates Room, 1984 |
113S |
18 |
Gateways, general, 1962 |
113S |
19 |
Gays and Lesbians at Penn, 1975-1985 |
113S |
20 |
Gemini Space Capsule, 1965 |
113S |
21 |
General Alumni Society Rotogravure, “Penn…Now and Then”, n.d. |
113S |
22a |
Gemmill, Kenneth W., Professorship of Tax Law and Tax Policy, 1973 |
113S |
22 |
General Base Hospital Unit, No. 20, Clippings, 1943-1944 |
113S |
23 |
General Base Hospital Unit, No. 20, Military, 1942-1945 |
113S |
24 |
General Counsel, 1982 |
113S |
25 |
General Electric Building, 1999 |
114S |
1 |
General Electric Co., 1958-1983 |
114S |
1a |
General Foods Fund, Inc., 1965 |
114S |
2 |
General Honors Program, 1960-1968 |
114S |
3 |
General Motors Corporation, 1970 |
114S |
4 |
General Motors Corporation, Clippings, 1970-1972 |
114S |
5 |
General State Authority |
I, 1958-1960 |
114S |
6 |
II, 1960-1969 |
114S |
7 |
III, 1959-1974 |
114S |
8 |
Genetic Engineering, 1977-1983 |
114S |
9 |
Geoghegan, A.V.B., Memorial Lecture, 1963-1980 |
114S |
10 |
Geography and Industry, Department of, 1959 |
114S |
11 |
Geology Department, 1958-1986 |
114S |
12 |
German-American History, 1983 |
115S |
1 |
German Society, 1935-1983 |
115S |
2 |
Germanic Languages and Literature, Department of, 1942-1982 |
115S |
3 |
G.I. Bill of Rights, 1968-1974 |
115S |
4 |
Gifted Program, 1951-1985 |
115S |
5 |
Gifts, I, 1966-1982 |
115S |
6 |
Gifts, II, 1972-1984 |
115S |
7 |
Gifts and Bequests (other Universities), 1961-1981 |
115S |
8 |
Gimbel Award, 1957-1980 |
115S |
9 |
Gimbel Brothers, Inc., 1948-1959 |
115S |
10 |
Gimbel, Bernard F., Gymnasium |
1965-1972 |
115S |
11 |
Dedication, 1968 |
115S |
12 |
Dedication, photographs, 1968 |
115S |
13 |
Sheerr Pool, 1969-1970 |
115S |
14 |
Gimbel, Bernard F., Marketing Center, 1966 |
115S |
15 |
Gimbel Pennsylvania Art Collection, 1959 |
115S |
16 |
Girard Trust Bank, 1965-1968 |
116S |
1 |
Glass blowers, 1967-1979 |
116S |
2 |
Gino’s, 1974 |
116S |
3 |
Glee Club, 1969-1972 |
116S |
4 |
Glee Club, 1972 |
116S |
5 |
Glee Club, 1972-1986 |
116S |
6 |
Glee Club Award of Merit, 1972-1974 |
116S |
7 |
Glenmede Trust Company, 1981 |
116S |
8 |
Goddard Award, 1969-1983 |
116S |
9 |
Goddard Laboratories, 1959-1982 |
116S |
10 |
Goethe Institute in Munich, 1968 |
116S |
11 |
Government Club, 1957 |
116S |
12 |
Governmental affairs, 1965-1970 |
116S |
13 |
Governors of Pennsylvania, 1955-1985 |
116S |
14 |
Grading system, 1971-1979 |
116S |
15 |
Graduate/Professional Alliance (GPA) and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA), 1958-1986 |
116S |
16 |
Graduate education, 1962-1981 |
116S |
17 |
Graduate English Club, 1970-1971 |
116S |
18 |
Graduate Friars Society, 1964 |
116S |
19 |
Graduate History Club, 1967 |
116S |
20 |
Graduate Hospital (I), 1972 |
116S |
21 |
Graduate Hospital (II), 1972 |
117S |
1 |
Graduate Hospital (III), 1973 |
117S |
2 |
Graduate Hospital (IV), development, 1962-1970 |
117S |
3 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences |
I, 1932-1968 |
117S |
4 |
II, 1968-1976 |
117S |
5 |
50th anniversary, 1933 |
117S |
6 |
75th anniversary, 1955-1959 |
117S |
7 |
Alumni relations, 1966 |
117S |
8 |
Opening exercises, 1925-1936 |
118S |
1 |
Graduate School of Education |
I, 1925-1948 |
118S |
2 |
II, 1947-1960 |
118S |
3 |
III, 1961-1964 |
118S |
4 |
IV, 1965-1969 |
118S |
5 |
V, 1967-1973 |
118S |
6 |
VI, 1970-1975 |
118S |
7 |
VII, 1975-1980 |
118S |
8 |
VIII, 1980-1981 |
118S |
9 |
IX, 1981-1982 |
118S |
10 |
XI, 1983-1986 |
118S |
11 |
50th anniversary, 1964 |
119S |
1 |
50th anniversary, 1966 |
119S |
2 |
Building dedication, 1966-1967 |
119S |
3 |
Dean’s list and distinction list, 1956-1961 |
119S |
4 |
Experimental Teacher Program in Urban Education, 1969-1970 |
119S |
5 |
GSE News, 1966-1975 |
119S |
6 |
Graduate School of Fine Arts |
1965-1984 |
119S |
7 |
1983-1984 |
119S |
8 |
1985-1986 |
119S |
9 |
1985-1986 |
119S |
10 |
Building, 1965-1971 |
119S |
11 |
Clippings, 1964-1965 |
119S |
12 |
Graduate School of Fine Arts, “University of Pennsylvania Architecture Review, 1989” |
120S |
1 |
Graduate School of Medicine, Departmental annual reports, 1964-1965 |
120S |
2 |
Graduate schools, 1966-1969 |
120S |
3 |
Graduate Schools, Ratings, 1960-1975 |
120S |
4 |
Graduate Sphinx Society, 1964 |
120S |
5 |
Graduate Students and enrollment, 1968-1983 |
120S |
6 |
Graduates Educational Service, 1925 |
120S |
7 |
Graduate Technical Education, 1965 |
120S |
8 |
Graffiti Alternatives Workshop, 1971-1983 |
120S |
9 |
Grants |
I, 1968-1969 |
120S |
10 |
II, 1969-1971 |
120S |
11 |
III, 1971 |
120S |
12 |
IV, 1971-1974 |
120S |
13 |
V, 1973-1974 |
121S |
1 |
VI, 1976-1981 |
121S |
2 |
VII, 1982-1985 |
121S |
3 |
Clippings, 1959-1981 |
121S |
4 |
Graphite Intercalation Compounds, International Conference on, 1977 |
121S |
5 |
Gratz, Rebecca, Club, 1971 |
121S |
6 |
Greater Philadelphia and Greater Philadelphia Movement, 1958-1965 |
121S |
7 |
Greek Week, 1981-1983 |
121S |
8 |
Greenfield Center for Human Relations, Albert M., I, 1951-1971 |
122S |
1 |
Greenfield Center for Human Relations, Albert M., II, 1982-1983 |
122S |
2 |
Greenfield Foundation, Albert M., 1963 |
122S |
3 |
Greenfield Professor of Human Relations, Albert M., 1952-1973 |
122S |
4 |
Green Lane Camp, Photos, 1964-1965 |
122S |
5 |
Greetings from the President of U of P, 1931-1957 |
122S |
6 |
Grievance Mechanism and procedures, 1974-1983 |
122S |
7 |
Grosser Research Fund in Urban Land Use, Albert J., 1974 |
122S |
8 |
“Group W” (Westinghouse) Network television round-table with university presidents, 1969 |
122S |
9 |
Grundy Foundation, 1961-1978 |
122S |
10 |
Guggenheim Foundation, John Simon, 1980-1986 |
122S |
11 |
Guggenheim Honor Cup Award, 1954-1956 |
122S |
12 |
Guidance Counselors, 1963-1966 |
122S |
13 |
Guide for University of Pennsylvania Students, 1970-1972 |
122S |
14 |
Guide Service, 1927-1959 |
122S |
15 |
Guidelines for investment in publicly held companies, 1972 |
122S |
16 |
Guidelines on Open Expression, 1969-1978 |
122S |
17 |
Gulf Oil Corporation and Gulf Oil Foundation, 1963-1974 |
122S |
18 |
Gutman Center of Fine Arts, 1977-1983 |
122S |
19 |
Halcon Chair and Halcon Professor of Management and Technology, 1976-1978 |
123S |
1 |
Hallowell Memorial Lectures, 1977 |
123S |
2 |
Handbook (Faculty and Administration; Tropical and Interdisciplinary Studies), 1972-1982 |
123S |
3 |
Handbook for Faculty and Academic Administrators: a Selection of Policies and Procedures of the University of Pennsylvania, 1989 |
123S |
4 |
Handicapped |
I, 1976 |
123S |
5 |
II, 1977-1978 |
123S |
6 |
III, 1980-1981 |
123S |
7 |
IV, 1981-1982 |
123S |
8 |
Photographs and Clippings, 1976-1982 |
123S |
9 |
Haney Prizes, John L., 1980-1982 |
123S |
10 |
Hammerman Foundation, S.L., 1966 |
123S |
11 |
Harbeson, Hough, Livingston, and Larson, 1962 |
123S |
12 |
Harbison Award for Distinguished Teaching, E. Harris, 1968-1970 |
123S |
13 |
Hardwick, Gordon Alward Jr., Memorial Fund, 1957 |
123S |
14 |
Hargraves Award, John A., 1969 |
123S |
15 |
Harnwell Award, 1970-1983 |
123S |
16 |
Harnwell Chair, Gaylord P. and Mary Louise, 1963-1976 |
123S |
17 |
Harassment policy, 1990-1992 |
123S |
18 |
Harrison Laboratory of Chemistry, 1939-1969 |
123S |
19 |
Harrison, John, Statue, 1933-1953 |
123S |
20 |
Hartford Foundation, Inc., The John A., 1961-1977 |
123S |
21 |
Hartzell Professorship of Therapeutic Research, 1927, 1963 |
123S |
22 |
Harvard University, 1936-1982 |
124S |
1 |
Har Zion Temple, 1970 |
124S |
2 |
Hayden Building, F.V., 1973 |
124S |
3 |
Hazing, 1961-1982 |
124S |
4 |
Head Injury Labs/Animal Research |
1984-1986 |
124S |
5 |
Clippings, 1984-1985 |
124S |
6 |
Clippings, 1986 |
124S |
7 |
Health Affairs public relations , 1972-1974 |
124S |
8 |
Health and Welfare Council of Philadelphia, 1963-1978 |
124S |
9 |
Health Code violations, 1963 |
124S |
10 |
Health Day, 1986 |
124S |
11 |
Health Law Project #1, 1970-1975 |
124S |
12 |
Health Maintenance Organization, 1974-1978 |
124S |
13 |
Hebrew Language, 1971-1978 |
124S |
14 |
Helicopters–Formation flying, 1968-1978 |
124S |
15 |
Help Week or Help Day, 1952-1957 |
125S |
1 |
Herbert Collection, Victor, 1954 |
125S |
2 |
Hess-Doubman Merchandising Award, 1953-1956 |
125S |
3 |
Hew-NCAA National Summer Youth Sports Program, 1970-1972 |
125S |
4 |
Hexagon Senior Society, 1934-1980 |
125S |
5 |
High School Education Program (U of P), 1969-1972 |
125S |
6 |
Highball, 1959 |
125S |
7 |
Higher Education, 1959-1976 |
125S |
8 |
Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) for Women, 1975-1981 |
125S |
9 |
Higher Education Right-to-Know legislation, 1991 |
125S |
10 |
Hillel Foundation, 1957-1983 |
125S |
11 |
Historic preservation, 1982-1988 |
125S |
12 |
History, Department of, 1939-1985 |
125S |
13 |
History and Sociology of Science, Department of, 1970-1985 |
125S |
14 |
History of the University |
I, 1920-1940 |
126S |
1 |
II, 1940-1945 |
126S |
2 |
III, 1946-1964 |
126S |
3 |
IV, 1969, 1977 |
126S |
4 |
V, 1969-1985 |
126S |
5 |
VI (duplicates), 1939-1980 |
126S |
6 |
Newspaper clippings, 1929-1935 |
126S |
7 |
Newspaper clippings, 1971-1985 |
126S |
8 |
Pictures, photo images, and a brochure, 1945, 1981 |
126S |
8a |
Hollenback Center, William M., 1966-1968 |
126S |
9 |
Hollywood Museum, 1963 |
127S |
1 |
Homestake Mining Company, 1973 |
127S |
2 |
Honoraria, 1962 |
127S |
3 |
Honorary Degrees, I, 1954-1980 |
127S |
4 |
Honorary Degrees, II, 1981-1987 |
127S |
5 |
Honor Cup Award, 1933 |
127S |
6 |
Honor System, 1951-1972 |
127S |
7 |
Honors program, 1979 |
127S |
8 |
Hopkinson Professorship, Edward J. (Wharton School), 1978 |
127S |
9 |
Hospital |
Children’s Hospital, 1962-1983 |
127S |
10 |
Graduate Division of Medicine, I, 1925-1948 |
127S |
11 |
Graduate Division of Medicine, II, 1952-1977 |
127S |
12 |
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania |
I, 1926-1939 |
128S |
1 |
II, 1942-1960 |
128S |
2 |
III, 1960-1975 |
128S |
3 |
IV, 1965-1983 |
128S |
4 |
clippings, 1929-1984 |
128S |
5 |
News Releases, 1964-1980 |
128S |
6 |
Rehabilitation Center, 1956 |
129S |
1 |
Medico Chi, photo, undated |
129S |
2 |
Philadelphia General Hospital, 1958-1983 |
129S |
3 |
Hottel Award, Althea K., 1965-1983 |
129S |
4 |
Hottel Fund, Althea Kratz, 1966-1968 |
129S |
5 |
Housing, Faculty, 1961-1980 |
129S |
6 |
Housing, Student, 1962-1981 |
129S |
7 |
Housing, U of P, 1946-1973 |
129S |
8 |
Housing and Urban Development, Department of, 1962-1978 |
129S |
9 |
Houston Estate, 1942-1964 |
129S |
10 |
Houston Hall |
I, 1926-1939 |
129S |
11 |
II, 1956-1982 |
129S |
12 |
dining room, photo, 1935-1972 |
129S |
13 |
Hartenstein Activities Center, 1972-1979 |
129S |
14 |
Lounge, photo, 1955 |
129S |
15 |
Student Board, 1953-1970 |
129S |
16 |
Howe Gold Medal, 1964 |
129S |
17 |
HTLV-1 Virus experiment in sheep and human exposure, 1990-1992 |
130S |
1 |
Hubbell Professor of Law, Ferdinand Wakeman, 1964-1978 |
130S |
2 |
Huebner Foundation for Insurance Education, S.S., I, 1940-1966 |
130S |
3 |
Huebner Foundation for Insurance Education, S.S., II, 1966-1983 |
130S |
4 |
Hughes Medical Institute, Howard, 1981 |
130S |
5 |
Human Resources Center |
Adult Leadership, 1966-1976 |
130S |
6 |
Affirmative Action Program (Bryn Mawr and Lankenau Hospitals), 1974 |
130S |
7 |
Benefits Office, 1985 Apr, |
130S |
8 |
Career Development Program, 1968 |
130S |
9 |
Community Leadership Seminar, 1970-1974 |
130S |
10 |
Conferences, 1969 |
130S |
11 |
Counselor Institute and Follow-up Workshop, 1965-1966 |
130S |
12 |
Dropouts program, 1964-1965 |
130S |
13 |
General, 1973-1980 |
130S |
14 |
Johnny Cake Community, Family and Child Study Center, Inc., 1969-1970 |
130S |
15 |
Lectures, 1971-1972 |
130S |
16 |
Motivation Program, 1962-1972 |
131S |
1 |
Program and Council, 1964-1968 |
131S |
2 |
Project College Bound, I, 1964-1966 |
131S |
3 |
Project College Bound, II, 1965 |
131S |
4 |
Project Exploration and Discovery, I, 1968 |
131S |
5 |
Project Exploration and Discovery, II, 1968 (photographs) |
131S |
6 |
Suburban Training Program, I, 1969-1970 |
131S |
7 |
Suburban Training Program, II, 1971 |
131S |
8 |
Summer Recreation Workshop, 1968-1969 |
131S |
9 |
U of P Employment Policies in the Construction Trades, 1969-1974 |
131S |
10 |
UPS, 1967-1968 |
131S |
11 |
Urban Mass Transportation Seminar, 1980-1982 |
131S |
12 |
Human transplants, 1970 |
131S |
13 |
Humble Oil Company, 1964-1965 |
131S |
14 |
Humboldt Foundation, Alexander Von, 1976 |
131S |
15 |
Hurricane Agnes, 1969-1973 |
131S |
16 |
Hutchinson Gymnasium, 1955-1960 |
131S |
17 |
Hutzler Foundation, Inc., 1971 |
131S |
18 |
Hygiene, School of, 1926-1933 |
131S |
19 |
Hybrid Auto, Photo, 1979 |
131S |
20 |
Hydrogen embrittlement, 1971 |
131S |
21 |
Hypnosis, 1980 |
131S |
22 |
INA (Insurance Co. of North America) Rehabilitation Program, 1963-1982 |
132S |
1 |
Incident re the removal of copies of the Daily Pennsylvanian, 1993 |
132S |
2 |
Independence Foundation, 1954-1965 |
132S |
3 |
India, profile, 1967 |
132S |
4 |
Indian and Asian Studies, 1947-1977 |
132S |
5 |
Indian Dance Course (concert, drama troupe, etc.), 1965-1979 |
132S |
6 |
Indian educators, 1955 |
132S |
7 |
Indian Language Studies, 1947 |
132S |
8 |
Indian Musical Performance Practice (music concerts), 1969-1974 |
132S |
9 |
Indian Students Association, 1955-1962 |
132S |
10 |
Indians (American), 1970-1979 |
132S |
11 |
Indian Week, American, 1976 |
132S |
12 |
Industrial Hygiene, 1941 |
132S |
13 |
Industrial Research |
Armstron Cork Company (Conference on Resilient Floor Tile), 1966-1968 |
132S |
14 |
Industrial Relations Research Association, 1962-1972 |
132S |
15 |
Employer-employee relations, 1931-1935 |
132S |
16 |
Employment office survey, 1934-1935 |
132S |
17 |
Fuel-fashioned hosiery, 1931-1947 |
132S |
18 |
General, 1931-1976 |
133S |
1 |
Industrial progress and economic research, 1946 |
133S |
2 |
Industrial research unit, 1942-1982 |
133S |
3 |
Industrial research unit, Photographs, 1974 |
133S |
4 |
Labor survey, 1954-1956 |
133S |
5 |
Machine tool industry, 1929-1930 |
133S |
6 |
Miscellaneous releases, 1929-1955 |
133S |
7 |
Population study, 1935-1946 |
133S |
8 |
Racial employment policies, 1966-1971 |
133S |
9 |
Twenty-fifth anniversary celebration, 1947 |
133S |
10 |
unemployment, I, 1932-1933 |
134S |
1 |
unemployment, II, 1933-1936 |
134S |
2 |
Influenza epidemic, 1928-1976 |
134S |
3 |
Inside Pennsylvania, 1964-1965 |
134S |
4 |
Institute for Applied Communications Studies, 1976 |
134S |
5 |
Institute of the Black World, 1976 |
134S |
6 |
Institute for Cancer Research, 1962 |
134S |
7 |
Institute of Contemporary Art |
I, 1977- 1978 Apr. |
134S |
8 |
II, 1978-1979 |
134S |
9 |
III, 1979-1980 |
134S |
10 |
IV, 1980 |
134S |
11 |
V, 1981-1982 |
134S |
12 |
VI, 1983-1984 |
135S |
1 |
VII, 1985-1986 |
135S |
2 |
Clippings, I, 1963-1976 |
135S |
3 |
Clippings, II, 1977-1984 |
135S |
4 |
Institute of Contemporary Art, Serrano Exhibit, 1994 |
135S |
5 |
Institute for Cooperative Research, I, 1952-1966 |
135S |
6 |
Institute for Cooperative Research, II, 1954-1966 |
135S |
7 |
Institute of Direct Energy Conversion, 1965-1974 |
135S |
8 |
Institute in Educational Media, 1968 |
135S |
9 |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-1983 |
135S |
10 |
Institute in English, 1967 |
136S |
1 |
Institute for Environment Medicine, 1968-1971 |
136S |
2 |
Institute for Environmental Medicine |
1966-1980 |
136S |
3 |
I, 1951-1959 |
136S |
4 |
II, 1958-1962 |
136S |
5 |
III, 1963-1972 (Institute for Architectural Research) |
136S |
6 |
IV, 1963-1974 |
136S |
7 |
Institute of International Education, 1954-1974 |
