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Penn History

Degrees offered and awarded by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School (1881-present) in chronological order:

Name of Degree Abbreviation Years in which the degree was awarded
Bachelor of Finance B.F. 1884-1890 (Two bachelor degrees were awarded to Wharton students in 1883 but the Wharton-specific B.F. degree began in 1884)
Bachelor of Philosophy Ph.B. 1885-1894
Bachelor of Science in Economics B.S. in Econ. 1894-present
Master of Business Administration M.B.A. 1922-present (from 1921-1932, the M.B.A. degree was considered to be a research degree and was awarded by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
Master of Governmental Administration M.G.A. 1944-1978
Associate in Business Administration A.B.A. 1955-present
Master of Science in Accounting M.S.A. 1966-1980
Associate in Governmental Administration A.G.A. 1968-1978
Master of Public Administration M.P.A. 1972-1978
Bachelor of Business Administration B.B.A. 1973-present