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Dean of Women. General Records UPE 7.4

Access to collections is granted in accordance with the Protocols for the University Archives and Records Center.

Summary Information

Date [inclusive]
16.0 Cubic feet


This collection has not been fully processed. The following preliminary inventory is available.



Correspondence files 



Alumnae Senior dinner, 1952‑1953 



Alumnae Society (Graduate School,) 1941‑1950 



Am. Assoc. of Colleges, 1949 



Am. Cancer Society, 1948 



Arts and Crafts, 1945‑1951 



Bicentennial Folder, 1939‑1940 



Bulletin Forum, 1950‑1954 



Christmas Tea, 1950‑1955 



Committee of Deans, 1952‑1956 (Minutes) 



Inter‑Group Relations, 1954‑1956 



Inventory of Dean of Women’s Office, 1936 



Duplicates of Mimeo and Printed Work (No date) 



Sussman Memorial Fund, 1949‑1951 



War Job Info Center, 1942‑1943 



War Job Info Center, 1943‑1945 



Journal Book, Bennett Club, 1945/1954 



Journal Book, Office of the Dean of Women, 1950‑1954 



Journal Book, Yeatman House, 1951‑1954 




Correspondence Files and Materials for Budget 



Activity Fee, Women’s History of to B and G Residence Request 



Business ‑ Vice‑president to Displaced persons, Committee on 



Dormitory for Women budget to Freshman Handbook‑previous 



Freshman Week, Committee on to High School Day 



Hinkel, O.H. Approved Housing to NAWDC 1960 Convention 



National Conference for a Free Europe to Petty Cash, 1944‑1946 



Petty Cash ‑ 1945‑1947 to Residence Budget 



Residence Budget ‑ 1958‑1959 to Statement Dean of Women 



Statement ‑ Dean of Women 11 to Woodcrest House 



Women’s Glee Club to Zeta Tau Alpha 






C. Gimbel Award 



Chi Alpha Phi 



Class books, 1954‑1960 



Class Day, 1965‑1966 



Class Lists for 1966‑1967 



Educational Survey 



Eligibility Code 



Foreign Student Advisor 



Freshman Camp, 1958‑1964 



General Nursing, 1956 



Hey Day and Ivy Day, 1955‑present (1st folder) 



Hey Day and Ivy Day, 1955‑present (2nd and 3rd folder) 



High School Day 1956‑57 Comments 



Honor System 



Intergroup Relations 



International House 



Kay House 



King’s Court 



Lucy Stone League 



Middle States Assn. 



National Mental Health Foundation 



National Student Association 



Nursing Education Students, Sept. 1955 



Oral Hygiene, Class of 1952 



Parent’s Day 



Pennsylvania News 






Physical Education Department 



Pi Lambda Theta 



Purchasing Department 






Religious Organizations Comm. 



School of Nursing (5 yr. degree program) 



Sphinx and Key 



Statistics ‑ General Enrollment 



Student Organization Registrations, 1953 



Veterinary School 



Women’s Athletic Assoc. 



Women’s Faculty Club Comm. on Hey Day Award 



Class Minutes, 1951‑1959 



Panhellenic Association Rushing Handbook, 1947-1965 



Red and Blue Handbook, 1943‑1964 



Sergeant Hall, 1950‑1951 



Scrapbook, 1936 



White Bibles 



Scrapbook, 1947 



Debate (Women’s) Correspondence 1937‑1938 




Dean of Women’s Files 



Women’s Government Advisor’s materials, 1932-1959 



Women’s Govt. Civil Rights Forum, 1963 



Class files: Alumna, Hey Day, etc. Class of 1962 ‑ Class of 1966 



Hey Day, 1962‑1965, 1967‑ 1968 



Orientation Syllabi, 1951‑1952 through 1966 



Valedictorian speeches, 1963‑1967 



A History of Women’s Activities at the ‑University of Pennsylvania [1919 and on]” (compiled 1934‑1936), 4 vols. 



WSGA Scrapbook, 1928‑1931 



Women’s Residence Hall ‑ Finances, Plaques, Drive and Dedication, 1951‑1961 



Dormitory Drive, 1956‑1959 



Advisory Board to the Dean of Women, 1958‑1965 



Association of Alumnae, 1948‑1960 



Final Report to the Provost by the Alumnae Committee of the University of Penna. on Educational Programs for Women,” September, 1952 



Publicity, 1950‑1957 



Senior Dinner for Women, 1955‑1958 



College for Women, Class of 1964 ‑ Minutes, 196019‑63 



U. of P. Personnel Group, Minutes, etc., 1948‑1958 



Constitution Bennett Union, 1967 