136S |
8 |
Institute of Investment Banking, 1955-1972 |
136S |
9 |
Institute for Law and Economics, 1980-1985 |
136S |
10 |
Institute of Legal Research, 1955-1967 |
136S |
11 |
Institute of Neurological Sciences, 1965 |
136S |
12 |
Institute of Radio Engineers, 1958-1962 |
136S |
13 |
Institute of Urological Sciences, 1957 |
136S |
14 |
Institutional Studies and Planning, Office of, 1966-1968 |
136S |
15 |
Institutional Studies Survey, 1968-1971 |
136S |
16 |
Instrument Society of America, 1969 |
137S |
1 |
Insurance, University properties, personnel, students, 1941-1972 |
137S |
2 |
Intel Corporation Grant, 1997 |
137S |
3 |
Intelligence agency relations, 1978-1979 |
137S |
4 |
Intelligence course, 1956-1978 |
137S |
5 |
Intercollegiate Conference, 1979-1982 |
137S |
6 |
Interdisciplinary courses, 1982-1986 |
137S |
7 |
Interfraternity Alumni Council, 1935-1982 |
137S |
8 |
Interfraternity Ball, 1967-1970 |
137S |
9 |
Interfraternity Council, 1936-1969 |
137S |
10 |
Intergroup Relations, Committee on, 1961 |
137S |
11 |
International Affairs Association, 1951-1973 |
137S |
12 |
International Business Machines Corp., 1956-1982 |
137S |
13 |
International Comparison Project (ICP), 1985 |
137S |
14 |
International Conference on Underwater Archaeology, 1976 |
137S |
15 |
International Day, 1963 |
137S |
16 |
International Dendrological Union, 1963 |
137S |
17 |
International Development, Agency for, 1967 |
137S |
18 |
International Electrotechnical Commission, 1954 |
137S |
19 |
International Federation of University Women, Clippings, 1970-1971 |
138S |
1 |
International Haiku Festival, 1971 |
138S |
2 |
International Honors Program, 1967 |
138S |
3 |
International House, 1959-1986 |
138S |
4 |
International Price and Income Comparison Unit, 1968 |
138S |
5 |
International Programs, Office of, 1976-1986 |
138S |
6 |
International Relations, Department of (Studies), 1951-1985 |
138S |
7 |
International Services, Office of, 1966-1983 |
138S |
8 |
International Students Association (International Relations Graduate Students Association), 1964-1972 |
138S |
9 |
International Studies of Values in Politics, 1964-1966 |
138S |
10 |
International Symposium on Communication, 1971-1972 |
138S |
11 |
International Symposium on Forecasting, 1983 |
138S |
12 |
International Utilities Corporation, 1969 |
138S |
13 |
International Week, 1939-1975 |
138S |
14 |
International Workshop of School Business Officials, 1956-1957 |
138S |
15 |
Internet Consultants Group, 1995 |
138S |
16 |
Invest in America Week, 1955 |
138S |
17 |
Investment Banking, 1951-1961 |
138S |
18 |
Investment Committee, 1969-1979 |
139S |
1 |
Investments and investment policies, 1966-1982 |
139S |
2 |
Iran–Government, Students, History, Crisis, 1980-1981 |
139S |
3 |
Irish Mayors, 1981 |
139S |
4 |
Irish Studies, 1980-1982 |
139S |
5 |
Iron Crown, notes, news releases, and photos, 1926 |
139S |
6 |
Irvine Auditorium, 1925-1982 |
139S |
7 |
Israel, Universities of, 1974-1981 |
139S |
8 |
Italian Center, 1971-1982 |
139S |
9 |
Italian students, 1933-1979 |
139S |
10 |
Italian Studies, 1978-1982 |
139S |
11 |
Ivy Ball, 1933-1952 |
139S |
12 |
Ivy Day, 1981-1983 |
139S |
13 |
Ivy Group institutions–admission policies, 1973-1979 |
139S |
14 |
Ivy League Athletic Code, 1952-1981 |
139S |
15 |
Ivy League Band Conference, 1982 |
139S |
16 |
Ivy League football, 1954-1967 |
139S |
17 |
Ivy League Football, 1956-1979 |
140S |
1 |
Ivy League Schools, 1954-1983 |
140S |
2 |
Ivy Stones, 1968-1983 |
140S |
3 |
Jakob Award, Max, 1980 |
140S |
4 |
Japanese royal family, 1965-1968 |
140S |
5 |
Japanese students, etc., 1944-1983 |
140S |
6 |
Jayne Memorial Lectures |
I, 1961-1962 |
140S |
7 |
1961 |
140S |
8 |
1962 |
140S |
9 |
II, 1962-1976 |
140S |
10 |
1963 |
140S |
11 |
1966 |
141S |
1 |
1968 |
141S |
2 |
1970 |
141S |
3 |
1973-1974 |
141S |
4 |
JDR 3rd Fund, 1969 |
141S |
5 |
Jefferson University, Thomas, 1958-1977 |
141S |
6 |
Jerrehian Brothers, 1979-1981 |
141S |
7 |
Jew, American (students, studies), 1971-1983 |
141S |
8 |
Jewish Free University, 1970-1976 |
141S |
9 |
Jews of the U.S.S.R.–petition of academicians, 1970-1982 |
141S |
10 |
Job Classification Study (A-! and A-3), etc., 1952-1979 |
141S |
11 |
Jobs Program (Jobs Opportunities in the Business Sector), 1971-1974 |
141S |
12 |
Johns Hopkins University, 1957-1982 |
141S |
13 |
Johnson and Johnson–Wharton Fellows Program in Management for Nurses, 1983 |
141S |
14 |
Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics, Eldridge R., 1931-1963 |
141S |
15 |
Johnson Foundation, Mead, 1969 |
141S |
16 |
Johnson Foundation, Robert Wood, 1973-1981 |
142S |
1 |
Johnson Pavilion, 1963-1975 |
142S |
2 |
Johnson Professorship of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Eldrige R., 1964 |
142S |
3 |
Joint Commission on the Mental Health of Children, Inc., 1969 |
142S |
4 |
Joint Degree Programs, 1976 |
142S |
5 |
Jones Memorial Gallery, Lloyd P., 1972-1978 |
142S |
6 |
Journalism Award, 1944-1950 |
142S |
7 |
Journalism courses, 1946-1981 |
142S |
8 |
Journal of Communications, 1984-1985 |
142S |
9 |
Joyce Fellowship Fund Committee, 1967 |
142S |
10 |
Judicial System, 1980-1981 |
142S |
11 |
Junior Cane March, 1966-1970 |
142S |
12 |
Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1964-1972 |
142S |
13 |
Junior Week, 1928-1940 |
142S |
14 |
Junior Week, 1941-1958 |
142S |
15 |
Juvenile delinquency, 1961-1969 |
142S |
16 |
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, 1981 |
142S |
17 |
Kade Foundation, Max, 1963 |
142S |
18 |
Kahn Book Fund, The Edmund J., 1977 |
142S |
19 |
Kahn Collection, Louis I., 1977-1984 |
142S |
20 |
Kaiser Family Foundation, 1982 |
142S |
21 |
Kanazawa University, 1955-1963 |
142S |
22 |
Kaplan Memorial Lecture, Stephen Allen, 1965-1971 |
142S |
23 |
Kaplan Memorial Wing, The Florence and David, 1966 |
142S |
24 |
Kappa Alpha Theta, 1960-1968 |
142S |
25 |
Kappa Delta Sorority, 1980 |
142S |
26 |
Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1941-1965 |
142S |
27 |
Kappa Lambda Epsilon, 1966 |
142S |
28 |
Kappa Sigma, 1980-1982 |
142S |
29 |
Karachi, University of, 1954-1958 |
142S |
30 |
Kellogg Foundation, W. K., 1946-1957 |
143S |
1 |
Kelley and Cohen, 1968-1978 |
143S |
2 |
Kenan, Jr. Professorship, William R., 1971, 1978 |
143S |
3 |
Kennedy Memorial Library, John D., 1964-1966 |
143S |
4 |
Kennedy Foundation, Joseph P., 1965 |
143S |
5 |
Kettering Foundation, Charles F., 1963 |
143S |
6 |
Kiss and Killer Game, 1981 |
143S |
7 |
Kite and Key Society, 1941-1985 |
143S |
8 |
“Knowing Your University” campaign, 1956-1957 |
143S |
9 |
Korean Students and Korean boy adoption, 1958-1981 |
143S |
10 |
Krebiozen, Clippings, 1963-1964 |
143S |
11 |
Kreoge Foundation, 1967-1978 |
143S |
12 |
Kress Foundation, Samuel H., 1964-1968 |
143S |
13 |
Kuemmerle Professorship, Gustave C., 1957-1964 |
143S |
14 |
KYW–litigation, 1969 |
143S |
15 |
Labor Arbitration Conference, 1959 |
143S |
16 |
Labor Codes, Symposium, Relations, 1933-1980 |
143S |
17 |
Labor-management relations, 1950-1979 |
143S |
18 |
Labor Relations Council, 1948-1980 |
143S |
19 |
Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter |
I, 1960-1965 |
144S |
1 |
II, 1961-1986 |
144S |
2 |
Dedication, 1965 |
144S |
3 |
Lamme Medal, 1972 |
144S |
4 |
Lanchester Medal, 1968 |
144S |
5 |
Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, Department of, 1955-1986 |
144S |
6 |
Landscape Plans, 1977-1980 |
144S |
7 |
Language Study Survey, 1954-1982 |
144S |
8 |
La Salle University, 1958-1975 |
144S |
9 |
La Terrasse, 1979-1981 |
144S |
10 |
Latin America, 1930-1948 |
144S |
11 |
Latin American Graduate Student Association, 1962 |
144S |
12 |
Latin American Studies, Department of, 1958-1980 |
144S |
13 |
Lauder Institute, 1983-1986 |
144S |
14 |
Laundry, Student, Photos, 1959 |
145S |
1 |
Law Review, I, 1928-1937 |
145S |
2 |
Law Review, II, 1933-1975 |
145S |
3 |
Law School |
I, 1954-1964 |
145S |
4 |
II, 1965-1969 |
145S |
5 |
III, 1970-1974 |
145S |
6 |
IV, 1974-1976 |
145S |
7 |
V, 1978-1981 |
146S |
1 |
VI, 1973-1986 |
146S |
2 |
VII, 1980-1985 |
146S |
3 |
Arts Council, 1967 |
146S |
4 |
Buildings–Horace Stern Hall, G.W.Pepper Dormitory, O.J. Roberts Dormitory, I, 1956-1957 |
146S |
5 |
Buildings–Horace Stern Hall, G.W.Pepper Dormitory, O.J. Roberts Dormitory, II, 1956-1959 |
146S |
6 |
Campaign (general), 1956-1979 |
146S |
7 |
Classroom building dedication, I, 1962-1963 |
146S |
8 |
Classroom building dedication, II, 1963 |
146S |
9 |
Classroom building dedication, III, 1963 |
146S |
10 |
Classroom building dedication, Photographs, 1963 |
146S |
11 |
Development Fund Project (W.D.Lewis Hall and Goodrich Hall), 1956-1972 |
146S |
12 |
Development program, 1974 |
146S |
13 |
Forum, 1963-1965 |
146S |
14 |
Public Service Program, 1989-1990 |
146S |
15 |
Lawsuits, 1979-1983 |
147S |
1 |
Lazarus (Esther)-Goldman (Albert D.) Center for the Study of Social Work Practice, 1976-1980 |
147S |
2 |
Leadership programs, 1979 |
147S |
3 |
Lectures (Public Lectures, Lecture programs, Lecture Futures), I, 1961-1981 |
147S |
4 |
Lectures (Public Lectures, Lecture programs, Lecture Futures), II, 1969-1983 |
147S |
5 |
Lecturers, 1963-1983 |
147S |
6 |
Lee Prize Fund, Judy, 1959-1961 |
147S |
7 |
Legal Aid Society, 1958-1982 |
147S |
8 |
Legion of Merit Award, 1974 |
147S |
9 |
Leidy Laboratory of Biology, 1934-1979 |
147S |
10 |
Leon Lecture Series, Adolf and Felicia, I, 1960-1969 |
147S |
11 |
Leon Lecture Series, Adolf and Felicia, II, 1969-1983 |
147S |
12 |
Lerici Foundation, 1961-1963 |
147S |
13 |
Lever Brothers Company, 1964 |
147S |
14 |
Levy Foundation, Leon, 1961-1969 |
147S |
15 |
Levy Oral Health Science Building, The Leon, 1958-1969 |
147S |
16 |
Levy Park, Blanche P. , 1978-1980 |
147S |
17 |
Levy Tennis Pavilion, 1972-1979 |
147S |
18 |
Liberal Studies Graduate Group, 1985-1986 |
147S |
19 |
Liberal Studies Program, 1979-1982 |
147S |
20 |
Liberty Bell Debate Tournament, 1963-1972 |
147S |
21 |
Libraries |
Biddle Law Library, 1958-1972 |
147S |
22 |
Biomedical Library, 1969-1979 |
147S |
23 |
Burd Scientific Library, 1955 |
147S |
24 |
Departmental and general, 1964-1985 |
147S |
25 |
Dietrich Graduate Library Center |
1962-1967 |
148S |
1 |
Craig Merrihue Seminar Room, 1967 |
148S |
2 |
Dedication, 1967 |
148S |
3 |
Lippincott Library, 1934-1977 |
148S |
4 |
Penniman Memorial Library, 1926-1976 |
148S |
5 |
South Asia Regional Studies Library, 1967 |
148S |
6 |
Union Library Catalogue, 1939-1971 |
148S |
7 |
Union Library Catalogue, Newsletters, 1941-1947 |
148S |
8 |
Exhibition, 1964-1983 |
148S |
9 |
Fine Arts Library, 1952-1984 |
148S |
10 |
Friends of the University of Pennsylvania Library, The, 1933-1983 |
148S |
11 |
Furness Memorial Library, Horace Howard, 1932-1983 |
148S |
12 |
Lea Library of Medical History, Henry Charles, 1929-1983 |
148S |
13 |
Library Staff Association, 1967-1972 |
148S |
14 |
Map Library, 1970 |
148S |
15 |
Smalley Library, Ruth E., 1979 |
149S |
1 |
Shakespeare Library, Folger, 1973 |
149S |
2 |
University Library, 1956-1982 |
149S |
3 |
Van Pelt Library |
1985 |
149S |
4 |
dedication, I, 1962-1963 |
149S |
5 |
dedication, II, 1962 |
149S |
6 |
dedication, III, 1962-1963 |
149S |
7 |
dedication, photographs, 1962 |
149S |
8 |
General, I, 1952-1961 |
149S |
9 |
General, II, 1961-1981 |
149S |
10 |
General, III, 1963-1979 |
149S |
11 |
General, IV, 1967-1984 |
149S |
12 |
General, Clippings, 1954-1976 |
149S |
13 |
General, photos, 1962 |
150S |
1 |
Ground breaking, 1960 |
150S |
2 |
Moving of Books, 1962 |
150S |
3 |
Rare Book Room, 1947-1982 |
150S |
4 |
Rosenwald Exhibition Hall, Lessing J., 1964-1982 |
150S |
5 |
Rosengarten Undergraduate Library, 1964-1976 |
150S |
6 |
Lily Parade, 1958-1966 |
150S |
7 |
Lincoln University, 1962-1969 |
150S |
8 |
Lindback Foundation, Christian R. and Mary F., 1961-1983 |
150S |
9 |
Linguistic analysis, 1946-1971 |
150S |
10 |
Lit Brothers, 1946-1985 |
150S |
11 |
Literary figures (U of P), 1955-1978 |
150S |
12 |
Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester (England), 1968 |
150S |
13 |
Literary Research Center, 1986 |
150S |
14 |
Little People of America, 1981-1982 |
150S |
15 |
Lloyd Collection (Mr. and Mrs. H. Gates Lloyd), 1967 |
151S |
1 |
Lobbying, 1971-1979 |
151S |
2 |
Locust Street (Locust Walk), 1964-1982 |
151S |
3 |
Loman Professorship of Property and Liability Insurance, Harry J., 1965-1968 |
151S |
4 |
Longwood Foundation, 1959 |
151S |
5 |
Lott Jr. Tennis Courts, H. Hunter, 1974 |
151S |
6 |
Lowenthal Memorial Fund, Daniel, 1973 |
151S |
7 |
Luce Fellowship, 1986 |
151S |
8 |
Luce Foundation, Inc., The Henry, 1969-1986 |
151S |
9 |
Lutheran Theological Seminary (Exchange Program), 1963-1968 |
151S |
10 |
Lukens Memorial Scholarship Fund, Hiram S., 1968 |
151S |
11 |
Mace, 1955-1980 |
151S |
12 |
Madeira Award, Crawford C., 1967-1968 |
151S |
13 |
MacArthur Foundation, John D. and Catherine T., 1983 |
151S |
14 |
Macy Jr. Foundation, Josiah, 1965-1967 |
151S |
15 |
Magazines, “Fidelphian”, 1962 |
151S |
16 |
Magazines, Miscellaneous |
Clippings, I, 1957-1972 |
151S |
17 |
Clippings, II, 1972-1978 |
151S |
18 |
Clippings, III, 1973-1983 |
151S |
19 |
Engineering College Magazines Associated (ECMA), 1969-1970 |
152S |
1 |
Magazines, National |
News Week, 1949-1966 |
152S |
2 |
Playboy, 1968-1980 |
152S |
3 |
Time–surveys, etc., 1932-1971 |
152S |
4 |
Magazines, U of P |
Analysis magazine, 1961-1966 |
152S |
5 |
Anvil, 1977-1982 |
152S |
6 |
Bellwether, 1982 |
152S |
7 |
Digest, The, 1982 |
152S |
8 |
Educational Outlook, 1955 |
152S |
9 |
Era, 1964-1976 |
152S |
10 |
Journal of Communications, I, 1974-1980 |
152S |
11 |
Journal of Communications, II, 1977-1980 |
152S |
12 |
Journal of Communications, III, 1977-1982 |
152S |
13 |
Journal of Communications, IV, 1981-1983 |
152S |
14 |
Journal of Marketing, 1978 |
152S |
15 |
Law Review, 1978-1981 |
152S |
16 |
Orbis, 1957-1971 |
152S |
17 |
Penn Comment, 1965-1968 |
152S |
18 |
Pennpix, 1954-1955 |
152S |
19 |
Pennsylvania Gazette, I, 1945-1976 |
152S |
20 |
Pennsylvania Gazette, II, 1928-1976 |
152S |
21 |
Pennsylvania Gazette, III, 1975-1981 |
153S |
1 |
Pennsylvania Pictures, 1940-1952 |
153S |
2 |
Pennsylvania Triangle, 1937-1976 |
153S |
3 |
Punch Bowl, 1934-1980 |
153S |
4 |
Studies in Visual Communications, 1980 |
153S |
5 |
Synthetic Metals, 1980 |
153S |
6 |
Wharton Account, 1966-1976 |
153S |
7 |
Wharton Annual, The, 1983 |
153S |
8 |
Wharton Journal, 1959-1982 |
153S |
9 |
Wharton Magazine, I, 1976-1983 |
153S |
10 |
Wharton Magazine, II, 1981-1983 |
153S |
11 |
Wharton MBA, The, 1958-1966 |
153S |
12 |
Wharton Quarterly, I, 1967-1969 |
153S |
13 |
Wharton Quarterly, II, 1970-1975 |
153S |
14 |
Wharton Quarterly, Photographs, 1967 |
153S |
15 |
Maloney Clinic, Martin, 1926-1933 |
153S |
16 |
Management Analysis Service, 1956-1966 |
153S |
17 |
Management and Technology, 1976-1982 |
153S |
18 |
Manheimer Lecture Series, 1978 |
153S |
19 |
Mantua Community Planners, Inc., 1969-1971 |
153S |
20 |
Marine Corps, 1960-1961 |
154S |
1 |
Marketing Department, 1954-1982 |
154S |
2 |
Markle Foundation, The John and Mary R., 1963, 1977 |
154S |
3 |
Marriage Council of Philadelphia, 1952-1985 |
154S |
4 |
Marriage Survey, 1931-1982 |
154S |
5 |
Mars, 1971 |
154S |
6 |
Martin Foundation, The Jane and John, 1969-1970 |
154S |
7 |
Martin Luther King, Jr., Commemorative celebration, 1996 |
154S |
8 |
Mask and Wig Club |
I, 1925-1932 |
154S |
9 |
II, 1933-1957 |
154S |
10 |
III, 1957-1963 |
154S |
11 |
IV, 1960-1974 |
154S |
12 |
V, 1974-1983 |
155S |
1 |
VI, 1986 |
155S |
2 |
“Myth America: The Lies and Times of Christopher Columbus” (104th Annual Production), 1992 |
155S |
3 |
Photographs, 1933-1982 |
155S |
4 |
Mask and Wig Professor of Playwriting, 1928 |
155S |
5 |
Mason Award, J. Alden, 1974 |
155S |
6 |
Material Science and the Lattice Effect of Strong Electron Correlation, 1986-1994 |
155S |
7 |
Mathematics – General, 1961-1977 |
155S |
8 |
Mayor’s Scholarship program, 1992 |
155S |
9 |
Mayor’s Scholarship, 1992 |
155S |
10 |
Mayoral candidates debate, 1991 |
155S |
11 |
Maytag Family Foundation, Fred, 1968-1969 |
155S |
12 |
McDonald House, Ronald, 1976-1982 |
155S |
13 |
McMichael School, 1971 |
155S |
14 |
McNeil Building, Robert Lincoln, 1969-1971 |
155S |
15 |
McNeil Building, Robert Lincoln, Photographs, 1970-1978 |
155S |
16 |
McNeil Jr. Foundation, Inc., Robert L., 1966-1967 |
155S |
17 |
McNeil Laboratories, Inc., [1965?] |
155S |
18 |
McNeil Trusts of Philadelphia, 1964 |
155S |
19 |
Measey Professorship in Medicine, William Maul, 1973 |
156S |
1 |
Mechanical Hand, 1983 |
156S |
2 |
Medals, Photos, undated |
156S |
3 |
Media Relations Conference |
I, 1961-1967 |
156S |
4 |
II, 1966-1967 |
156S |
5 |
III, 1967 |
156S |
6 |
Medical Affairs (publication), 1958-1971 |
156S |
7 |
Medical Center (tri-institutional, West Philadelphia), 1962-1986 |
156S |
8 |
Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1975 |
156S |
9 |
Medical Council, National, 1964 |
156S |
10 |
Medical Education Building, 1962-1978 |
156S |
11 |
Medical education in America, History articles, 1955-1957 |
156S |
11a |
Medical Financial Survey, 1950 |
156S |
12 |
Medical Museum, undated [1920s-1940s] |
156S |
13 |
Medical School |
I, 1920-1939 |
156S |
14 |
II, 1940-1949 |
157S |
1 |
III, 1940-1949 |
157S |
2 |
IV, 1950-1959 |
157S |
3 |
V, 1960-1964 |
157S |
4 |
VI, 1965-1979 |
157S |
5 |
VII, 1980-1984 |
157S |
6 |
225th anniversary, 1989-1990 |
157S |
7 |
Bicentennial celebration |
I, 1963-1965 |
157S |
8 |
II, 1965 |
157S |
9 |
III, 1964 |
158S |
1 |
Brochures and clippings, 1964-1965 |
158S |
2 |
History of the School, 1964 |
158S |
3 |
Newspaper publicity material, 1957-1965 |
158S |
4 |
Original plans, 1961-1964 |
158S |
5 |
Schedule of University celebration programs, |
158S |
6 |
Curriculum change, 1968 |
158aS |
1 |
Library, 1966 |
158aS |
2 |
Photographs, 1966-1967 |
158aS |
3 |
Celebration of Medical Progress at Penn, I, 1930 |
158S |
7 |
Celebration of Medical Progress at Penn, II, 1930 |
158S |
8 |
Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, 1948 |
158aS |
4 |
Medieval Studies Group, 1969-1984 |
158aS |
5 |
“Meet the Professor” Program, 1960-1961 |
158aS |
6 |
Mellon Charitable Trusts, Grants and professorships, 1957-1975 |
158aS |
7 |
Mellon Foundation grant for study in humanities, 1991-1993 |
158aS |
8 |
Mellon Professorship in Finance, Richard K., 1966-1975 |
158aS |
9 |
Melville Society, 1972-1973 |
158aS |
10 |
Memorials, 1925-1980 |
158aS |
11 |
Men About Towne Club, 1928-1937 |
158aS |
12 |
Mendel, Gregory, 1936 |
159S |
1 |
Men Organized Against Rape (MOAR), Clippings, 1975 |
159S |
2 |
Mental Health Services and Mental Health Clinic, 1961-1980 |
159S |
3 |
Mentoring program, 1989-1995 |
159S |
4 |
Merck and Company, 1972 |
159S |
5 |
Merrill Trust, Charles E., 1963-1982 |
159S |
6 |
Methane Fuel Gas, 1972 |
159S |
7 |
Middle East Center, 1981-1988 |
159S |
8 |
Middle States Association of Colleges and Sunday Schools, 1954-1974 |
159S |
9 |
Military training and military service, Clippings, 1945 |
159S |
10 |
Minnick Award, John Harrison, 1971 |
159S |
11 |
Minorities, 1983-1984 |
159S |
12 |
Minority Permanence, 1992 |
159S |
13 |
Minority Presence at Penn, 1987-1992 |
159S |
14 |
Minority Scholarship, 1990-1992 |
159S |
15 |
Miss and Mr. University of Pennsylvania,1956-1970 |
159S |
16 |
Mobil Foundation, 1977 |
159S |
17 |
Modern Language Association of America, 1950-1968 |
159S |
18 |
Modern Music Festival, 1958 |
159S |
19 |
Modern Near East Language and Area Center, 1965 |
159S |
20 |
Modest Mansions, 1986 |
159S |
21 |
Monell Chemical Senses Center, 1979-1983 |
159S |
22 |
Monell Chemical Senses Center, Monellin Sweetener, 1972-1977 |
159S |
23 |
Moonwalk, 1969 July 20 |
159S |
24 |
Moore Chair in Human Ethics and Animal Welfare, Marie A., 1985 |
159S |
25 |
Moore School of Electrical Engineering, 1979-1986 |
160S |
1 |
Morgan State College/U of P Cooperative program |
I, 1965-1969 |
160S |
2 |
II, 1969-1976 |
160S |
3 |
Photographs, 1968-1969 |
160S |
4 |
Morgenstern Foundation, Morris, 1955, 1972 |
160S |
5 |
Morris Arboretum |
I, 1932-1933 |
160S |
6 |
II, 1933-1936 |
160S |
7 |
III, 1937-1939 |
160S |
8 |
IV, 1959-1986 |
160S |
9 |
1990-1991 |
161S |
1 |
Deer problem management, 1989-1992 |
161S |
2 |
Morrow Fund, 1966 |
161S |
3 |
Mortar Board and Women’s Senior Honor Society, 1962-1981 |
161S |
4 |
Moton Center for Independent Studies, 1979 |
161S |
5 |
Mount Union College/U of P educational exchange, 1956 |
161S |
6 |
Muhlenberg College/U of P Joint Program, undated |
161S |
7 |
Muller Endowment Fund, John Hughes, 1940 |
161S |
8 |
Mundheim Commission, 1967-1971 |
161S |
9 |
Murphy Field House, Michael C., 1941 |
161S |
10 |
Museum, University |
Academic Wing, 1968-1971 |
161S |
11 |
Afghanistan Expedition, 1953-1976 |
161S |
12 |
African art, dance, music, 1971-1980 |
161S |
13 |
African Gallery, 1972 |
161S |
14 |
Alaskan Expedition, 1929-1958 |
161S |
15 |
American Indian crafts, 1973-1982 |
162S |
1 |
“An Institutional Strategic Plan, 1984-1988” |
162S |
1a |
Ancient American Gold Room, 1972 |
162S |
2 |
Antigua, Guatemala, 1969-1971 |
162S |
3 |
Antique jewelry, 1952 |
162S |
4 |
Applied Science Center for Archaeology, 1967-1980 |
162S |
5 |
Arctic Exhibit, 1957-1958 |
162S |
6 |
Archaeological Conference, 1941 |
162S |
7 |
Arizona Expedition, 1929 |
162S |
8 |
Art Digest, 1929 |
162S |
9 |
Aswan Dam project, 1960-1963 |
162S |
10 |
Auditorium, undated |
162S |
11 |
Australian Expedition, 1929-1942 |
162S |
12 |
Babylonian Gallery, undated |
162S |
13 |
Bantu of Africa, 1970 |
162S |
14 |
Beisan Expedition, 1927-1931 |
162S |
15 |
Beth-Shan Society, 1933 |
162S |
16 |
Biblical Archaeology Gallery, 1970-1975 |
162S |
17 |
Bicentennial events calendar, 1976 |
162S |
18 |
Board of Managers, 1941-1961 |
162S |
19 |
British Honduras, 1950-1951 |
162S |
20 |
“Bronze Age”–Turkey, 1960-1964 |
162S |
21 |
Buddhism, 1985 |
162S |
22 |
Building and restoration program, 1975 |
162S |
23 |
Carbon 14, 1950-1976 |
162S |
24 |
Caribbean Spendors Exhibit, 1972 |
162S |
25 |
Casting room, 1973 |
162S |
26 |
Centennial celebration brochures, 1987 |
162S |
26a |
Chinese art, 1973-1985 |
162S |
27 |
Chinese jade, 1940 |
162S |
28 |
Concerts/movies, I, 1950-1955 |
163S |
1 |
Concerts/movies, II, 1954-1966 |
163S |
2 |
Concerts/movies, III, 1966-1974 |
163S |
3 |
Concerts/movies, IV, 1974-1981 |
163S |
4 |
Conservation Laboratory, 1974 |
163S |
5 |
Crimean Expedition, 1933 |
163S |
6 |
Cultures in Contact, I, 1971-1975 |
163S |
7 |
Cultures in Contact, II, 1973-1977 |
163S |
8 |
Cultures in Contact, photographs, 1971 |
163S |
9 |
Cyprus, 1932-1978 |
163S |
10 |
Czechoslovakian Expedition, 1929-1931 |
163S |
11 |
Damghan, Persia, 1932 |
163S |
12 |
Dead Sea Scrolls, 1962-1965 |
163S |
13 |
Eastern Archaeological Federation, Annual Meeting, 1941 |
163S |
14 |
Education Department, 1973 |
163S |
15 |
Egypt-Abydos, 1969-1979 |
163S |
16 |
Egypt-photos, undated |
163S |
17 |
Egyptian temple (Aten), 1968-1976 |
164S |
1 |
Egyptian temple (Aten), photographs, 1972 |
164S |
2 |
Egyptian tombs and Egyptian expeditions |
1954-1982 |
164S |
3 |
I, 1940-1956 |
164S |
4 |
II, 1958-1960 |
164S |
5 |
III, 1960-1968 |
164S |
6 |
IV, 1970-1974 |
164S |
7 |
V, 1975-1980 |
164S |
8 |
VI, 1981-1983 |
165S |
1 |
Fara Expedition, 1931 |
165S |
2 |
General |
I, 1928-1933 |
165S |
3 |
II, 1930-1938 |
165S |
4 |
III, 1938-1959 |
165S |
5 |
IV, 1958-1973 |
165S |
6 |
V, 1968-1979 |
165S |
7 |
VI, 1972-1985 |
166S |
1 |
VII, Clippings, 1983-1986 |
166S |
2 |
photos, 1927-? |
166S |
3 |
Gibeon Expedition |
1956-1962 |
166S |
4 |
Photographs, I, 1956 |
166S |
5 |
Photographs, II, [1956?] |
166S |
6 |
Gilead Expedition, 1963 |
166S |
7 |
Gordian (Turkey) Expedition, I, 1950-1958 |
166S |
8 |
Gordian (Turkey) Expedition, II, 1959-1973 |
166S |
9 |
Gordian (Turkey) Expedition, photos, 1956-1957 |
166S |
10 |
Grant Collection, 1962 |
166S |
11 |
Greece, Study of Historical Ecology, 1971-1972 |
167S |
1 |
Greek cities, 1963-1978 |
167S |
2 |
Greek trading ship, 1968-1971 |
167S |
3 |
Greek vases, 1950 |
167S |
4 |
Gulf of Taranto, 1969 |
167S |
5 |
Historical Research Center, clippings, 1976 |
167S |
6 |
History, 1955, 1964 |
167S |
7 |
House models, 1933-1934 |
167S |
8 |
How-to-make-it Club, 1933-1935 |
167S |
9 |
“Human Adventure”, 1934 |
167S |
10 |
Instrument restoration, 1972-1973 |
167S |
11 |
Inter-American Affairs, Conference on, 1944 |
167S |
12 |
International Congress of Classical Studies, 1964 |
167S |
13 |
Iran Expedition–Anshan, 1973-1974 |
167S |
14 |
Iran Expedition–Belt Case, 1949-1974 |
167S |
15 |
Iran Expedition–City of Hasanlu, I, 1955-1960 |
167S |
16 |
Iran Expedition–City of Hasanlu, II, 1960-1973 |
167S |
17 |
Iran Expedition–Hotu case, 1951 |
167S |
18 |
Iraq Expedition (Tell al Rimah), 1964-1967 |
167S |
19 |
Italy, 1974 |
167S |
20 |
Jade Exhibit, 1949, 1978 |
167S |
21 |
Jordanian Expeditions, 1963-1966 |
167S |
22 |
Journal, 1932, 1935 |
167S |
23 |
Karakomar (Afghanistan) Expedition, 1954 |
167S |
24 |
Khafaje, 1937 |
167S |
25 |
Kiln, 1973 |
167S |
26 |
King’s Cote (England), 1971 |
167S |
27 |
Kirkuk Expedition, 1930 |
167S |
28 |
Knife Rim Site, 1953 |
167S |
29 |
Lake Titicaca, 1955, 1958 |
167S |
30 |
Lectures, 1928-1978 |
168S |
1 |
Legal Code, 1947-1968 |
168S |
2 |
Leptis Magna, 1960-1967 |
168S |
3 |
Library (of the Museum), 1962-1971 |
168S |
4 |
Lihuros, 1974 |
168S |
5 |
Mask Parade, 1947 |
168S |
6 |
Maya Expedition, 1973-1982 |
168S |
7 |
Melville Peninsula Site, 1954 |
168S |
8 |
Mexican Exhibition, 1971 |
168S |
9 |
Meydum (Egypt), 1929-1932 |
168S |
10 |
Meydum-photographs, 1930-1937 |
168S |
11 |
Middle American Gallery, 1949 |
168S |
12 |
Minturno (Italy), 1931-1933 |
168S |
13 |
Mobile guides, 1974-1978 |
168S |
14 |
Mummy autopsy, 1972-1973 |
168S |
15 |
Mummy autopsy, clippings, 1972-1975 |
168S |
16 |
Mummy rooms, 1934-1981 |
168S |
17 |
Murder trial tablets, 1950 |
168S |
18 |
Mycenaean Pottery, 1962 |
168S |
19 |
National cultures program, 1971-1976 |
168S |
20 |
Navajo Indian Display, 1933, 1973 |
168S |
21 |
Nevil Gallery for the Blind, 1972-1977 |
169S |
1 |
Nippur, City of, 1952-1976 |
169S |
2 |
New Britain Island, 1954 |
169S |
3 |
Panama Collection, 1940 |
169S |
4 |
Persian Empire, 1975 |
169S |
5 |
Peruvian ceramics, 1967 |
169S |
6 |
Piedras Negras (Guatemala), 1930-1937 |
169S |
7 |
Plain of Jars, 1970 |
169S |
8 |
Rayy, Persia, 1934-1936 |
169S |
9 |
Rubidium Magnetometer, 1964 |
169S |
10 |
Russian Collection, 1934 |
169S |
11 |
Santorini Expedition, 1967 |
169S |
12 |
Sarepta, I, clippings, 1970-1972 |
169S |
13 |
Sarepta, II, photos, 1971-1974 |
169S |
14 |
Senegal, 1972 |
169S |
15 |
Seventy-fifth anniversary, 1962 |
169S |
16 |
Sharpe Gallery, 1984 |
170S |
1 |
Sierra Leone, 1937-1938 |
170S |
2 |
Stevenson Collection, Robert Louis, 1936 |
170S |
3 |
Storage Area, 1974-1978 |
170S |
4 |
Strikes (labor), 1980-1982 |
170S |
5 |
Submarine (Asherah), 1964-1968 |
170S |
6 |
Suitcase Exhibits (Portable Exhibits), 1973-1975 |
170S |
7 |
Sumerian Dictionary, 1984 |
170S |
8 |
Sumerian poem, 1947 |
170S |
9 |
Sumerian tablets, literature, and artifacts |
I, 1942-1955 |
170S |
10 |
II, 1955-1959 |
170S |
11 |
III, 1962 |
170S |
12 |
IV, 1967-1982 |
170S |
13 |
Summer workshop, 1972, 1980 |
170S |
14 |
Sybaris Expedition, I, 1965-1971 |
170S |
15 |
Sybaris Expedition, II, photos, 1962 |
170S |
16 |
Tablet Collection Library, 1969-1973 |
170S |
17 |
Task Force, 1962 |
170S |
18 |
Television, etc., 1950-1976 |
171S |
1 |
Tel Michal, Israel, 1980 |
171S |
2 |
Telemathon, 1963-1964 |
171S |
3 |
Tell Billah, I, 1931-1935 |
171S |
4 |
Tell Billah, II, 1933-1938 |
171S |
5 |
Tell Billah, photographs, 1936 |
171S |
6 |
Tepe Hissar (Persia), 1931-1933 |
171S |
7 |
Thailand, 1975-1982 |
171S |
8 |
Museum thefts, 1981 |
171S |
9 |
Tikal (Guatemala) Expedition |
1956-1967 |
171S |
10 |
clippings, 1957-1977 |
171S |
11 |
news releases, 1956-1966 |
172S |
1 |
photographs, 1957-1974 |
172S |
2 |
Top collection, 1974 |
172S |
3 |
Turkey, Art Treasures of, 1966, 1971 |
172S |
4 |
Turkish Expedition, 1962-1971 |
172S |
5 |
Tutankhamun Treasures, 1961-1979 |
172S |
6 |
Underground Probe (Richard Linington), 1960-1961 |
172S |
7 |
Underwater archaeology, 1975-1976 |
172S |
8 |
Underwater telephone booth, 1967-1986 |
172S |
9 |
Ur of the Chaldees, I, 1927-1930 |
172S |
10 |
Ur of the Chaldees, II, 1930-1983 |
172S |
11 |
Ur of the Chaldees, photos, 1928-1934 |
172S |
12 |
Valley Forge Park–Teenage Dig and project, 1972, 1978 |
172S |
13 |
Van, Asia Minor, 1939 |
172S |
14 |
Venezuelan Expedition, 1934-1935 |
172S |
15 |
Whitman Exhibit, 1942 |
172S |
16 |
War or Peace? 1967-1976 |
172S |
17 |
Women’s Committee, 1974-1983 |
173S |
1 |
“Ziwiye Treasure,” 1954 |
173S |
2 |
Music, 1987-1988 |
173S |
3 |
Music Department |
Balalaika Orchestra, 1972-1981 |
173S |
4 |
Chamber music programs and chamber players, 1969-1984 |
173S |
5 |
Chamber singers, 1967-1975 |
173S |
6 |
Choral Society, 1932-1984 |
173S |
7 |
Collegium Musicum, 1972-1983 |
173S |
8 |
Concerts and/or recitals, I, 1929-1975 |
173S |
9 |
Concerts and/or recitals, II, 1971-1976 |
173S |
10 |
Concerts and/or recitals, III, 1976-1984 |
173S |
11 |
Friends of Music, 1984 |
173S |
12 |
Jazz Ensemble, U of P, 1975, 1982 |
173S |
13 |
Lectures and lecture-recitals, 1932-1971 |
173S |
14 |
Opera, 1933-1963 |
173S |
15 |
Orchestra, U of P, 1925-1984 |
174S |
1 |
Penn contemporary players, 1967-1983 |
174S |
2 |
Pro Musica, 1969-1979 |
174S |
3 |
String Quartet, 1961-1985 |
174S |
4 |
University Choir, 1968-1983 |
174S |
5 |
University Concert series, 1961-1978 |
174S |
6 |
Wind Ensemble, 1981-1983 |
174S |
7 |
Musical Activities Office, 1959-1969 |
174S |
8 |
Music Miscellaneous, Musical Club, 1925-1972 |
174S |
9 |
Music Miscellaneous, The Otto E. Albrecht Music Library, 1955-1985 |
174S |
10 |
Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, [between 1961 and 1980?] |
174S |
11 |
Mutual Funds, Conference on, 1967 |
174S |
12 |
Myers Foundation, 1971 |
174S |
13 |
Myrin Memorial Research Building, The Alarik , 1971 |
174S |
14 |
Nader’s Raiders, 1969-1972 |
174S |
15 |
National Academy of Engineering, 1973-1980 |
174S |
16 |
National Academy of Sciences |
I, , 1924-1982 |
174S |
17 |
II, News Releases, 1940-1960 |
174S |
18 |
III, 1958-1984 |
175S |
1 |
National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA), 1962-1971 |
175S |
2 |
National Alliance of Businessmen, 1971 |
175S |
3 |
National Art Museum of Sport, Inc., 1961 |
175S |
4 |
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1964-1976 |
175S |
5 |
National Association for Foreign Students Affairs, 1972 |
175S |
6 |
National Association of Social Workers, 1961 |
175S |
7 |
National Association of Tobacco Distributors (NATD), 1981 |
175S |
8 |
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1953-1969 |
175S |
9 |
National Cancer Institute, 1963-1980 |
175S |
10 |
National Center for the Educational Quality of the Workforce, proposal, 1990 |
175S |
11 |
National Center for Energy Management and Power, 1971-1976 |
175S |
12 |
National Center for Resource Recovery, 1982 |
175S |
13 |
National Center on Adult Literacy (NCAL), 1990-1993 |
175S |
14 |
National College of State Trial Judges, 1967 |
175S |
15 |
National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Student-Athlete Right To Know Act, 1990 |
175S |
16 |
National Commission on Materials Policy, 1973 |
175S |
17 |
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence (Mass Media Task Force), 1967-1972 |
175S |
18 |
National Conference on European Integration, 1968 |
175S |
19 |
National Conference on Student Political Power, 1969 |
175S |
20 |
National Conference on Technology and Social Change, 1971 |
175S |
21 |
National Council of Administrative Leadership, 1956 |
175S |
22 |
National Council of Educational Opportunities Associations (NCEOA), 1984 |
175S |
23 |
National Council of the University of Pennsylvania, Directory, n.d. |
175S |
24 |
National Council on Humanities, 1963, 1966 |
176S |
1 |
National Defense Education Act, 1959-1970 |
176S |
2 |
National elections and primaries, 1968 |
176S |
3 |
National Endowment for the Arts, 1971-1982 |
176S |
4 |
National Education Association, 1926-1969 |
176S |
5 |
National Endowment for the Humanities, 1983-1984 |
176S |
6 |
National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities, 1965-1976 |
176S |
7 |
National Foundation–March of Dimes, 1964, 1966 |
176S |
8 |
National Fund for Graduate Nursing Education, 1961, 1966 |
176S |
9 |
National Geographic Society, 1970-1973 |
176S |
10 |
National Health Insurance, 1970-1981 |
176S |
11 |
National Heart Institute, 1959-1969 |
176S |
12 |
National Industries for the Blind, 1955 |
176S |
13 |
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 1965 |
176S |
14 |
National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1963-1971 |
176S |
15 |
National Institute of Dental Research, 1964-1967 |
176S |
16 |
National Institute of Mental Health, 1961-1978 |
176S |
17 |
National institutes of health, 1961-1983 |
176S |
18 |
National Institutes of Health, centennial celebration, 1987 |
176S |
19 |
National Labor Relations Board, 1975-1977 |
176S |
20 |
National Library of Medicine (NLM), 1969 |
177S |
1 |
National magazines, 1963-1967 |
177S |
2 |
National Park Services, 1970-1972 |
177S |
3 |
National Science Foundation |
News releases, I, 1956-1966 |
177S |
4 |
News releases, II, 1967-1971 |
177S |
5 |
News releases, III, 1972-1982 |
177S |
6 |
Clippings and correspondence, 1957-1979 |
177S |
7 |
National Student Congress, 1979 |
177S |
8 |
Naval Air Development Center, 1951, 1966 |
177S |
9 |
Naval Electronic Laboratory Assembly Tester (NELAT), 1968 |
177S |
10 |
Naval Research, Office of (and Bureau of Medicine and Surgery), 1946-1975 |
177S |
11 |
Navy Department, 1942, 1969 |
177S |
12 |
Nazi book burning, undated |
177S |
13 |
Near East Center, 1968-1975 |
177S |
14 |
Need-blind financial aid, clippings, 1991-1992 |
177S |
15 |
Neighborhood Youth Corps, 1972-1981 |
178S |
1 |
Neose Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Penn biotech patent, 1993 |
178S |
2 |
Nepali Language, 1973-1978 |
178S |
3 |
Neural analog computer, 1990-1992 |
178S |
4 |
Neutrinos and Neutrino Telescope, 1960 |
178S |
5 |
Neutrogena Corporation, 1981 |
178S |
6 |
Nevil Trust, 1972 |
178S |
7 |
New Bolton Center, 1983-1986 |
178S |
8 |
New Bolten Center, virus incident, (I), 1990 |
178S |
9 |
New Bolten Center, virus incident, (II), 1990-1991 |
178S |
10 |
New Bolten Center, virus incident, (III), clippings, 1990 |
178S |
11 |
New Directions…, 1973 |
178S |
12 |
New Directions…, 1974 |
178S |
13 |
New England Society of Pennsylvania, 1926-1928 |
178S |
14 |
Newman Center, Newman Hall, and Newman Club, 1952-1981 |
178S |
15 |
News Bureau, 1953-1982 |
178S |
16 |
News releases, issues |
1966 July- Aug. |
179S |
1 |
1966 Sept. – Oct. |
179S |
2 |
1966 Nov. – Dec. |
179S |
3 |
1967 Jan. – March |
179S |
4 |
1967 Apr. – June |
179S |
5 |
1967 July – Oct. |
179S |
6 |
1967 Nov. – Dec. |
180S |
1 |
1968 Jan.- March |
180S |
2 |
1968 Apr. – June |
180S |
3 |
1968 July – Sept. |
180S |
4 |
1968 Oct. |
180S |
5 |
1968 Nov. – Dec. |
180S |
6 |
1969 Jan. |
181S |
1 |
1969 Feb. – March |
181S |
2 |
1969 Apr. |
181S |
3 |
1969 May |
181S |
4 |
1969 July – Sept. |
181S |
5 |
1969 Oct. |
181S |
6 |
1969 Nov. – Dec. |
181S |
7 |
1970 Jan.- Feb. |
182S |
1 |
1970 March |
182S |
2 |
1970 April-May |
182S |
3 |
1970 June – July |
182S |
4 |
1970 Aug. – Sept. |
182S |
5 |
1970 Oct. |
182S |
6 |
1970 Nov. – Dec. |
183S |
1 |
1971 Jan. |
183S |
2 |
1971 Feb. |
183S |
3 |
1971 March |
183S |
4 |
1971 April |
183S |
5 |
1971 May |
183S |
6 |
1971 June- July |
183S |
7 |
1971 Aug. -Sept. |
183S |
8 |
1971 Oct. |
184S |
1 |
1971 Nov. |
184S |
2 |
1971 Dec. |
184S |
3 |
1972 Jan. – Feb. |
184S |
4 |
1972 March |
184S |
5 |
1972 April |
184S |
6 |
1972 May |
184S |
7 |
1972 June- July |
185S |
1 |
1972 Aug. – Sept. |
185S |
2 |
1972 Oct. |
185S |
3 |
1972 Nov. |
185S |
4 |
1972 Dec. |
185S |
5 |
1973 Jan. |
185S |
6 |
1973 Feb. |
185S |
7 |
1973 March |
185S |
8 |
1973 April |
186S |
1 |
1973 May |
186S |
2 |
1973 June |
186S |
3 |
1973 July- August |
186S |
4 |
1973 Sept. |
186S |
5 |
1973 Oct. |
186S |
6 |
1973 Nov. |
187S |
1 |
1973 Dec. |
187S |
2 |
1974 Jan. |
187S |
3 |
1974 Feb. |
187S |
4 |
1974 March |
187S |
5 |
1974 April |
187S |
6 |
1974 May |
187S |
7 |
1974 June-August |
188S |
1 |
1974 Sept. |
188S |
2 |
1974 Oct. |
188S |
3 |
1974 Nov. |
188S |
4 |
1974 Dec. |
188S |
5 |
1975 Jan. |
188S |
6 |
1975 Feb. |
189S |
1 |
1975 March |
189S |
2 |
1975 April |
189S |
3 |
1975 May |
189S |
4 |
1975 June |
189S |
5 |
1975 July- Aug. |
189S |
6 |
1975 Sept. |
190S |
1 |
1975 Oct. |
190S |
2 |
1975 Nov. |
190S |
3 |
1975 Dec. |
190S |
4 |
1976 Jan. |
190S |
5 |
1976 Feb. |
190S |
6 |
1976 March |
190S |
7 |
1976 April |
191S |
1 |
1976 May |
191S |
2 |
1976 June |
191S |
3 |
1976 July-Aug. |
191S |
4 |
1976 Sept. |
191S |
5 |
1976 Oct. |
191S |
6 |
1976 Nov. |
191S |
7 |
1976 Dec. |
192S |
1 |
1977 Jan. |
192S |
2 |
1977 Feb. |
192S |
3 |
1977 March |
192S |
4 |
1977 April |
192S |
5 |
1977 May |
192S |
6 |
1977 June |
192S |
7 |
1977 July-Aug |
192S |
8 |
1977 Sept. |
193S |
1 |
1977 Oct. |
193S |
2 |
1977 Nov. |
193S |
3 |
1977 Dec. |
193S |
4 |
1978 Jan. |
193S |
5 |
1978 Feb. |
193S |
6 |
1978 March |
193S |
7 |
1978 April |
193S |
8 |
1978 May |
194S |
1 |
1978 June |
194S |
2 |
1978 Aug. |
194S |
3 |
1978 Sept. |
194S |
4 |
1978 Oct. |
194S |
5 |
1978 Nov. |
194S |
6 |
1978 Dec. |
194S |
7 |
1979 Feb. |
194S |
8 |
1979 March |
194S |
9 |
1979 April |
195S |
1 |
1979 May |
195S |
2 |
1979 June |
195S |
3 |
1979 July |
195S |
4 |
1979 August |
195S |
5 |
1979 Sept. |
195S |
6 |
1979 Oct. |
196S |
1 |
1979 Nov. |
196S |
2 |
1979 Dec. |
196S |
3 |
1980 Jan. |
196S |
4 |
1980 Feb. |
196S |
5 |
1980 March |
196S |
6 |
1980 April |
197S |
1 |
1980 May |
197S |
2 |
1980 June |
197S |
3 |
1980 July |
197S |
4 |
1980 Aug. |
197S |
5 |
1980 Sept. |
198S |
1 |
1980 Oct. |
198S |
2 |
1980 Nov. – Dec. |
198S |
3 |
1981 Jan. |
198S |
4 |
1981 Feb. |
198S |
5 |
1981 March |
198S |
6 |
1981 April |
199S |
1 |
1981 May |
199S |
2 |
1981 June |
199S |
3 |
1981 July |
199S |
4 |
1981 Aug.- Sept. |
199S |
5 |
1981 Oct. |
199S |
6 |
1981 Nov. |
199S |
7 |
1981 Dec. |
199S |
8 |
1982 Jan. |
200S |
1 |
1982 Feb. |
200S |
2 |
1982 March |
200S |
3 |
1982 April |
200S |
4 |
1982 May |
200S |
5 |
1982 June |
200S |
6 |
1982 July |
200S |
7 |
1982 Aug. |
200S |
8 |
1982 Sept. |
201S |
1 |
1982 Oct. |
201S |
2 |
1983 Feb. |
201S |
3 |
1983 March |
201S |
4 |
1983 April |
201S |
5 |
1983 May |
201S |
6 |
1983 June |
201S |
7 |
1983 July-August |
201S |
8 |
1983 Sept. |
202S |
1 |
1983 Oct. |
202S |
2 |
1983 Nov. |
202S |
3 |
1983 Dec. |
202S |
4 |
1984 Jan. |
202S |
5 |
1984 Feb. |
202S |
6 |
1984 March |
202S |
7 |
1984 April |
202S |
8 |
1984 May |
202S |
9 |
1984 June |
202S |
10 |
1984 July |
202S |
11 |
1984 Aug. |
203S |
1 |
1984 Sept. |
203S |
2 |
1984 Oct. |
203S |
3 |
1984 Nov. |
203S |
4 |
1984 Dec. |
203S |
5 |
New Student Week, 1969-1980, 1969-1982 |
203S |
6 |
New York Academy of Sciences, 1971 |
203S |
7 |
New York Times Current Events Prize, 1926 |
203S |
8 |
New York Times surveys, 1949-1959 |
203S |
9 |
New York University, 1927-1979 |
203S |
10 |
Nichols Foundation, J. C., 1960 |
203S |
11 |
Nigeria, 1967-1981 |
203S |
12 |
Nigeria, University of, 1963-1981 |
203S |
13 |
Nike site, 1965-1971 |
203S |
14 |
Nobel Prize, 1961-1980 |
203S |
15 |
Non-profit organizations, 1980 |
203S |
16 |
Normandie Hotel (fire), 1968 |
203S |
17 |
Nuclear Arms Conference, 1983 |
203S |
18 |
Nuclear Energy Laboratory, 1957-1982 |
204S |
1 |
Nuclear Weapons Testing Resolution, 1958-1973 |
204S |
2 |
Number Theory Institute, 1962 |
204S |
3 |
“Nurses of America,” a working luncheon hosted by Penn School of Nursing, 1991 |
204S |
4 |
Nursing Education, Department of, 1935, 1984 |
204S |
5 |
Nursing, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, 1942-1978 |
204S |
6 |
Nursing, School of, 1947-1985 |
204S |
7 |
Nutrition Foundation, 1969, 1979 |
204S |
8 |
Nyumba ya Ujamii, Inc., 1969-1972 |
204S |
9 |
O’Boyle Lectures, Thomas A., 1974-1979 |
204S |
10 |
Oceanics Laboratory, 1966-1971 |
204S |
11 |
Oceanography, 1968-1970 |
204S |
12 |
Of Mutual Interest (publication), 1958-1966 |
204S |
13 |
Office of Economic Opportunity, 1969-1970 |
204S |
14 |
Office of International Programs, Annual Report, 1992 |
204S |
15 |
Office of Law Enforcement Assistance (U.S. Department of Justice), 1966 |
205S |
1 |
“Old House” (3443 Woodland Ave.), Photos, 1960 |
205S |
2 |
“Old Penn”, [1970?] |
205S |
3 |
Olsen Foundation, Fred and Florence, 1959 |
205S |
4 |
Olympics (U.S.), 1938-1984 |
205S |
5 |
Ombudsman, 1971-1983 |
205S |
6 |
Omega Psi Phi, Clippings, 1977-1979 |
205S |
7 |
Onyx Senior Honor Society, 1978-1981 |
205S |
8 |
Open expression, undated,[1980s?] |
205S |
9 |
Open Expression (freedom of expression), 1991-1995 |
205S |
10 |
Opening Exercises, 1970-1980 |
205S |
11 |
Operational Research Society (UK), 1971 |
205S |
12 |
Operational Services–service line and bulletins, 1975-1984 |
205S |
13 |
Operation Research, Department of Statistics, 1964-1968 |
205S |
14 |
Operation Research, Management Conference, 1964-1965 |
205S |
15 |
Oppenheimer and Co. Foundation, 1967, 1971 |
205S |
16 |
Opportunities of Industrialization Center, 1971 |
205S |
17 |
Oral Health Research, Center for, 1967-1983 |
205S |
18 |
Oral hygiene, 1945-1954 |
205S |
19 |
Order of the Coif, The, 1959-1974 |
205S |
20 |
Ordnance Distinguished Service Award, 1944-1945 |
205S |
21 |
Organizational Development and Training, Office of, 1976 |
205S |
22 |
Organized Classes |
Articles, clippings and correspondence, 1931-1970 |
205S |
23 |
Awards of Merit, 1957-1975 |
205S |
24 |
News releases, 1956-1974 |
206S |
1 |
Oriental Studies, Department of, 1961-1983 |
206S |
2 |
Orthopaedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases, 1938-1942 |
206S |
3 |
Outstanding Civilian Service Medal (U.S. Army), 1972-1973 |
206S |
4 |
Overbrook High School, 1969 |
206S |
5 |
Overseers, Board of |
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 1976-1985 |
206S |
6 |
Law School, 1979-1984 |
206S |
7 |
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1978-1984 |
206S |
8 |
School of Nursing, 1982 |
206S |
9 |
School of Social Work, 1974-1984 |
206S |
10 |
School of Veterinary Medicine, 1977-1982 |
206S |
11 |
the University, 1978 |
206S |
11a |
University Museum, 1982 |
206S |
12 |
Wharton School, 1977-1984 |
206S |
13 |
Oxford University, 1926-1973 |
206S |
14 |
Pakistan, Government of, 1957-1980 |
206S |
15 |
Pahlavi University, 1964-1978 |
206S |
16 |
Pahlavi University, Convocation, 1975 Dec. 15 |
206S |
17 |
Palestra Agreement, Harnwell’s announcement, 1954 |
206S |
18 |
Paley Foundation, The Samuel, 1969-1981 |
206S |
19 |
Paley House, 1964-1978 |
206S |
20 |
Paley Professorship, 1980-1981 |
206S |
21 |
Pappas Fellows, 1985-1987 |
206S |
22 |
Pappas Fellows, 1993 |
206S |
23 |
Pappas Lecture Series, 1982-1983 |
206S |
24 |
Parcel 8 Association, 1973 |
206S |
25 |
Parents (U of P newsletter), 1995 Feb. |
206S |
26 |
Parents Day, News releases, 1958-1978 |
207S |
1 |
Parents Day or Weekend, Photos, clippings, etc., 1956-1977 |
207S |
2 |
Parke, Davies and Company, 1965 |
207S |
3 |
Parking garages, 1959-1972 |
207S |
4 |
Parking lots, programs, office, etc., 1958-1983 |
207S |
5 |
Parkway School, 1971-1982 |
207S |
6 |
Partners in Research Enterprise (A national conference on University corporate relations and technology) |
I, 1982 |
207S |
7 |
II (Clippings), 1982-1983 |
207S |
8 |
Pass/fail, 1961-1982 |
207S |
9 |
Past presidents of the U of P, undated |
207S |
10 |
Patents and patent policy of U of P, 1934-1981 |
207S |
11 |
Pathology, Department of, 1927 |
207S |
12 |
Patterson Chair in Chemical Engineering, Carl V.S., 1965-1967 |
207S |
13 |
Paul (Alice) Award, 1979-1983 |
207S |
14 |
Peace Action Coalition, 1980 |
207S |
15 |
Peace Corps, I, 1961-1969 |
208S |
1 |
Peace Corps, II(clippings), 1961-1966 |
208S |
2 |
Peace Memorial , 1969 |
208S |
3 |
Peace meeting and rally, 1934-1980 |
208S |
4 |
Peace Research Program, 1970-1977 |
208S |
5 |
Peace Science Unit, Clippings, 1972-1979 |
208S |
6 |
Peace Symbol, 1969-1970 |
208S |
7 |
Peat, Marwick and Mitchell Professorship in Professional Accounting, 1979-1982 |
209S |
1 |
Peck Foundation, Inc., Barney and Helen, 1971 |
209S |
2 |
Pender Award, Harold, 1974-1985 |
209S |
3 |
“Penjerdel” (Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Delaware Metropolitan Project Inc.), 1961 |
209S |
4 |
Penncap, 1978-1981 |
209S |
5 |
Penn athletics, clippings, 1992-1994 |
209S |
6 |
Penn Book of Firsts, The, n.d. |
209S |
6a |
Penn Cinema, 1966-1967 |
209S |
7 |
Penn Club, 1994 |
209S |
8 |
Penn Consumers Board, 1973-1981 |
209S |
9 |
Penn Composers Guild, 1980-1984 |
209S |
10 |
Penn Facts, 1995 |
209S |
11 |
Penn Firsts, 1976-1977 |
209S |
12 |
Penn Firsts, etc., [1994-1995] |
209S |
13 |
Pennet, 1984-1985 |
209S |
14 |
Penn Institute, 1984-1985 |
209S |
15 |
Penn mortgage program, 1989-1991 |
209S |
16 |
Penn mortgage program, 1991 |
209S |
17 |
Penn News Digest (ring-binder) |
1984 Oct. 15-1985 Apr. 15 |
210S |
1985 Apr. 22-1985 Nov. |
211S |
1985 Dec.- 1986 May |
212S |
1986 June-1986 Dec. |
213S |
Penn News Digest, with clippings of sources |
1989 Dec. 11 |
214S |
1 |
1990 Jan. 8 |
214S |
2 |
1990 Jan. 22 |
214S |
3 |
1990 Feb. 5 |
214S |
4 |
1990 Mar. 5 |
214S |
5 |
1990 March 19 |
214S |
6 |
1990 Apr. 2 |
214S |
7 |
1990 Apr. 23 |
214S |
8 |
1990 May 7 |
214S |
9 |
1990 May 29 |
214S |
10 |
1990 June 11 |
214S |
11 |
1990 June 25 |
214S |
12 |
1990 July 9 |
214S |
13 |
1990 July 23 |
214S |
14 |
1990 Aug. 6 |
214S |
15 |
1990 Aug. 27 |
215S |
1 |
1990 Sept. 10 |
215S |
2 |
1990 Sept. 24 |
215S |
3 |
1990 Oct. 8 |
215S |
4 |
1990 Oct. 22 |
215S |
5 |
1990 Nov. 19 |
215S |
6 |
1990 Dec. 3 |
215S |
7 |
1990 Dec. 17 |
215S |
8 |
1991 Jan. 14 |
215S |
9 |
1991 Jan. 28 |
215S |
10 |
1991 Feb. 11 |
215S |
11 |
1991 Feb. 19 |
215S |
12 |
1991 Feb. 25 |
215S |
13 |
1991 March 11 |
215S |
14 |
1991 March 25 |
215S |
15 |
1991 Apr. 8 |
215S |
16 |
1991 Apr. 22 |
215S |
17 |
1992 June |
216S |
1 |
1992 July |
216S |
2 |
1992 Aug. |
216S |
3 |
1992 Oct. |
216S |
4 |
1992 Nov. |
216S |
5 |
1992 Dec. |
216S |
6 |
1992 Dec. – 1993 Feb. |
216S |
7 |
1993 Jan. |
216S |
8 |
1993 March |
216S |
9 |
1993 Apr. |
217S |
1 |
1993 June |
217S |
2 |
1993 Oct. |
217S |
3 |
1993 Nov. |
217S |
4 |
1993 Dec. |
217S |
5 |
1993, Clippings, misc. |
217S |
6 |
1994 Feb. |
217S |
7 |
1994 April |
217S |
8 |
1994 July-Aug. |
217S |
9 |
1994 Sept.-Oct. |
217S |
10 |
Penn News Release (NB: issues of 1966-1984 are listed under the entry “News release, issues”) |
1985, Jan. |
218S |
1 |
1985, Feb. |
218S |
2 |
1985, Mar. |
218S |
3 |
1985, Apr. |
218S |
4 |
1985, May |
218S |
5 |
1985, June-July |
218S |
6 |
1985, Aug. |
218S |
7 |
1985, Sept. |
218S |
8 |
1985, Oct. |
218S |
9 |
1985, Nov. |
218S |
10 |
1985, Dec. |
218S |
11 |
1986, Jan. |
218S |
12 |
1986, Feb. |
219S |
1 |
1986, Mar. |
219S |
2 |
1986, Apr. |
219S |
3 |
1986, May |
219S |
4 |
1986, June-July |
219S |
5 |
1986, Aug. |
219S |
6 |
1986, Sept. |
219S |
7 |
1986, Oct. |
219S |
8 |
1986, Nov. |
219S |
9 |
1986, Dec. |
219S |
10 |
1987, Jan. |
220S |
1 |
1987, Feb. |
220S |
2 |
1987, Mar. |
220S |
3 |
1987, Apr. |
220S |
4 |
1987, May |
220S |
5 |
1987, June |
220S |
6 |
1987, July |
220S |
7 |
1987, Aug. |
220S |
8 |
1987, Sept. |
220S |
9 |
1987, Oct. |
220S |
10 |
1987, Nov. |
221S |
1 |
1987, Dec. |
221S |
2 |
1988, Jan. |
221S |
3 |
1988, Feb. |
221S |
4 |
1988, Mar. |
221S |
5 |
1988, Apr. |
221S |
6 |
1988, May |
221S |
7 |
1988, June |
221S |
8 |
1988, July |
221S |
9 |
1988, Aug. |
221S |
10 |
1988, Sept. |
221S |
11 |
1988, Oct. |
221S |
12 |
1988, Nov. |
222S |
1 |
1988, Dec. |
222S |
2 |
1989, Jan. |
222S |
3 |
1989, Feb. |
222S |
4 |
1989, Mar. |
222S |
5 |
1989, Apr. |
222S |
6 |
Penn Perspectives, 1984-1985 |
222S |
7 |
Penn Plan, 1983-1987 |
222S |
8 |
Penn Press, 1969-1983 |
222S |
9 |
Penn Political Union, 1977-1984 |
222S |
10 |
Penn Relays, 1967-1986 |
222S |
11 |
Penn Relays, 1994 |
222S |
12 |
PennRise, 1984 |
222S |
13 |
Penn Student Agencies, 1977-1983 |
222S |
14 |
Penn trademarks and logos, licensing, 1991 |
222S |
15 |
Penn Union Council |
I, 1970-1980 |
222S |
16 |
II, 1977-1983 |
223S |
1 |
III, 1979-1985 |
223S |
2 |
Penn’s 250th anniversary celebration, events outline, etc. 1989-1990 |
223S |
3 |
Penn’s 250th anniversary celebration, package, 1990 |
223S |
4 |
PENNCAP (Pennsylvania College Achievement Program), 1992 |
223S |
5 |
PennCorp (Penn Community Outreach Program), 1992 |
223S |
6 |
Pennlincs, 1990-1991 |
223S |
7 |
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1933-1941 |
223S |
8 |
Pennsylvania Awards for Excellence, 1968 |
223S |
9 |
Pennsylvania Bar Association, 1964-1971 |
223S |
10 |
Pennsylvania Center for Education in Politics, Summer Internships, 1968 |
223S |
11 |
Pennsylvania (Commonwealth of) Budget, 1967-1973 |
223S |
12 |
Pennsylvania Council of the Arts, 1974-1983 |
223S |
13 |
Pennsylvania Gazette, 1955-1973 |
223S |
14 |
Pennsylvania Gazette, 1983 |
223S |
15 |
Pennsylvania Governor’s School for International Studies, 1985 |
223S |
16 |
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authorities (PHEFA), 1966-1980 |
223S |
17 |
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), 1965-1980 |
223S |
18 |
Pennsylvania Hospital, The, 1940-1957 |
223S |
19 |
Pennsylvania Humanities Council, 1983 |
223S |
20 |
Pennsylvania in the news, 1973 |
223S |
21 |
Pennsylvania Literary Society, 1968 |
223S |
22 |
Pennsylvania News, 1948-1965 |
223S |
23 |
Pennsylvania Players, News Releases, 1937-1967 |
223S |
24 |
Pennsylvania Players, Clippings, Correspondence, etc., 1944-1981 |
224S |
1 |
Pennsylvania Railroad Sports Stadium, 1963-1964 |
224S |
2 |
Pennsylvania Review, 1967 |
224S |
3 |
Pennsylvania Science and Engineering Foundation, 1968-1969 |
224S |
4 |
Pennsylvania Singers, 1969-1986 |
224S |
5 |
Pennsylvania Society, The, 1950-1977 |
224S |
6 |
Pennsylvania State Legislators, 1975-1982 |
224S |
7 |
Pennsylvania State University, 1957-1982 |
224S |
8 |
Pennsylvania Tercentenary, 1982 |
224S |
9 |
Pennsylvania, Transportation Department of (Penn DOT), 1973 |
224S |
10 |
Pennsylvania Voice, The, 1974 |
224S |
11 |
PennToys, 1993-1997 |
224S |
12 |
Pension Research Council, 1954-1986 |
224S |
13 |
Performing Arts, Advisory Council for The, 1968-1974 |
224S |
14 |
Permission for filming campus, 1990 |
224S |
15 |
Persian Empire, 2500th anniversary, 1971-1972 |
224S |
16 |
Personal Index, 1944 |
224S |
17 |
Perspective, 1973-1974 |
224S |
18 |
Perspective Series |
I, 1974 |
225S |
1 |
II, 1975-1976 |
225S |
2 |
III, 1976-1980 |
225S |
3 |
IV, 1978-1980 |
225S |
4 |
V, 1981-1983 |
225S |
5 |
Pew Memorial Trust, 1982-1984 |
225S |
6 |
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, 1977 |
225S |
7 |
Phi Beta Kappa (Combined), 1970-1981 |
225S |
8 |
Phi Beta Kappa (men), I, 1923-1949 |
225S |
9 |
Phi Beta Kappa (men), II, 1950-1973 |
226S |
1 |
Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar, 1933-1980 |
226S |
2 |
Phi Beta Kappa (women), 1935-1976 |
226S |
3 |
Phi Epsilon Pi, 1950-1962 |
226S |
4 |
Phi Gamma Delta, 1960-1981 |
226S |
5 |
Phi Kappa Beta, 1938-1962 |
226S |
6 |
Phi Kappa Psi, 1953-1970 |
226S |
7 |
Phi Kappa Sigma, Clippings, 1979-1984 |
226S |
8 |
Phi Lambda Theta Award, 1967, 1971 |
226S |
9 |
Phi Lambda Upsilon, 1961 |
226S |
10 |
Phi Sigma Kappa, 1982 |
226S |
11 |
Phi Zeta, 1964-1980 |
226S |
12 |
Philadelphia Alliance for Teaching Humanities (PATHS), 1985 |
226S |
13 |
Philadelphia Antipoverty Action Committee (PAAC), 1969-1970 |
226S |
14 |
Philadelphia Award, The, 1932-1977 |
226S |
15 |
Philadelphia Center for Early American Studies, 1977-1985 |
226S |
16 |
Philadelphia Center for Literacy, 1984 |
226S |
17 |
Philadelphia, City of, 1947-1983 |
226S |
18 |
Philadelphia, City of, Photographs, 1959 |
226S |
19 |
Philadelphia, City of, Board of Education, 1966-1972 |
227S |
1 |
Philadelphia Committee for College Placement, 1969 |
227S |
2 |
Philadelphia Explorers Award, 1973, 1977 |
227S |
3 |
Philadelphia Export Network (PEN), 1981-1983 |
227S |
4 |
Philadelphia Federation of Students, 1980 |
227S |
5 |
Philadelphia Foundation, 1961-1974 |
227S |
6 |
Philadelphia Inquirer |
Advertisement “We’re with you Philadelphia!” by Friends of Penn Partnerships for Philadelphia, 1991 |
227S |
7 |
Articles and clippings, 1961-1972 |
227S |
8 |
Correspondence and news releases, 1968-1982 |
227S |
9 |
Philadelphia-International City, 1975-1982 |
227S |
10 |
Philadelphia Luncheon Series, 1966-1967 |
227S |
11 |
Philadelphia National Bank, 1971-1978 |
227S |
12 |
Philadelphia-Past, present and future, 1980-1982 |
227S |
13 |
Philadelphia Plan, 1969-1970 |
227S |
14 |
Philadelphia, School District of, 1963-1982 |
227S |
15 |
Philadelphia Social History Project, 1970-1972 |
227S |
16 |
Philadelphia Tercentenary, 1981-1982 |
227S |
17 |
Philadelphia Tribune, 1969-1970 |
228S |
1 |
Philco Broadcasting Company, 1960 |
228S |
2 |
Philomathean Society and Gallery, 1964-1984 |
228S |
3 |
Philosophy, Department of, 1947-1977 |
228S |
4 |
Phi Sigma Kappa, 1952-1985 |
228S |
5 |
Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority, 1947-1967 |
228S |
6 |
Photographic courses and exhibitions, 1964-1982 |
228S |
7 |
Photographic survey, 1954, 1977 |
228S |
8 |
Physical Medicine, Center for Research and Instruction in, 1943-1984 |
228S |
9 |
Physical Plant, Department of, 1940-1981 |
228S |
10 |
Physically Handicapped Training Center, 1983-1985 |
228S |
11 |
Physics Department, I, 1940-1972 |
228S |
12 |
Physics Department, II, 1968-1984 |
228S |
13 |
Piersol Rehabilitation Center, George Morris, 1966, 1978 |
229S |
1 |
Pi Gamma Mu, 1933-1957 |
229S |
2 |
Pi Lambda Phi, 1948-1969 |
229S |
3 |
Pi Lambda Theta, 1947-1972 |
229S |
4 |
Pittsburgh, 1966 |
229S |
5 |
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Foundation, 1964, 1972 |
229S |
6 |
Pittsburgh, University of, 1958-1969 |
229S |
7 |
Placement, 1983 |
229S |
8 |
Placement Review, 1929-1938 |
229S |
9 |
Placement Service |
I, 1925-1933 |
229S |
10 |
II, 1933-1937 |
229S |
11 |
III, 1938-1957 |
229S |
12 |
IV, 1957-1965 |
230S |
1 |
V, 1966-1968 |
230S |
2 |
VI, 1968-1979 |
230S |
3 |
VII, 1980-1983 |
230S |
4 |
Planned Parenthood Association, 1970-1971 |
230S |
5 |
Playwriting and dramatic construction, 1925-1928 |
230S |
6 |
Poetry Workshop and Poetry Contest, 1964-1983 |
230S |
7 |
Police Guidance Manuals, 1966-1969 |
230S |
8 |
Political campaigns (Student and Faculty participation), 1970-1982 |
231S |
1 |
Political correctness, 1991-1993 |
231S |
2 |
Political Participation Center, 1983-1984 |
231S |
3 |
Political Science, Department of, 1940-1984 |
231S |
4 |
Politics, 1928-1956 |
231S |
5 |
Pollution control, 1969-1974 |
231S |
6 |
Population and Pollution Conference, 1965-1970 |
231S |
7 |
Population Studies Center, 1963, 1979 |
231S |
8 |
Pornographic films on campus, 1975-1984 |
231S |
9 |
Portraits on campus, 1928-1979 |
231S |
10 |
Potomac River Basin, 1966 |
231S |
11 |
Pound-Williams Conference, 1981 |
231S |
12 |
Poverty Leadership Conference (Urban), 1968 |
231S |
13 |
Power Transmission Research Laboratory, 1969-1970 |
231S |
14 |
Pray, Kenneth L. M., Professorship of Social Policy, 1964-1983 |
231S |
15 |
Prelude to Choice, I, 1962 |
231S |
16 |
Prelude to Choice, II, 1962 |
231S |
17 |
Presbyterian Hospital, 1960, 1963 |
232S |
1 |
Presbyterian-University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, 1965-1983 |
232S |
2 |
Presbyterian-University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Scheie Eye Institute 1972-1982 |
232S |
3 |
President, Report to the Trustees, 1953-1954 |
232S |
4 |
President, 1986-1987 |
232S |
5 |
President, Office of the, 1969-1984 |
232S |
6 |
President Harnwell’s report “New Beginnings for an Old American Institution”, 1967 |
232S |
7 |
President’s annual and biennial reports, instructions for preparation and distribution, 1972 |
232S |
7a |
President’s Badge, 1981 |
232S |
8 |
President’s Committee on University Communications, Correspondence, 1968-1970 |
232S |
9 |
President’s Committee on University Communications, Reports, etc., 1968-1971 |
232S |
10 |
President’s Day, 1963-1967 |
233S |
1 |
President’s Forum, 1984-1986 |
233S |
2 |
President’s House, 1970-1976 |
233S |
3 |
President’s Lectures series, 1974-1982 |
233S |
4 |
President’s Press Conference, 1982 |
233S |
5 |
President’s and Provost’s Proposals for the Seventies, 1971-1972 |
233S |
6 |
President’s Report, 1969-1982 |
233S |
7 |
Preventive Detention, 1970 |
233S |
8 |
Prime University program, 1977-1982 |
233S |
9 |
Princeton-Pennsylvania Proton Accelerator, 1956-1970 |
233S |
10 |
Princeton-Pennsylvania Proton Accelerator, 1962-1963 |
233S |
11 |
Princeton University, Photographs, 1956-1983 |
233S |
12 |
Prison Rehabilitation (health care, etc.), 1968-1972 |
233S |
13 |
Prison Research Council, 1969-1972 |
234S |
1 |
Prizes, 1954-1980 |
234S |
2 |
Proctor and Gamble Company, 1955-1966 |
234S |
3 |
Professional Progress Award in Chemical Engineering, 1972 |
234S |
4 |
Professor Lectures Series, 1975-1976 |
234S |
5 |
Programming and Design, Office of, 1966, 1968 |
234S |
6 |
Program in Appropriate Technology and Energy Management, 1984 |
234S |
7 |
Project ahead, 1975-1976 |
234S |
8 |
Project Apollo, 1969 |
234S |
9 |
Project Cornerstone, 1992 |
234S |
10 |
“Project Mississippi”, 1965-1966 |
234S |
11 |
Prominent alumni, 1980 |
234S |
12 |
Provost and Vice President, Office of, 1926-1982 |
234S |
13 |
Provost, Annual Report, 1968-1970 |
234S |
14 |
Provost’s Christmas Dinner, 1928-1942 |
234S |
15 |
Provost’s House, 1961-1972 |
234S |
16 |
Provost Symposium, 1981 |
234S |
17 |
Psychiatry, Department of, 1949-1982 |
234S |
18 |
Public Affairs, Bureau of, 1935 |
234S |
19 |
Public Relations Annual Report, 1961-1973 |
234S |
20 |
Public Interest Law Conference, 1984 |
234S |
21 |
Public Policy Analysis Program, 1970-1977 |
234S |
22 |
Public and Urban Policy, School of, I, 1974-1982 |
234S |
23 |
Public and Urban Policy, School of, II, 1979-1983 |
234S |
24 |
Public relations survey by the Cresap, McCormick and Paget, 1957 |
234S |
25 |
Public safety, 1989 |
235S |
1 |
Public safety, clippings, 1989-1991 |
235S |
2 |
Public safety–parents communications, 1990 |
235S |
3 |
Public Safety Communications Program, 1991-1992 |
235S |
4 |
Publications Office, 1974 |
235S |
5 |
Publicity/Hometown |
I, 1974-1976 |
235S |
6 |
II, 1978 |
235S |
7 |
III, 1979 |
235S |
8 |
IV, 1980 |
235S |
9 |
V, 1981 |
236S |
1 |
VI, 1982 |
236S |
2 |
VII, 1982 |
236S |
3 |
VIII, 1983 |
236S |
4 |
Human Resources Center-National Urban Mass Transportation Seminar 1980-1981 |
236S |
5 |
Wharton News, I, 1983 |
236S |
6 |
Wharton News, II, 1983 |
237S |
1 |
Publicity Survey, 1930 |
237S |
2 |
Publishing Institute, 1980-1982 |
237S |
3 |
Pulitzer Prize, 1977 |
237S |
4 |
Quadripartite Commission, 1969-1971 |
237S |
5 |
Quadripartite Commission of West Philadelphia, 1969 |
237S |
6 |
Quaker Notes, 1983 |
237S |
7 |
Quarks, 1970-1976 |
237S |
8 |
Queen Village, 1969 |
237S |
9 |
Quiet Revolution, The, Phase II, 1971 |
237S |
10 |
Racial harassment policy, 1987-1993 |
237S |
11 |
Racial Sensitivity/Awareness program, 1989 |
237S |
12 |
Racism on campus, 1989-1994 |
237S |
13 |
Racism, 1969-1982 |
237S |
14 |
Radar, 1965-1982 |
237S |
15 |
Radio, 1925-1979 |
237S |
16 |
Radio-broadcasting, programs, etc., 1930-1958 |
238S |
1 |
Radiocarbon Laboratory and dating, 1969, 1973 |
238S |
2 |
Radio Station WQHS, 1979-1983 |
238S |
3 |
Radio Station-WXPN |
I, 1953-1986 |
238S |
4 |
II (Obscenity, etc.), 1949-1982 |
238S |
5 |
Clippings, I, 1974-1982 |
238S |
6 |
Clippings, II, 1975-1982 |
238S |
7 |
Radio-Television Office, 1959-1977 |
239S |
1 |
Raiziss Memorial Laboratory of Biochemistry, George U., 1963 |
239S |
2 |
Raiziss Research Fund in Biochemistry, George W., 1966 |
239S |
3 |
Ranking (Colleges), 1969-1982 |
239S |
4 |
Rape Awareness Program, 1990 |
239S |
5 |
Ravdin Institute, The I.S., 1954-1984 |
239S |
6 |
RCA Corporation, 1957-1958 |
239S |
7 |
Reading Syllables, 1939-1980 |
239S |
8 |
Real estate development, 1986-1993 |
239S |
9 |
Real Estate Program, 1971-1986 |
239S |
10 |
Record, The–U of P Yearbook, 1937-1971 |
239S |
11 |
Recruitment (by business and industry), 1967-1982 |
239S |
12 |
Red and Blue, The, 1982-1983 |
239S |
13 |
Refinancing of University, 1931 |
239S |
14 |
Regan Loan Fund, Donald T., 1982 |
239S |
15 |
Regan Professorship in English, Donald T., 1981-1982 |
239S |
16 |
Regional Broadcasting Council, 1962 |
239S |
17 |
Regional Laser Laboratories, 1978-1980 |
239S |
18 |
Regional Planning Conference, 1936-1974 |
240S |
1 |
Regional Resources Program, 1967 |
240S |
2 |
Regional Science, 1968-1985 |
240S |
3 |
Registrar’s Office, 1954-1973 |
240S |
4 |
Rehabilitation Concepts, Conference on, 1962-1977 |
240S |
5 |
Reliance Group, Incorporated, 1979-1984 |
240S |
6 |
Reliance Professor of Private Enterprise, 1979-1983 |
240S |
7 |
Religion on campus, 1948-1982 |
240S |
8 |
Religion Studies, 1969-1983 |
240S |
9 |
Religion, University Conference on, 1958-1964 |
240S |
10 |
Religious holidays, preferences, rostering and curriculum changes, 1964-1982 |
240S |
11 |
Religious census, 1934 |
240S |
12 |
Religious Orientation, Course in, 1938-1961 |
240S |
13 |
Religious Studies, 1986-1988 |
240S |
14 |
Religious Thought, Department of, 1955-1979 |
241S |
1 |
Remington Rand, Inc., 1961 |
241S |
2 |
Renaissance Book Collection, 1967-1968 |
241S |
3 |
Renewal Housing, Inc., 1969 |
241S |
4 |
Research, I, 1952-1966 |
241S |
5 |
Research, II, 1961-1982 |
241S |
6 |
Research (academic), 1966-1986 |
241S |
7 |
Research (classified), 1955-1968 |
241S |
8 |
Research (sponsored), I, 1956-1975 |
241S |
9 |
Research (sponsored), II, 1976-1986 |
241S |
10 |
Research (sponsored), DNA, 1962-1982 |
241S |
11 |
Research Administration, Office of, 1961-1974 |
241S |
12 |
Research Centers (U of P), 1978-1984 |
242S |
1 |
Research (sponsored) Chemical/Biological Warfare |
Newspaper clippings, Miscellaneous, 1966-1967 |
242S |
1 |
Newspaper clippings, National magazines and books, 1966-1970 |
242S |
2 |
“Burrelle’s” Clippings, I, 1966-1967 |
242S |
2 |
“Burrelle’s” Clippings, II, 1967-1969 |
242S |
3 |
Newspaper clippings, New York Times, 1966-1969 |
242S |
3 |
Miscellaneous material, 1965-1978 |
242S |
4 |
Ramparts Magazine, 1966-1967 |
242S |
4 |
Newspaper clippings, Bulletin, 1965-1978 |
242S |
5 |
Newspaper clippings, Daily News, 1966-1967 |
242S |
6 |
Newspaper clippings, Daily Pennsylvania, 1966-1978 |
242S |
7 |
Newspaper clippings, Inquirer, 1966-1967 |
242S |
8 |
Research Foundation Board, 1981 |
242S |
5 |
Research in cognitive science, 1991-1993 |
243S |
6 |
Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc., 1962-1971 |
243S |
7 |
Reserve Officers Training Corps Units |
1958-1979 |
243S |
8 |
(clippings), 1969-1972 |
243S |
9 |
Air Force, 1941-1969 |
243S |
10 |
Army, I, 1961-1963 |
244S |
1 |
Army, II, 1964-1982 |
244S |
2 |
Marine, 1963-1970 |
244S |
3 |
Naval, I, 1961-1968 |
244S |
4 |
Naval, II, 1969-1982 |
244S |
5 |
Summer Camp, photos, 1964 |
244S |
6 |
Residences |
Ashurst Hall, 1969 |
244S |
7 |
Berkshire Apartments dormitories, 1966, 1976 |
244S |
8 |
Brooks House, 1970 |
244S |
9 |
Brownstone Dormitories, 1967 |
244S |
10 |
Butcher Dormitory, 1955-1979 |
244S |
11 |
Chestnut Hall Dormitory, 1966-1982 |
244S |
12 |
Cheston Hall, 1969 |
244S |
13 |
Class of 1925 House, 1970-1975 |
244S |
14 |
Class of 1928 dormitory, 1958 |
244S |
15 |
Coed dormitories, 1969-1972 |
244S |
16 |
Dormitories Renovation project, 1977-1983 |
244S |
17 |
Du Bois Resident Center, W.E.B., 1972-1982 |
244S |
18 |
English House, 1975-1977 |
244S |
19 |
Evans House, 1971-1972 |
244S |
20 |
General |
I, 1925-1959 |
245S |
1 |
II, 1961-1981 |
245S |
2 |
Graduate Towers, 1971-1979 |
245S |
3 |
Harnwell House, 1970-1976 |
245S |
4 |
Harrison House, 1965-1974 |
245S |
5 |
High-rise North, 1972-1980 |
245S |
6 |
Hill Residence Hall, Robert C. |
Dedication, 1961 |
245S |
7 |
General, 1957-1982 |
245S |
8 |
Photos, 1961 |
245S |
9 |
Clippings, 1956-1973 |
245S |
10 |
Philadelphia House, 1958-1978 |
246S |
1 |
House Plan, 1964-1966 |
246S |
2 |
Housing program, general, 1967-1974 |
246S |
3 |
Housing program, clippings, 1969-1982 |
246S |
4 |
Housing program, photos, 1968-1970 |
246S |
5 |
King’s Court, 1976-1982 |
246S |
6 |
Mayer Hall, Harold C. (for married graduates), 1959-1964 |
246S |
7 |
McClelland Hall, George William, 1959-1974 |
246S |
8 |
McIlhenny Dormitory, Francis Salisbury, 1928 |
246S |
9 |
Memorial Tower Study Center, 1961 |
246S |
10 |
Morris Dormitories, Robert, 1968 |
246S |
11 |
Nichols House, 1968-1971 |
246S |
12 |
Quadrangle, The, 1972-1981 |
246S |
13 |
Redstone Dormitories, The, 1967 |
246S |
14 |
Rentals, 1946-1982 |
247S |
1 |
Sergeant Hall, 1957-1961 |
247S |
2 |
South Hall, 1965-1967 |
247S |
3 |
Speakman Dormitories, Frank M., 1963 |
247S |
4 |
Spruce Hall, 1967-1968 |
247S |
5 |
Stouffer College House, 1972-1983 |
247S |
6 |
Van Pelt Manor House-College House, 1971-1983 |
247S |
7 |
Walnut Hall, 1965-1978 |
247S |
8 |
Warwick, 1927-1928 |
247S |
9 |
Residential Life, Office of, 1968-1978 |
247S |
10 |
Resources for Women, 1972-1979 |
247S |
11 |
Responsibility centers, 1975, 1978 |
247S |
12 |
Retirements-faculty, I, 1936-1965 |
247S |
13 |
Revlon Center, 1993-1994 |
247S |
14a |
Retirements-faculty, II, 1965-1981 |
247S |
14 |
Rhoads Professorship in Surgical Sciences, Jonathan E., 1978 |
247S |
15 |
Rhodes (William Warren)-Thompson (Robert J.) Professor of Chemistry, 1973 |
247S |
16 |
Rhodes Scholarship, 1985-1986 |
247S |
17 |
Richards Medical Research Building, Alfred Newton, 1957-1982 |
247S |
18 |
Richards Professorship in Pharmacology, Alfred Newton, 1979 |
247S |
19 |
Richardson Foundation, Inc., 1955 |
247S |
20 |
Riley Award, Peter K., 1965-1966 |
247S |
21 |
Riots, Student, I, clippings, 1925-1934 |
247S |
22 |
Riots, Student, II, clippings, 1935-1957 |
248S |
1 |
Riots, Student, III, clippings, 1958-1980 |
248S |
2 |
Riots, Student, IV, Rowbottoms, 1930-1982 |
248S |
3 |
Rippel Foundation, Fannie E., 1962-1971 |
248S |
4 |
Rittenhouse, David, 1925-1968 |
248S |
5 |
Rittenhouse Laboratory, David |
General, 1953-1983 |
248S |
6 |
Ground breaking, 1953 |
248S |
7 |
Photographs, 1955 |
248S |
8 |
Rittenhouse Clock, 1958-1980 |
248S |
9 |
Rittenhouse Orrery, 1932-1981 |
248S |
10 |
Roberts Memorial Award, Owen, 1962-1976 |
248S |
11 |
Roberts Memorial Lecture, Owen J. |
I, 1957-1963 |
249S |
1 |
II, 1964-1969 |
249S |
2 |
III, 1970-1979 |
249S |
3 |
Robotics, 1982-1986 |
249S |
4 |
Robotics Lab, 1984-1985 |
249S |
5 |
Rockefeller Foundation, 1944-1983 |
249S |
6 |
Rockefeller Research , 1959-1968 |
249S |
7 |
Rogers Lectures, Henry Darwin, 1970-1973 |
249S |
8 |
“Rollo”, 1933 |
249S |
9 |
Romance Languages, Department of, 1943-1982 |
249S |
10 |
Rosenbach Lectures, A.S.W., 1983 |
249S |
11 |
Rosenthal Foundation, Benjamin, 1964-1967 |
249S |
12 |
Rosenwald Gift (Julius), Clippings, 1930 |
249S |
13 |
Ross Bible Collection, undated |
249S |
14 |
Ross Gallery, Arthur, I, 1980-1986 |
249S |
15 |
Ross Gallery, Arthur, II, photos, undated |
249S |
16 |
ROTC, 1969-1972 |
250S |
1 |
ROTC, 1991-1993 |
250S |
2 |
Royal Society of Arts (Great Britain), 1969-1983 |
250S |
3 |
Runyon Memorial Fund for Cancer Research, Damon, 1966-1969 |
250S |
4 |
Rush Professorship of Biochemistry, Benjamin, 1965, 1971 |
250S |
5 |
Russia, Faculty experts on, 1967-1982 |
250S |
6 |
Russian governmental leaders, 1960-1982 |
250S |
7 |
Russian Scientists, educators, students, etc., 1958-1981 |
250S |
8 |
Safety and security, 1971-1975 |
250S |
9 |
Safety and security, 1967-1969 |
250S |
10 |
Safety and security Group Committee, 1970-1972 |
250S |
11 |
Safety and security–campus emergency procedure, 1966-1969 |
250S |
12 |
Safety and security–rape on campus, 1973 |
250S |
13 |
Safety and security–Ruth Committee, 1968-1969 |
250S |
14 |
Safety engineer and security measures, I, 1968-1980 |
251S |
1 |
Safety engineer and security measures, II, 1977-1983 |
251S |
2 |
Safety engineer and security measures, Clippings, 1971-1980 |
251S |
3 |
St. Joseph’s College, 1959-1970 |
251S |
4 |
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 1969-1970 |
251S |
5 |
Salaries, Faculty, etc., 1946-1982 |
251S |
6 |
Salaries, U of P graduates, etc., 1940-1983 |
251S |
7 |
Samitz Lectureship in Cutaneous Medicine, M. H., 1977-1978 |
251S |
8 |
San Diego School of Law, 1968 |
251S |
9 |
Salts Study, 1966, 1979 |
251S |
10 |
S and H Foundation, Inc., 1966 |
251S |
11 |
Sansom Street Development Committee, 1972-1982 |
251S |
12 |
SAS (School of Arts and Sciences), 1988-1989 |
252S |
1 |
Satellites, 1978-1985 |
252S |
2 |
“Say Yes to Education,” 1988-1993 |
252S |
3 |
Sayre Junior High School, 1969, 1971 |
252S |
4 |
Scheie Research Professorship in Ophthalmology, 1982 |
252S |
5 |
Schnabel Fund, Truman S., 1959 |
252S |
6 |
Scholarships |
American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres, Inc., 1964-1965 |
252S |
7 |
American Viscose Corporation, 1954, 1958 |
252S |
8 |
Annenberg Foundation, M. L., 1945-1973 |
252S |
9 |
Anderson Library and Scholarship Fund, Marian, 1979 |
252S |
10 |
Association of Alumnae Scholarship, 1957, 1963 |
252S |
11 |
Barium Steel Corporation (Graduate fellowship in metallurgy), 1953 |
252S |
12 |
Bellinger Company Fellowship, 1960 |
252S |
13 |
Board of Education Scholarship, 1933-1982 |
252S |
14 |
Carnegie Scholarship, 1930-1957 |
252S |
15 |
Churchill, 1984 |
252S |
16 |
Class of 1906 Law Scholarship, 1955 |
252S |
17 |
Danforth Fellowships, 1962-1973 |
252S |
18 |
Day Memorial Scholarships, Charles, 1932-1937 |
252S |
19 |
Dales, 1981-1982 |
252S |
20 |
Dean’s Fellowship, 1980-1981 |
252S |
21 |
Eshbach, Pullinger, Stevens and Bruder Fellowship, 1960 |
252S |
22 |
Ewing Company Fellowship, The George, 1960 |
252S |
23 |
Faculty Tea Club Scholarship, 1967 |
252S |
24 |
Ford Foundation Fellowships, 1960-1973 |
252S |
25 |
Foster Fellowship Fund, Marcus, 1982 |
252S |
26 |
Franklin National Scholarship, Benjamin, 1955-1978 |
253S |
1 |
Freshman , 1963 |
253S |
2 |
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Exchange Scholarship, 1954 |
253S |
3 |
Friedman Scholarship, Lieut. Stanley, 1945 |
253S |
4 |
Fulbright Fellowship, I, 1963-1973 |
253S |
5 |
Fulbright Fellowship, II, 1985 |
253S |
6 |
General Motors Corporation, 1965 |
253S |
7 |
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowships, John Simon, I, 1941-1985 |
253S |
8 |
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowships, John Simon, II, 1969-1983 |
253S |
9 |
Hammerman Scholarship in Mortgage Banking, S. Lawrence, 1966 |
253S |
10 |
Huebner Foundation Fellowships, I, 1946-1976 |
253S |
11 |
Huebner Foundation Fellowships, II, 1970-1982 |
253S |
12 |
Hutchinson Scholarship, Wesley G., 1970, 1978 |
253S |
13 |
Johnson Nursing Fellowship, Robert Wood, 1978 |
253S |
14 |
Joyce Memorial Fellowship, Thomas F., 1967 |
253S |
15 |
Kellogg Foundation Fellowships, W. K., 1981 |
253S |
16 |
King, Jr., Fellowship, Martin Luther, 1969 |
253S |
17 |
Law, 1928-1956 |
253S |
18 |
Law School Honorary Fellowship, 1966-1977 |
254S |
1 |
MacArthur Foundation Prize Fellow Award, John D. and Catherine T. 1982-1986 |
254S |
2 |
Mayor’s Scholarship, 1938-1980 |
254S |
3 |
Mellon Fellowship, Andrew W., 1980, 1985 |
254S |
4 |
Millon Charitable Trusts Fellowships, Richard King, 1965-1977 |
254S |
5 |
Miscellaneous, 1926-1972 |
254S |
6 |
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships, 1968-1982 |
254S |
7 |
New Scholarship, Albert and Harriet C., 1965 |
254S |
8 |
Pappas Fellows Program, 1983-1985 |
254S |
9 |
Pennsylvania Plan to Develop Scientists in Medical Research, 1958-1969 |
254S |
10 |
Proctor and Gamble Co. Scholarship, 1958-1967 |
254S |
11 |
Public Policy Fellowship program (Wharton), 1972-1980 |
254S |
12 |
Rhodes, 1925-1985 |
254S |
13 |
Rohm and Haas Fellowship in Chemistry, 1980 |
255S |
1 |
Rome Prize Fellowship, 1961, 1980 |
255S |
2 |
Rosenbach Fellowship in Bibliography, A. S. W., I, 1930-1943 |
255S |
3 |
Rosenbach Fellowship in Bibliography, A. S. W., II, 1945-1956 |
255S |
4 |
Rosenbach Fellowship in Bibliography, A. S. W., III, 1958-1976 |
255S |
5 |
Scandinavian, 1984 |
255S |
6 |
Scholarship Fund of Faculty members and Friends of the U of P Law School, 1965-1966 |
255S |
7 |
Sears-Roebuck Foundation Graduate Fellowships, 1958-1967 |
255S |
8 |
Senatorial, 1961-1978 |
255S |
9 |
Sloan Fellowships, Alfred P., 1968-1979 |
255S |
10 |
Sloan Research Fellowships, 1961-1985 |
256S |
1 |
Smith Community Lawyer Fellowship, Reginald Heber, 1968-1978 |
256S |
2 |
Smith Fellowship, William, 1980 |
256S |
3 |
Thouron Fund, 1960-1986 |
256S |
4 |
Thouron Scholarships, I, 1960-1966 |
256S |
5 |
Thouron Scholarships, II, 1967 |
256S |
6 |
Thouron Scholarships, III, 1967-1972 |
256S |
7 |
Thouron Scholarships, IV, 1973-1978 |
256S |
8 |
Thouron Scholarships, V, 1979-1985 |
256S |
9 |
United States Public Health Service Fellowship, 1965-1966 |
256S |
10 |
University Scholars, 1974-1979 |
256S |
11 |
Weinstein Scholarship, Samuel and Fannie, 1982 |
256S |
12 |
White House Fellows, 1971-1974 |
256S |
13 |
Wilson Fellowship, Woodrow, I, 1954-1964 |
256S |
14 |
Wilson Fellowship, Woodrow, II, 1964-1971 |
256S |
15 |
Wilson Fellowship, Woodrow, III, 1967-1979 |
256S |
16 |
World War II Memorial Scholarship, 1966 |
256S |
17 |
Zellerbach Foundation Scholarship, Crown, 1958-1968 |
256S |
18 |
Scholastic Aptitude Test, 1971-1980 |
256S |
19 |
School of Allied Medical Professions (SAMP) |
(I), 1952-1977 |
257S |
1 |
(II), 1950-1960 |
257S |
2 |
(III), 1961-1969 |
257S |
3 |
(IV), Brochures and clippings, 1949-1977 |
257S |
4 |
School of Arts and Sciences, Overseers’ Manual, [1993] |
257S |
5 |
School of Dental Medicine |
I, 1953-1964 |
257S |
6 |
II, 1972 |
257S |
7 |
III, 1975 |
257S |
8 |
Advisory Committee, 1956 |
257S |
9 |
Alumni Awards, 1976 |
257S |
10 |
Alumni-Col. N. N. Bery’s visit, 1962, 1964 |
257S |
11 |
Alumni Day, photos, 1966 |
257S |
12 |
Alumni-events, etc., 1956-1969 |
257S |
13 |
Alumni News, 1961-1972 |
257S |
14 |
Alumni Society, 1964-1976 |
257S |
15 |
American Dental Association-Junior Dental Scientist Awards, 1965-1966 |
258S |
1 |
Awards-Dental students, 1976 |
258S |
2 |
Booklets and a study of the Dental School, 1966-1972 |
258S |
3 |
Brochures, 1966 |
258S |
4 |
Building dedication, 1964 Feb. 19 |
258S |
5 |
Building grant, 1964 |
258S |
6 |
Capital Renovation Campaign, 1959-1966 |
258S |
7 |
Caries Control Committee, 1953 |
258S |
8 |
Centennial, 1977 |
258S |
9 |
Center for Oral Health Research, 1976 |
258S |
10 |
Children’s dental care, 1964, 1973 |
258S |
11 |
Clinical and research facilities-Leon Levy Building, 1969 |
258S |
12 |
Clinical and research facilities-S. S. White Library collection, 1967-1970 |
258S |
13 |
Clippings, 1975-1978 |
258S |
14 |
Coleman Preventive Clinic and Pediatric Center, 1965-1976 |
258S |
15 |
Compressed Air Magazine, 1965 |
258S |
16 |
Conference on Periodontal Diseases, 1966-1967 |
258S |
17 |
Consultation service, 1976 |
258S |
18 |
Convocation, 1975 Oct. |
258S |
19 |
Correspondence, Dean, 1959-1964 |
259S |
1 |
Correspondence and information, 1957-1974 |
259S |
2 |
Crossman comprehensive Oral Health Care Clinic, dedication, 1974 May |
259S |
3 |
Curriculum, new, 1967-1968 |
259S |
4 |
Curriculum revision, 1967 Sept. |
259S |
5 |
Daily Pennsylvania articles, 1972 |
259S |
6 |
Darby Professorship of Dentistry, Edwin Tyler, 1926-1928 |
259S |
7 |
DAU/TEAM (Dent. Aux. Utilization/Training in Expanded Aux. Management), 1977-1978 |
259S |
8 |
Davis Institute Health Economics, Leonard, 1976 |
259S |
9 |
Dedication of Lab in honor of Mrs. Eva Sorell, 1969 Apr. |
259S |
10 |
Degree change, 1964 |
259S |
11 |
Dental Assistant Aides (DAID), I, 1975 |
259S |
12 |
Dental Assistant Aides (DAID), II, 1975-1976 |
259S |
13 |
Dental care agreement-Einstein Medical Center, 1973 |
259S |
14 |
Dental decay, 1966 |
259S |
15 |
Dental Hygiene Alumni Days, 1972 |
259S |
16 |
Dental Symposium, 1976 Apr. |
260S |
1 |
Distinguished Symposium on Calcification, 1965 |
260S |
2 |
Division of Advanced Dental Education, 1967 |
260S |
3 |
Education and Continuing Education, 1963-1975 |
260S |
4 |
Enrollment, 1975 |
260S |
5 |
Extramural Hospital Program, 1973 |
260S |
6 |
Features, 1973 |
260S |
7 |
Feder Lab, Morris, Dedication, 1976 |
260S |
8 |
Fellowship-Climax Dental Supply Co., 1963 |
260S |
9 |
Grant-COHR, 1966-1967 |
260S |
10 |
Grant-Juniata County School, 1975-1977 |
260S |
11 |
Grant-NIDR, 1964 |
260S |
12 |
Grant-Periodontal Diabetic Study, Dr. Walter Cohen, 1965-1973 |
260S |
13 |
Grossman Portrait presentation, 1969 Dec. |
260S |
14 |
Handbook of Organization, 1972-1973 |
260S |
15 |
Handicapped Children’s dentistry, 1958-1974 |
260S |
16 |
Harman, Avraham, Honorary degree of Law, 1975 Oct. |
260S |
17 |
Health programs, 1975-1976 |
260S |
18 |
Health Team, 1973 |
260S |
19 |
Historical sketch, 1953-1958 |
260S |
20 |
Hygienists, 1973-1974 |
260S |
21 |
Hypnotism, 1973 |
260S |
22 |
Ideas, 1972-1973 |
260S |
23 |
“Image of the Dentist”, 1964-1975 |
260S |
24 |
Insurance, 1970, 1973 |
260S |
25 |
International Conference on Endodontics, 1952-1968 |
261S |
1 |
Jubilee papers, 1953 |
261S |
2 |
Junior Dental Scientist Awards Program, [1962] |
261S |
3 |
Lead analyses in teeth, 1976 |
261S |
4 |
Leon Levy Oral Building, Dedication 1969 Oct. |
261S |
5 |
Lewis, Simon, appointed Class agent of 1941, 1975 |
261S |
6 |
Library-Leon Levy, undated |
261S |
7 |
Literature, 1965 |
261S |
8 |
Main Clinic-facts, 1963-1964 |
261S |
9 |
Materials-training grant and undergraduate course, 1963-1975 |
261S |
10 |
Materials-miscellaneous, 1974-1977 |
261S |
11 |
Memos, communications, notes, etc., 1974-1977 |
261S |
12 |
Missionary, 1966 |
261S |
13 |
“Monty” the Tiger has root canal, 1978 |
261S |
14 |
Myers Periodontics Clinic, Samuel, 1972, 1976 |
261S |
15 |
Name change of the School, 1964 |
261S |
16 |
National Caries Program (NCP), 1965-1976 |
261S |
17 |
Newsletters, 1972-1973 |
261S |
18 |
NIDR Career Development Award-E. Korostoff, 1966 |
261S |
19 |
NIH Dental Research Booklet, 1966 |
261S |
20 |
Nutrition and Oral Health Meeting, 1961 Sept. 24 |
262S |
1 |
Operative Clinic , 1963-1964 |
262S |
2 |
Oral Hygiene Course, 1957-1973 |
262S |
3 |
Oral Hygiene experiment, 1973 |
262S |
4 |
Oral Hygiene graduation , 1966 May |
262S |
5 |
Orthodontics Clinic, 1973 |
262S |
6 |
Pain Symposium, 1976 Apr. |
262S |
7 |
Parent’s Day, 1960 |
262S |
8 |
Periodontal disease, 1967-1970 |
262S |
9 |
PhD-DMD program, Announced 1972 Sept. |
262S |
10 |
Postgraduate course, 1961-1973 |
262S |
11 |
Press Day, 1973 |
262S |
12 |
Preventive dentistry, 1963 |
262S |
13 |
Publicity, 1963-1964 |
262S |
14 |
Queries, 1963-1964 |
262S |
15 |
Rare books, 1963-1964 |
262S |
16 |
Release re public views on dental care, 1978 |
262S |
17 |
Replantation of teeth, 1975 |
262S |
18 |
Research , 1957-1968 |
262S |
19 |
Research and Dental Students Conference, 1972-1973 |
262S |
20 |
Research and teaching facility designed by Francis, Cauffman, etc., 1965-1966 |
262S |
21 |
Research animals, 1963 Dec. |
262S |
22 |
Research building-Press and Tour, 1958 |
262S |
23 |
Research labs, dedication (photos), 1958 Sept. |
262S |
24 |
Robinson Research Clinic, 1959 |
262S |
25 |
Rural Dental Health Project, 1975-1977 |
262S |
26 |
SDM-Hadassah Agreement, 1973-1974 |
263S |
1 |
Seminar-pulp biology, 1977 |
263S |
2 |
Services for community, 1976 |
263S |
3 |
Special Patient Clinic, 1963-1970 |
263S |
4 |
Squibb Portrait, 1966 Mar. |
263S |
5 |
Statistics, 1975 |
263S |
6 |
Students, 1973 |
263S |
7 |
Students -ADA Day, 1959 |
263S |
8 |
Students Conference on Research, 1973 |
263S |
9 |
Students Dental Awards, 1976 |
263S |
10 |
Students -enrollment, 1956-1969 |
263S |
11 |
Students -Hadassah School, 1973 |
263S |
12 |
Students -Omicron Kappa Upsilon (National Dental Honorary Society), 1964, 1969 |
263S |
13 |
Students -Parents’ Day, 1960-1961 |
263S |
14 |
Students’ magazine, 1964 |
263S |
15 |
Students -women, undated |
263S |
16 |
Symposia, 1976 |
263S |
17 |
Temporomandibular Joint Clinic, 1971 |
263S |
18 |
TV Teaching Clinics, 1961 |
263S |
19 |
Upper Darby Pupils Fluoride program, 1977 |
263S |
20 |
Wilmington Area Scientific program for Alumni, 1972 Jan. |
263S |
21 |
Yela Brichta Exhibition, 1972 |
263S |
22 |
School of Engineering and Applied Science |
Electronic chiral materials, 1992-1993 |
263S |
23 |
Executive Master of Science in Engineering, 1994 |
263S |
24 |
Gregory Farrington, 1992-1994 |
263S |
25 |
Senior Design Projects, 1997 |
263S |
26 |
Virtual humans (simulating humans), 1991-1996 |
263S |
27 |
School of Veterinary Medicine, Annual Report, 1993-1994 |
263S |
28 |
Schoolmen’s Week |
1960-1961 |
264S |
1 |
1962-1964 |
264S |
2 |
1965-1966 |
264S |
3 |
Science and scientists, 1933-1981 |
264S |
4 |
Science and Mathematics Teachers Institute, 1958, 1963 |
264S |
5 |
Science Teaching in Elementary Schools, 1968 |
264S |
6 |
Science Writing, Council for the Advancement of, 1968-1970 |
264S |
7 |
Sculptures and statutes on campus, I, 1975-1978 |
264S |
8 |
Sculptures and statutes on campus, II, 1976-1982 |
264S |
9 |
Sculptures and statutes on campus, Photographs, 1977-1981 |
265S |
1 |
Seal, U of P, 1932-1980 |
265S |
2 |
Sealab III, 1969 |
265S |
3 |
Search Committees, 1979-1982 |
265S |
4 |
Sears-Roebuck Foundation, 1965-1969 |
265S |
5 |
Secretary (of the Corporation), 1958-1973 |
265S |
6 |
Securities and Exchange Commission, 1967-1972 |
265S |
7 |
Selective Service, 1940-1980 |
265S |
8 |
Senior Citizens Program, 1972-1981 |
265S |
9 |
Senior Class honors, I, 1936-1983 |
265S |
10 |
Senior Class honors, I, 1974-1982 |
265S |
11 |
Senior class survey-post graduate plans, 1972-1980 |
265S |
12 |
Sesqui-centennial exposition, 1926 |
265S |
13 |
Sex Counseling program-Family planning clinic, 1971-1982 |
266S |
1 |
Sexual discrimination, 1991 |
266S |
2 |
Sexual education, etc., 1936-1983 |
266S |
3 |
Sexual harassment, 1981 |
266S |
4 |
Sexual harassment, 1994 |
266S |
5 |
Sexual harassment survey, 1983-1985 |
266S |
6 |
Seybert Foundation, 1968-1973 |
266S |
7 |
Shah of Iran, photographs, 1962 |
266S |
8 |
Shakespeare, 1925-1983 |
266S |
9 |
Shanbaum Prize for Excellence in Economics, The Bernard, 1963-1978 |
266S |
10 |
Shearwater (68 Ft. schooner), 1972 |
266S |
11 |
Sigma Alpha Mu, 1946-1980 |
266S |
12 |
Sigma Chi, 1960-1982 |
266S |
13 |
Sigma Delta Chi, 1967 |
266S |
14 |
Sigma Delta Tau, 1958-1962 |
266S |
15 |
Sigma Phi Epsilon, 1961-1982 |
266S |
16 |
Sigma Tau, 1940-1970 |
266S |
17 |
Sigma Xi, 1927-1967 |
266S |
18 |
Signers of the Constitution (University), 1926 |
266S |
19 |
Silberberg Professorship of Systems Sciences, Daniel H., 1971-1972 |
266S |
20 |
Silicon Research, 1970-1971 |
266S |
21 |
Silverstein Pavilion, 1972-1978 |
266S |
22 |
Sinkler Conference Center (Wharton), 1971-1983 |
267S |
1 |
Skimmer Day, 1948-1971 |
267S |
2 |
Slavic Language Department, 1958-1975 |
267S |
3 |
Sleep research, 1989-1990 |
267S |
4 |
Small Community Talent Search, I, 1970-1973 |
267S |
5 |
Small Community Talent Search, II, 1973 |
267S |
6 |
Small Community Talent Search, III, 1974-1982 |
267S |
7 |
Smith Hall demolition, 1991-1992 |
267S |
8 |
Smith Kline Beckman, 1957-1982 |
267S |
9 |
Smith Memorial Collection, Edgar Fahs, I, 1928-1975 |
267S |
10 |
Smith Memorial Collection, Edgar Fahs, II, photos |
267S |
11 |
Smith Memorial Lecture, Edgar Fahs, 1929-1983 |
267S |
12 |
Smithsonian Institute, 1958-1976 |
267S |
13 |
Smokey Joe’s, 1978-1979 |
267S |
14 |
Snow: cancellation of classes, 1972-1979 |
267S |
15 |
Social Science Research Council, 1942-1974 |
267S |
16 |
Social Sciences, 1961-1974 |
268S |
1 |
Social Work, School of |
I, 1935-1959 |
268S |
2 |
II, 1960-1963 |
268S |
3 |
III, 1964-1967 |
268S |
4 |
IV, 1968-1981 |
268S |
5 |
V, 1981-1986 |
268S |
6 |
Fiftieth anniversary, 1959 |
268S |
7 |
Opening ceremonies, 1966 |
268S |
8 |
Social Work, International Conference of, 13th, 1966, 1973 |
269S |
1 |
Society for Historical Archaeology, 1976 |
269S |
2 |
Sociology, Department of, 1956-1986 |
269S |
3 |
Solar Cells , 1972-1983 |
269S |
4 |
Solar energy, 1973-1982 |
269S |
5 |
Songs of Pennsylvania, 1933-1980 |
269S |
6 |
South Africa, 1983-1987 |
269S |
7 |
South Africa, 1993-1994 |
269S |
8 |
South Africa Investment/divestment |
1978-1986 |
269S |
9 |
Clippings, 1980-1983 |
269S |
10 |
Clippings, 1983-1985 |
269S |
11 |
Clippings, 1986 |
269S |
12 |
South Asia Regional Studies, I, 1949-1960 |
270S |
2 |
South Asia Regional Studies, II, 1961-1984 |
270S |
3 |
South Asia studies, 1987-1989 |
270S |
4 |
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, 1970-1985 |
270S |
5 |
Soviet Life, Soviet visitors, 1967-1983 |
270S |
6 |
Soviet Scientists in Exile, 1981-1983 |
270S |
7 |
Soviet Union, Educational survey, 1958 |
270S |
8 |
Soviet Union, National Conference on, 1967, 1977 |
270S |
9 |
Space program and space research, 1965-1983 |
270S |
10 |
Spade Award, 1976-1983 |
270S |
11 |
Speech Code and racial harassment policy, (I), 1993-1994 |
270S |
12 |
Speech Code and racial harassment policy, (II), 1993-1994 |
270S |
13 |
Speech Code and racial harassment policy, (III), 1993-1994 |
271S |
1 |
Speech codes, news clippings and digests, 1993-1994 |
271S |
2 |
Speirs Panhellenic Award, Anne B., 1965-1967 |
271S |
3 |
Spencer Foundation, 1971, 1975 |
271S |
4 |
Spencer Lecture series, Herbert, 1973-1976 |
271S |
5 |
Sperry Rand Corp., 1956-1965 |
271S |
6 |
Sphinx and Key Society, 1934-1971 |
271S |
7 |
Sphinx Senior Society, 1948-1981 |
271S |
8 |
Sphinx Senior Society Fraternity Award, 1966-1976 |
271S |
9 |
Spoon Award, 1976-1983 |
271S |
10 |
Sports Medicine Center, 1979-1985 |
271S |
11 |
Spring Fling, 1980-1983 |
271S |
12 |
STAAR (Student Together Against Acquaintance Rape), 1991-1994 |
271S |
13 |
Stassen clippings (University), 1948-1970 |
271S |
14 |
State aid to education, 1947-1974 |
271S |
15 |
State appropriations |
I (clippings), 1932-1935 |
271S |
16 |
II( clippings, etc.), 1936-1958 |
272S |
1 |
III (clippings, etc.), 1959-1964 |
272S |
2 |
IV (clippings, etc.), 1965-1966 |
272S |
3 |
V (clippings, etc.), 1967-1968 |
272S |
4 |
VI (clippings, etc.), 1968-1970 |
272S |
5 |
VII (clippings, etc.), 1970-1972 |
272S |
6 |
VIII, 1977 |
273S |
1 |
IX, 1978-1983 |
273S |
2 |
State budget crisis, 1991-1992 |
273S |
3 |
State legislature, 1947-1982 |
273S |
4 |
State master plan for higher education, 1966-1971 |
273S |
5 |
State Operation Research Department, 1964-1981 |
273S |
6 |
Statistics on growth, 1953-1968 |
273S |
7 |
Status of women (U of P), 1969-1971 |
273S |
8 |
Steam plant, 1925-1966 |
273S |
9 |
Steinberg Memorial Lecture on the private enterprise system, Julius, 1982 |
273S |
10 |
Step-up, 1982-1983 |
273S |
11 |
Stimulus, 1985 |
273S |
12 |
Stouffer Triangle, 1971-1972 |
273S |
13 |
Straw vote-Presidential and miscellaneous, 1928-1944 |
273S |
14 |
Stress, 1982-1983 |
273S |
15 |
Strikes, 1971-1972 |
273S |
16 |
Strike (U of P Unionized employees) |
1971-1980 |
274S |
1 |
Housekeeping employees firing, I, 1977 |
274S |
2 |
Housekeeping employees firing, II, 1977 |
274S |
3 |
Student activities, 1944-1984 |
274S |
4 |
Student Activities Council, 1969-1982 |
275S |
1 |
Student Affairs Office, 1950-1984 |
275S |
2 |
Student Awards of Merit, 1940-1968 |
275S |
3 |
Student behavior, 1965-1969 |
275S |
4 |
Student Committee on Undergraduate Education, 1966-1985 |
275S |
5 |
Student deaths, 1982-1983 |
275S |
6 |
Student demonstrations and protests |
1965-1973 |
275S |
7 |
1972 |
275S |
8 |
Clippings, I, 1939-1982 |
276S |
1 |
Clippings, II, 1966-1976 |
276S |
2 |
Clippings, III, 1970-1982 |
276S |
3 |
Marches, etc. (National), 1970-1981 |
276S |
4 |
News releases, etc., 1965-1971 |
276S |
5 |
Student demonstration in the United States, Clippings, 1968, (I) |
276S |
6 |
Student demonstration in the United States, Clippings, 1968, (II) |
276S |
7 |
Student demonstration, policy, 1968 |
276S |
8 |
Student demonstration–Sit-in at College Hall, 1969 |
(I), Chronology of the Six-day Sit-in |
277S |
1 |
(II) |
277S |
2 |
(III) |
277S |
3 |
(IV) |
277S |
4 |
(V), Daily Pennsylvania coverage |
277S |
5 |
(VI) newspaper clippings |
277S |
6 |
American Council on Education Report to the Special Committee on Campus Tensions, 1970 |
277S |
6a |
Student discontent, 1968-1974 |
277S |
7 |
Student disrupters, 1970-1975 |
277S |
8 |
Student employment, 1925-1969 |
278S |
1 |
Student entrepreneur, 1986 |
278S |
2 |
Student/faculty administration, 1964-1979 |
278S |
3 |
Student financial aid |
I, 1928-1942 |
278S |
4 |
II, 1954-1963 |
278S |
5 |
III, 1964-1967 |
278S |
6 |
IV, 1968-1971 |
278S |
7 |
V, 1971-1979 |
278S |
8 |
VI, 1980-1985 |
278S |
9 |
Federal Emergency Relief Project, 1934-1935 |
279S |
1 |
National Youth Administration, 1935-1980 |
279S |
2 |
Student government, 1933-1984 |
279S |
3 |
Student health, 1931-1985 |
279S |
4 |
Student health insurance, 1962-1980 |
279S |
5 |
Student housing project–demolition of fraternity houses, 1967 |
279S |
6 |
Student judiciary, 1970-1972 |
279S |
7 |
Student Peace Union (Peace Society), 1935-1980 |
279S |
8 |
Student protest–Vietnam War, 1969 |
279S |
9 |
Student sit-in, 1971 |
279S |
10 |
Student sit-in, 1978 March (I) |
279S |
11 |
Student sit-in, 1978 March (II) |
279S |
12 |
Student sit-in (Rape Protest), 1973 Apr. 3 |
280S |
1 |
Student sit-in (War Protest), 1972 (I) |
280S |
2 |
Student sit-in (War Protest), 1972 (II) |
280S |
3 |
Student struggle for Soviet Jewry, 1983 |
280S |
4 |
Students for a Democratic Society, 1965-1972 |
280S |
5 |
Student volunteerism, 1986 |
280S |
6 |
Student-Community-Police relations, 1958-1969 |
280S |
7 |
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) demands, 1968-1969 |
280S |
8 |
Study on the Use of Lasix to race horses, 1990 |
280S |
9 |
Subcommittee on Recruiting of the University Council Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid, Report, Recruitment of Undergraduates, 1971 |
280S |
10 |
Suicide, 1933-1977 |
281S |
1 |
Summer Institute, 1956-1969 |
281S |
2 |
Summer jobs and programs, 1972-1983 |
281S |
3 |
Summer school and summer sessions |
I, 1960-1966 |
281S |
4 |
II, 1967-1978 |
281S |
5 |
III, 1978-1983 |
281S |
6 |
Sun Oil Company, 1962-1975 |
281S |
7 |
Sunshine Law, Clippings, 1974-1980 |
281S |
8 |
Superblock project–community redevelopment (relocation and displacement), 1968 |
281S |
9 |
Supreme Court law clerks, 1964 |
281S |
10 |
Survey of the Public Relations Activities of the University of Pennsylvania, Part IV, 1930 March |
(I) |
281S |
11 |
(II) |
281S |
12 |
(III) |
281S |
13 |
Systems Engineering, Department of, 1975-1976 |
281aS |
1 |
Systems Sciences, 1972 |
281aS |
2 |
Tandem accelerator, 1963-1981 |
281aS |
3 |
Tanenbaum Hall (new library of the Law School), 1993 |
281aS |
4 |
Tarzian Professorship in Armenian History and Culture, 1972-1982 |
281aS |
5 |
Task Force on University Governance, 1968-1970 |
281aS |
6 |
Surveys, 1974-1983 |
281S |
14 |
Swarthmore College, 1956-1975 |
281S |
15 |
Swift Collection, Jonathan, 1957 |
281S |
16 |
Sweeten Award, E. Craig, 1981-1982 |
281S |
17 |
Synagogue study, 1970-1972 |
281S |
18 |
Task Force on University Governance, Report, 1970 Aug. |
282S |
1 |
Task Force on University Governance, 1970-1979 |
282S |
2 |
Tau Beta Pi, 1949-1970 |
282S |
3 |
Tax exemptions, 1934-1981 |
282S |
4 |
Taylor Professorship in Entrepreneurial Studies, George W., 1979 |
282S |
5 |
Teacher preparation, 1962-1982 |
282S |
6 |
Teacher shortage, 1956-1958 |
282S |
7 |
Technological entrepreneurship, 1976 |
282S |
8 |
Tektite, I, 1969-1971 |
282S |
9 |
Tektite, II, 1970-1971 |
282S |
10 |
Television, Cable, 1979-1983 |
282S |
11 |
Television Fixed service, International (ITFS), 1972-1976 |
283S |
1 |
Television Programs |
1952 |
283S |
2 |
Concept, 1957-1981 |
283S |
3 |
Concept (photographs), 1957-1958 |
283S |
4 |
Courses, studies, etc., 1948-1979 |
283S |
5 |
Television seminar, 1959-1968 |
283S |
6 |
Television seminar, 1959-1968 |
283S |
7 |
Television-studies, I, 1974-1980 |
283S |
8 |
Television-studies, II, 1980-1983 |
283S |
9 |
Television violence |
I, 1967-1972 |
284S |
1 |
II, 1972-1977 |
284S |
2 |
III, 1977-1978 |
284S |
3 |
IV, 1979-1983 |
284S |
4 |
V (clippings), 1972-1979 |
284S |
5 |
Temple University, 1935-1979 |
284S |
6 |
Tenure, 1976-1983 |
284S |
7 |
“The Pennsylvania Way” TV series, 1958 |
284S |
8 |
Theatre Pennsylvania, 1970-1972 |
284S |
9 |
Theory/Practice Committee, 1995 |
284S |
10 |
Thermoluminescent (TL) dating, 1968-1975 |
284S |
11 |
3401 Walnut |
I, 1969-1974 |
285S |
1 |
II, 1972-1980 |
285S |
2 |
III, 1973 |
285S |
3 |
IV, 1972-1981 |
285S |
4 |
V, 1985 |
285S |
5 |
Photographs, 1974 |
285S |
6 |
Thouron award, 1960-1985 |
285S |
7 |
Tinken Lecture, 1981 |
285S |
8 |
Tongue showing, 1973 |
285S |
9 |
Total Quality Management, 1991 |
285S |
10 |
Tradition, U of P, 1946-1982 |
286S |
1 |
Transatlantic Technological Collaboration, 1967 Conference on, 1967 |
286S |
2 |
Transfers student admissions, 1969-1982 |
286S |
3 |
Transportation club, systems, studies, etc., 1970-1980 |
286S |
4 |
Transportation-consumer’s public hearing, 1953-1977 |
286S |
5 |
Treasurer, 1968-1973 |
286S |
6 |
Tree Day, 1966 |
286S |
7 |
Trees on campus, 1958-1977 |
286S |
8 |
Trustees |
I, 1960-1964 |
286S |
9 |
II, 1965-1967 |
286S |
10 |
III, 1968-1971 |
286S |
11 |
IV, 1972-1978 |
286S |
12 |
V, 1974-1975 |
286S |
13 |
VI, 1975-1978 |
287S |
1 |
VII, 1978-1981 |
287S |
2 |
VIII, 1981-1983 |
287S |
3 |
IX, 1982-1986 |
287S |
4 |
X (meeting agenda, etc.), 1988 |
287S |
5 |
Biographical material, 1988 |
287S |
6 |
Committee on Corporate Responsibility (General Motors), 1970-1971 |
287S |
7 |
External Affairs Committee minutes and agenda, 1993-1994 |
287S |
8 |
Finance Committee, 1971 |
287S |
9 |
Investment Committee, 1971-1972 |
287S |
10 |
Junior Board of, 1973 |
287S |
11 |
Office of the Chairman, 1974 |
288S |
1 |
Trustees’ Council of Penn Women, 1991-1993 |
288S |
2 |
Trustees meeting, 1971 May 6-7 |
288S |
3 |
Trustees meeting, 1971 Oct. |
288S |
4 |
Trustees meeting, 1972 Jan. 13-14 |
288S |
5 |
Trustees meeting, 1973 Jan. 11-12 |
288S |
6 |
Trustees meeting, 1974 Oct. 24-25 |
288S |
7 |
Trustees meeting (Resources Evaluation Committee), 1973 May 3-4 |
288S |
8 |
Trustees meeting (Resources Evaluation Committee), 1974 May 2 |
288S |
9 |
Trustees Professorship, 1982-1988 |
288S |
10 |
Tuition |
I, 1946-1957 |
289S |
1 |
II, 1958 Mar.-1960 Mar. |
289S |
2 |
III, 1960 Apr.-1962 |
289S |
3 |
IV, 1963-1966 |
289S |
4 |
V, 1968-1972 |
289S |
5 |
VI, 1972-1978 |
289S |
6 |
VII, 1978-1986 |
289S |
7 |
Clippings, I, 1963-1972 |
289S |
8 |
Clippings, II, 1973-1976 |
289S |
9 |
Clippings, III, 1976-1980 |
290S |
1 |
Clippings, IV, 1981-1983 |
290S |
2 |
Other colleges, 1960-1981 |
290S |
3 |
Tuition and financial aid |
Antitrust probe, 1989-1992 |
290S |
4 |
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Overlap trial, 1992 |
290S |
5 |
Tuition study by Time magazine, 1996 |
290S |
6 |
Tutoring programs, 1958-1970 |
290S |
7 |
Tutu, 1986 |
290S |
8 |
TV series–“Varsity, U.S.A.”, 1955-1961 |
290S |
9 |
TV violence, 1990-1994 |
290S |
10 |
Twentieth Century Fund, 1970-1971 |
290S |
11 |
Twenty-five year Club, 1955-1967 |
290S |
12 |
Undergraduate application package, 1992-1993 |
290S |
13 |
Undergraduate Assembly, 1974-1984 |
291S |
1 |
Undergraduate Council, 1932-1961 |
291S |
2 |
Undergraduate Education Conference, 1971 Oct. 1-2 |
291S |
3 |
Undergraduate Medical Association, 1967-1969 |
291S |
4 |
Undergraduate program, 1962-1986 |
291S |
5 |
Underwater Physiology, Symposium on, 1972 |
291S |
6 |
Unions (faculty), 1946-1983 |
291S |
7 |
United Nations, Model Conference, 1949-1982 |
291S |
8 |
United Nations, Pennsylvania Economic project and Conference, 1968-1981 |
291S |
9 |
United Negro College Fund, 1988 |
291S |
10 |
United Parcel Service (UPS) Foundation, 1968-1977 |
291S |
11 |
United Services Organization (USO) Award, 1982 |
292S |
1 |
United States Agency for International Development, 1967-1984 |
292S |
2 |
United States Air Force, 1969 |
292S |
3 |
United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1956-1965 |
292S |
4 |
United States Department of Defense, 1960-1974 |
292S |
5 |
United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1959-1982 |
292S |
6 |
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1967-1981 |
292S |
7 |
United States Department of Labor, 1971-1976 |
292S |
8 |
United States Department of the Interior, 1969-1970 |
292S |
9 |
United States Department of State, 1963-1971 |
292S |
10 |
United States Department of Transportation, 1968-1976 |
292S |
11 |
United States Higher Education Act of 1963, 1965, 1972, 1965-1972 |
292S |
12 |
United States Information Agency, 1955-1967 |
292S |
13 |
United States Navy Band, 1957 |
292S |
14 |
United States Office of Economic Opportunity, 1967-1971 |
292S |
15 |
United States Office of Education, 1955-1972 |
292S |
16 |
United States Presidents at Pennsylvania, University Annual Giving Report, 1975 |
292S |
16a |
United States Steel Foundation, 1955-1970 |
292S |
17 |
United Way, I, 1931-1968 |
292S |
18 |
United Way, II, 1972-1982 |
293S |
1 |
United Way/Penn’s Way, 1987-1994 |
293S |
2 |
Universe, 1982-1983 |
293S |
3 |
University |
Brochures, [1960s-1970s] |
293S |
4 |
Clippings, 1930-1967 |
293S |
5 |
Penn’s bicentennial publications, 1940-1950 |
293S |
6 |
Portrait of an University, (I), 1960 |
293S |
7 |
Portrait of an University, (II), 1965-1971 |
293S |
8 |
Portrait of an University, (III), pamphlets and brochures, 1964-1971 |
293S |
9 |
University Bookstore, [1925?]-1981 |
293aS |
1 |
University Boys Club, 1956-1960 |
293aS |
2 |
University Building Name Directory, 1992 |
293aS |
3 |
University City, University Citi week, 1982 |
293aS |
4 |
University advertising, 1971 |
293S |
10 |
University and the City of Philadelphia, Brochures “Standing Together…,” etc. , [1950s] |
293S |
11 |
University Archivist, 1984 |
293S |
12 |
University City Project |
City Planning Commission, 1958-1978 |
293aS |
5 |
Clippings, I, 1959-1960 |
293aS |
6 |
Clippings, II, 1961 |
293aS |
7 |
Clippings, III, 1962 |
293aS |
8 |
Clippings, IV, 1963 |
294S |
1 |
Clippings, V, 1964 |
294S |
2 |
Clippings, VI, 1965 |
294S |
3 |
Clippings, VII, 1966 |
294S |
4 |
Clippings, VIII, 1967 |
294S |
5 |
Clippings, IX, 1968 |
294S |
6 |
Clippings, X, 1969 |
294S |
7 |
Clippings, XI, 1970–1974 |
294S |
8 |
Clippings, XII, 1975-1981 |
294S |
9 |
File registration, miscellaneous, 1961-1974 |
294S |
10 |
Redevelopment Authority, 1959-1980 |
294S |
11 |
University City, I, 1961-1974 |
294S |
12 |
University City, II, 1975-1986 |
294S |
13 |
University City Associates, Inc., 1966-1972 |
294S |
14 |
University City High School, 1969-1976 |
294S |
15 |
University City Historical Society, 1970-1980 |
295S |
1 |
University City News Magazine, 1961-1978 |
295S |
2 |
University City Science Center and UCSC Corporation |
I (Building No.2), 1968-1980 |
295S |
3 |
II, 1964-1967 |
295S |
4 |
III, 1963-1979 |
295S |
5 |
IV, 1983-1985 |
295S |
6 |
University City Science Center- Uni-Coll Corporation, 1964-1982 |
295S |
7 |
University City Science Center-World Forum, 1979-1982 |
295S |
8 |
University City Science Institute, 1963-1975 |
295S |
9 |
University City Science Center- West Philadelphia Corp. |
I, 1959-1965 |
295S |
10 |
II, 1964-1981 |
295S |
11 |
III, 1985-1986 |
295S |
12 |
University Committee on Campus-Community Relations, 1960 |
295S |
13 |
University community, 1969-1971 |
295S |
14 |
University Council |
I, 1965-1969 |
295S |
15 |
II, 1968-1971 |
295S |
16 |
III, 1971-1982 |
296S |
1 |
IV, 1976-1986 |
296S |
2 |
University and Federal Government, 1966-1967 |
296S |
3 |
University and foreign countries, 1955-1967 |
296S |
4 |
University Development Commission, Report and news release, 1972-1973 |
296S |
5 |
University Forum, 1947-1983 |
296S |
6 |
“University Governance, the Planning Process and the Training of University Planners,” by Harold Taubin, 1970 |
296S |
7 |
University Guaranteed Mortgage Plan, 1966-1976 |
296S |
8 |
University Hilton Hotel, 1973-1983 |
296S |
9 |
University housing, 1967-1971 |
296S |
10 |
University judicial system, 1972-1982 |
296S |
11 |
University Management Information Systems, 1984 |
296S |
12 |
University-miscellaneous, 1932-1986 |
296S |
13 |
University Microfilms, Inc., 1967 |
296S |
14 |
University Museum, 1991-1995 |
296S |
15 |
University of Paris-Sorbonne, 1959-1981 |
296S |
16 |
University patents, 1979-1982 |
296S |
17 |
University of Pennsylvania Club of New York City, 1933-1969 |
296S |
18 |
University of Pennsylvania (Then and Now), 1953-1980 |
296S |
19 |
University of Pennsylvania Police Department, 1988-1990 |
296S |
20 |
University of Pennsylvania Solar Car Team, [1994] |
297S |
1 |
University of Pennsylvania, Organizational Sketch, 1974 |
297S |
2 |
University Ombudsman, 1971 |
297S |
3 |
University picnic, Photos, etc., 1966-1967 |
297S |
4 |
University Plaza Merchants Association, 1968-1974 |
297S |
5 |
University Policies and Procedures (Guidelines on Open Expression), 1992-1994 |
297S |
6 |
University policy and endowment campaign, Clippings, 1921 |
297S |
7 |
University Press |
I, 1920-1950 |
297S |
8 |
II, 1950-1969 |
297S |
9 |
III, 1971-1981 |
297S |
10 |
IV, 1982-1983 |
297S |
11 |
V, 1973-1986 |
297S |
12 |
Clippings, 1959-1978 |
297S |
13 |
University professorships, 1970-1983 |
298S |
1 |
University-related Center of the Tilden Middle School, 1969-1970 |
298S |
2 |
University Relations, 1985 |
298S |
3 |
University Senate |
I, 1952-1970 |
298S |
4 |
II, 1971-1982 |
298S |
5 |
III, 1982-1984 |
298S |
6 |
University size discussion, 1955-1972 |
298S |
7 |
University-State relations, Booklets and clippings, 1949-1961 |
298S |
8 |
University Television, 1977-1984 |
298S |
9 |
University television production and distribution center, 1967 |
298S |
10 |
University Year for Action program, 1971-1973 |
298S |
11 |
UPS Foundation Center for Urbanism and Human Resources, 1966-1974 |
298S |
12 |
UPS Foundation professorships, 1968-1973 |
298S |
13 |
“Upward Bound” Tutorial program, 1969-1985 |
298S |
14 |
Urban Coalition, 1970-1971 |
299S |
1 |
Urban government in the decade ahead: Technological Revolution in Management, 1967 |
299S |
2 |
Urban health care, 1971, 1974 |
299S |
3 |
Urban Leadership Training Program, 1970-1975 |
299S |
4 |
Urban Renewal and Higher Education, 1963-1973 |
299S |
5 |
Urban studies, 1968-1983 |
299S |
6 |
Urbanism, Colloquium on, 1971 |
299S |
7 |
Urbanism and Related Human Resources, University Council on, 1966-1968 |
299S |
8 |
Valley Forge property, 1971 |
299S |
9 |
Van American Professorship in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 1982 |
299S |
10 |
Van Pelt, Charles Patterson, 1961-1962 |
299S |
11 |
Vance Hall, Dedication and convocation, 1965-1974 |
299S |
12 |
“Van-pool” program, 1977-1980 |
299S |
13 |
Varsity Club, 1941-1964 |
299S |
14 |
Varsity Club Award, 1965, 1971 |
299S |
15 |
Venture Fund, 1974, 1982 |
299S |
16 |
Verifaxing, 1956-1957 |
299S |
17 |
Veterans, 1944-1979 |
299S |
18 |
Veteran’s Hospital, 1946-1972 |
299S |
19 |
Veterinary Medicine, School of |
I, 1961-1975 |
299S |
20 |
II, 1982 |
300S |
1 |
III, 1982-1983 |
300S |
2 |
IV, 1984-1986 |
300S |
3 |
Clippings, 1985-1991 |
300S |
4 |
Abdominal paracentesis and saline lavage in dogs, 1976 |
300S |
5 |
Advisory Board, 1972 |
300S |
6 |
Allam House at New Bolton Center, 1965-1974 |
300S |
7 |
ALPO grant for study of kidney failure in dogs, 1972 |
300S |
8 |
Alumni, 1959–1970 |
300S |
9 |
Alumni Day, 1980 |
300S |
10 |
American Veterinary Medical Association, 64th Annual meeting, 1927 |
300S |
11 |
American Veterinary Medical Association-convention, 1927 |
300S |
12 |
American Veterinary Medical Association-convention, 1973, 1973 |
301S |
1 |
American Veterinary Medical Association-student awards, 1970 |
301S |
2 |
Anatomy and Physiological Chemistry Laboratory Dedicated 1929 |
301S |
3 |
Animal (small) clinic, 1962-1974 |
301S |
4 |
Animal diseases-cardiovascular diseases, 1960-1963 |
301S |
5 |
Animal diseases-Farm animals, 1959-1982 |
301S |
6 |
Animal diseases-Laminitis, 1968 |
301S |
7 |
Animal lab care, 1965 |
301S |
8 |
Animal medical center, 1954-1973 |
301S |
9 |
Animal pathology (School of), 1937 |
301S |
10 |
Animal research, 1956-1977 |
301S |
11 |
Aquavet program, 1976-1980 |
301S |
12 |
Bovine Leukemia research, 1976, 1979 |
301S |
13 |
Cadillac Pet Foods Gift, 1965 |
301S |
14 |
Carriage driving, 1968 |
302S |
1 |
Cattle practice, 1964 |
302S |
2 |
Cattle-test for leukemia, 1964-1979 |
302S |
3 |
Center on Interactions of Animals and Society, 1979-1980 |
302S |
4 |
Clinical Studies, Department of (Section of Reproduction), 1968-1969 |
302S |
5 |
Comparative cardiovascular unit, 1960-1967 |
302S |
6 |
Conference, 1974 Jan. 29 |
302S |
7 |
Continuing education, I, 1974-1975 |
302S |
8 |
Continuing education, II, 1977-1979 |
302S |
9 |
Costs and enrollments, 1975 |
302S |
10 |
Council on Veterinary Medical Education and Research, 1956 |
302S |
11 |
DRF articles on NBC, 1972-1975 |
302S |
12 |
Economics, 1962 |
302S |
13 |
Exotic animals, 1975, 1977 |
303S |
1 |
Feature article by Berks (Lehigh farmer), [1966 Oct.] |
303S |
2 |
Feature article-Philadelphia Tribune, 1973 Apr. |
303S |
3 |
Federated Medical Resources Information from Stanley Wampler, undated |
303S |
4 |
Ferrets, 1977 |
303S |
5 |
Fineman Admissions Case, 1977 |
303S |
6 |
First Demonstration Conference, photos, 1960 May |
303S |
7 |
Ground-breaking, 1961 Sept. |
303S |
8 |
Hanover Shoe Farms, 1960-1968 |
303S |
9 |
“History” for JAMA, 1971-1977 |
303S |
10 |
Hogs CCSU-hardening of the arteries, 1965 |
303S |
11 |
Horses equine influenza vaccine and surgery, 1967-1975 |
303S |
12 |
ICRM dedication, photos, 1963 Sept. 25 |
303S |
13 |
Interdisciplinary Cancer Research Facility, 1963 |
303S |
14 |
Jenny Professorship, 1973-1974 |
303S |
15 |
Kennel Club donations, 1975 |
303S |
16 |
Kline Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Center, C. Mahlon, 1971-1975 |
303S |
17 |
Large Animals Clinic at New Bolton Center, 1974-1980 |
303S |
18 |
Leukemia research (interview with Marshak and Dutcher), 1964-1968 |
303S |
19 |
Lymphangiography-Dr. Skelley, 1963, 1967 |
303S |
20 |
Mailing list, 1979 |
303S |
21 |
Manor House Cocktail party, 1965 May |
303S |
22 |
Maryland Horseman Donation, 1973 |
303S |
23 |
Media-practicing veterinarian, 1968-1969 |
303S |
24 |
Murphy Research Laboratories, James Macmillan, 1962 |
303S |
25 |
Myrin Memorial Research Building, 1971 |
303S |
26 |
NBC (New Bolton Center) contracts, photos, 1976 |
303S |
27 |
NBC (New Bolton Center), photos, miscellaneous, undated |
303S |
28 |
NBC (New Bolton Center)-Fairman Rogers Collection, 1975-1977 |
303S |
29 |
New Bolton Center |
I, 1952-1963 |
303S |
30 |
II, 1966-1974 |
304S |
1 |
III, 1974-1977 |
304S |
2 |
IV, 1980-1982 |
304S |
3 |
New Bolton Center-Benefits, 1968 |
304S |
4 |
New Bolton Center-clippings, 1960-1975 |
304S |
5 |
New Bolton Center-open house, 1975-1977 |
304S |
6 |
New Jersey statement, 1974 |
304S |
7 |
Nordon Animal Teacher Award, 1963 |
304S |
9 |
Osteoarthritis and tendosynovitis, 1961-1962 |
304S |
10 |
Palto Alto (Mexico)-Labs for research, 1954-1960 |
304S |
11 |
Parasitology Conference, 1965. |
304S |
12 |
Patients-contact lens for tigress, 1972 |
304S |
13 |
Patients-Count’s five years on pacemaker, 1967-1972 |
304S |
14 |
Patients-Creme Dela Creme (horse), 1963-1966 |
305S |
1 |
Patients-George (dog, blood donor, 1963-1965 |
305S |
2 |
Patients-German Shepherd (dog with TB), 1965 |
305S |
3 |
Patients-Hoist the Flag, 1971 |
305S |
4 |
Patients-Isle of Wight, 1973 |
305S |
5 |
Patients- Jewel, 1966 |
305S |
6 |
Patients-King and Kraut, 1966-1973 |
305S |
7 |
Patients-Kundur (tiger with a toothache), 1972-1975 |
305S |
8 |
Patients-Leo (lion), 1965-1979 |
305S |
9 |
Patients-Miscellaneous, 1963-1977 |
305S |
10 |
Patients-Native Prince, 1967-1968 |
305S |
11 |
Patients-“Prince Thou Art” (horse), 1975 |
305S |
12 |
Patients-Ruffian (horse), 1975 |
305S |
13 |
Patients-Shaji (tiger with a cataract), 1976-1977 |
305S |
14 |
Patients-Swale, 1984 |
305S |
14a |
Patients-Tiger Monty (root canal surgery), 1978 |
305S |
15 |
Patients-Tim Tam (horse), 1958-1959 |
305S |
16 |
Patients-Unsinkable Molly B (dog), 1964 |
305S |
17 |